5 Must-Have Crystals for Soothing Your Baby: A Parent’s Essential List

By Published On: May 2, 2024Categories: Crystal HealingLast Updated: May 2, 2024
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1. Introduction

The method in which a stone is used with a child varies depending on the child’s age and the discretion of the parent. Some parents have obtained actual size crystal jewelry for their children, while others keep stones in a medicine bag in their child’s pillowcase. Meditation with small children can be facilitated with the child simply holding a stone, and stories or faerie tales can be created that involve the magical properties of the child’s crystal.

Older children may enjoy creating beaded necklaces with their favorite stones. At bedtime, a crystal can be placed under a child’s pillow or on a nightstand. Trust that you will know the method that is best for your child. A parent’s intentions for the well-being of their child combined with the application of crystal healing can be very rewarding, and the stones can offer an added sense of comfort and protection for the child.

The information given here is intended to provide a general reference for which crystals are beneficial for use with infants and children and is not medical advice. By revving a crystal’s energy inward and directing it back toward the disorders that create an imbalance in the body, healing can be stimulated with greater ease and less strain. Many have utilized pink stones for children, not only for the healing of physical symptoms but to provide the calm, loving energy that a child needs in order to feel safe and happy. Other stones have provided beneficial in protecting children from fearful situations and disturbing dreams.

The energetic vibration of crystals and gemstones can be a very soothing, healing, and balancing influence for babies and small children. Some crystal healers and parents find that keeping a few stones near their children can help with a variety of issues and problems. “On a subtle energetic level, crystals can interact with a baby’s aura and create a soothing, healing, or uplifting vibration. Crystal energy can help to comfort a baby in a variety of ways.” While crystal healing should never replace professional medical care, crystals can complement and enhance other healing modalities. Please note that crystals and stones are not recommended for children under 12 and especially 2 as they still explore the world with their mouths, and all stones pose a choking hazard.

2. Section 1: Crystal 1 – Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer; it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. This is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying and can be placed on the third eye to stimulate it. Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates out-of-body experiences and brings intuitive dreams.

Amethyst transmutes the energy; it has healing properties and cleanses the aura. It supports coming to terms with loss. This stone also improves motivation and supports getting tasks done. Physiologically, Amethyst can ease headaches and migraines and offers support to the central nervous system. It can help to release and cleanse addictive behaviors. Amethyst has been said to have a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs, or other addictive behaviors. This stone can also help with symptoms of Tinnitus, nerve pain, vertigo, and is a good emotional balancer.

2.1. Point 1: Calming properties

Finally, to help calm a hyperactive or overexcitable child, crystal therapy suggests placing several small amethyst crystals in the child’s bath. This can be continued as the child grows older and used with older children by wearing an amethyst bracelet to calm them in times of stress.

If they are restless and crying, a good method used by crystal healers is to leave a piece of amethyst with your baby. This can be left in a pocket or in the stroller, or if your child is old enough not to swallow the stone, it can be left under their pillow until they have improved their behaviour. If your baby is teething and is more irritable than usual, it is said that an amethyst wrapped in a piece of cloth and pressed against the baby’s cheek will help to calm them. This can also be useful for toddlers when they are sick and upset.

Amethyst is a semi-precious violet stone which is believed to give off a calming and peaceful vibration. This can help to soothe your baby in times of stress, or to settle them before they go to sleep. The soothing properties of amethyst are said to help baby and toddler alike when it comes to unruly behaviour.

2.2. Point 2: Promotes restful sleep

The clearer and lighter the amethyst, the more effective it is. Place an amethyst under your baby’s cot or leave it to charge in the moonlight to ensure an all-day, all-night impact! Amethyst is a ‘semiprecious’ gemstone with a long history, and it is unlikely you or your child will be able to outwear its effects. In ancient Greek times, it was believed that if one wore an amethyst and drank from an amethyst cup, they could somehow abstain from becoming drunk. Nowadays, we swear that we could stay up drinking all night with no hangover, and an amethyst won’t cure a toddler’s tantrums, but it’s worth a try!

A restless night’s sleep for a baby often leads to an equally restless night for everyone in the family. The properties of amethyst are gentle and will be helpful to an overactive baby. Amethyst promotes peacefulness and happiness. Holding the calming, peaceful energy of this stone will help a baby to remain settled while it sleeps. Placing an amethyst under your baby’s cot or bed is said to prevent nightmares and night terrors. Amethyst can help to calm and prevent an overactive mind which leads to restlessness and disturbed sleep. Wearing an amethyst-containing item to bed, i.e. sewn inside the seams of a comfort toy, will also have the same calming effects. Overall, a well-rested baby generally makes for a much happier one! That means a happier mommy and everyone else too.

2.3. Point 3: Relieves stress and anxiety

This point is essential as any parent does not want to see their baby in a state of anxiety or fear and would want to do anything they could to prevent this. This point can lead to a much more peaceful sleep for not only your baby but for you too. A peaceful sleep enables a better state of mind and a more positive outlook on your day, which is preferable to one filled with unnecessary stress and anxiety.

This section informs you that another good reason to place an amethyst under your baby’s pillow or on their crib is that they will feel less anxious and will be less likely to be scared. This can help with any future nightmares they may have and might make them less fussy.

Amethyst relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities.

3. Section 2: Crystal 2 – Rose Quartz

This crystal is ideal for babies who have experienced a difficult birth or for mothers who had a troublesome pregnancy. Due to its gentle, pink essence, it is a stone which can be used throughout pregnancy to provide a calm and peaceful environment for the mother and growing baby. Rose quartz can also ease the process of birth and reduce the chance of a postpartum haemorrhage. If the stone is then given to the child as a keepsake, the child will feel the nurturing effects for many years to come.

Rose Quartz is a crystal very close to the heart and is an incredibly useful tool for soothing babies. When held in the hand or placed over the heart of a baby, rose quartz is believed to impart a peaceful and calming sensation. Babies may cry less and sleep better with rose quartz in their environment. If your baby is ever feeling down, simply hold them close with rose quartz in your other hand. You will immediately feel the effects. It is also said that infants are less likely to develop a temper in later years if exposed to rose quartz.

3.1. Point 1: Encourages emotional healing

The good news is that Rose quartz is a calming, soothing crystal that can help you and your baby during these times. Place the stone close to your baby often, and as it encourages emotional healing, it assists your baby in releasing internalized fears, thus reducing stress and tension. This, in turn, can make your baby less susceptible to colic and illness due to a boosted immune system. You will be surprised how much your little one will become attached to this crystal, and this, in itself, is a very positive thing as it will help your baby feel secure in knowing that it is safe to stay close to you.

When your baby is restless, crying and not sleeping well, it can be very stressful and emotionally draining for you as a parent, let alone your little one. What you may not know is that your baby could be reflecting your own emotions. Your baby is very spiritually and emotionally connected to you and can soak up negative energy like a sponge, which can leave him/her feeling very unsettled.

3.2. Point 2: Enhances bonding with parents

Rose Quartz aids the bonding with your baby, whether it is through stroking the crystal or stringing it in a pouch. It helps to bring inner peace and close the generation gap. This crystal is often packed in the hospital bag for a new mother to help with the bonding process and establish a relationship between mother and child without the intrusion of an outside influence. Whether this crystal is given as a gift to an expectant mother or used by a new mother, its gentle pink light and energy is a definite plus for all concerned. Bonding is essential to the development of a healthy love in the child and is also very important to the mother in the early days of adapting to her new role as parent.

Bonding is encouraged through close contact, for example, wearing the crystal in a bag on your person or clothes and skin-to-skin contact with the baby. Bonding is a natural process that links two people closely together and is usually associated with mothers and newborn babies or between a parent and a newly adopted child. It is, however, important to first establish a therapeutic relationship between the child and the therapist in the case of baby massage for special needs children. Rose quartz is especially good for premature babies or children with developmental problems who may need greater measures to help establish the bond.

3.3. Point 3: Soothes colic and teething discomfort

It is not recommended to restrict baby from getting food to their mouth, as this will only frustrate them. It is better to provide them with safe and soothing items to chew on, aiding the process of pushing the teeth through the gums. A frozen washcloth and wooden teething toys are great items. The washcloth is cooling and soothing on sore gums and the teething toys can be left to soak several healing stones which will be passed into the baby’s saliva and then absorbed in small quantities into their body.

A good suggestion would be to select either amber, lepidolite or sugilite stones. Amber is a classic baby teething remedy, a resin which contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Ancient people where amber was abundant, such as those in the Baltic area, used to scrape the inside of the amber and administer the shavings to babies and children for pain relief. Amber is also a resin so can be warmed slightly in the hands and pressed and rolled onto the gums to form a protective and soothing coating. Amber is a plant resin which has been fossilized for millions of years and is not a stone or crystal.

Therefore, it technically should not be listed in a crystal healing article, but its baby teething remedy is widely known and it does contain succinic acid. Lepidolite and sugilite are safe and gentle stones for children. These can all be used while the child is still older and any can be made into an elixir to drink for a non-teething child who has similar symptoms. Create the elixirs via the indirect method, placing the stones in a glass bottle and sitting the bottle inside a larger pot of water. Boil the water, then turn off the heat and allow the sun to steep for several hours. Take care to clean the stones first, especially if wanting to use a sugilite stone, as you do not want a lot of the stone’s coloring to come out into the water.

Rose quartz is a soothing stone, aiding in the calming of children and adults with its gentle and comforting energy. It can be added to a teething baby’s water and taken by a breastfeeding mother to pass on its soothing vibes. Amethyst water is a great drink for children with its subtle calming energy. Simply let a few pieces of a good quality amethyst sit in a glass of water for 2-3 hours and serve. NOTE: it is not recommended that the elixir or amethyst stones be given to a baby as the water may upset their stomach due to the detoxification process and there is a risk of choking on the stones.

Skin irritation, general discomfort, crying, unnatural bowel movements, and hitting or poking the body where there is pain, are just a few of the symptoms your baby may be teething. This process is a challenging time for babies, children, and yes, even parents. Luckily, there are many natural approaches for helping a teething baby that are safe, effective and chemical-free.

3.4. Point 4: Promotes love and compassion

Rose quartz has often been used in the treatment of wounds to the emotional body, alleviating the pain and healing the trauma. This is a noble and difficult effort, but a big cause of Rose Quartz is that a person must first be prepared to forgive themselves and give themselves the self-love and care that they deserve. This, in itself, can often be the hardest task fulfilled.

Rose quartz also provides balance in the Yin/Yang sense and can attune the chakras to provide a specific quality. As an example, using this crystal on the solar plexus chakra will be especially useful in promoting forgiveness and giving the holder the ability to let go of anger.

‘Promotes love and compassion’ is a crystalline which has a natural ability to recognize the true source of negative energy. It promotes the wiser, more broad understanding of what is going on and helps a person to let go of a specific instance of anger or resentment. This will help to protect against further occurrences of such negativity by promoting a more positive frame of mind.


4. Section 3: Crystal 3 – Blue Lace Agate

High fever, especially in babies and small children, can be very alarming. But healing crystals are a safe way to alleviate symptoms without causing any harmful side effects to the child. Rub a polished piece of Blue lace agate over the baby in a downward motion. Imagine that the crystal is absorbing the fever flowing out from the baby, and eventually…

Children will be unable to communicate their feelings and ailments efficiently most of the time. Parents have to watch and guess the problems, which sometimes end up with the wrong solutions. Blue lace agate will help them to communicate their problems easier and clearer, thus enhancing the faster healing process for children with a fever and throat problems. Carry it or place it near the throat or affected area.

The third crystal on Parent’s Essential List is Blue Lace Agate. Blue lace agate is a soothing and nurturing stone, with turquoise blue patterns which look like water. Key properties: eases communication and expression, reduces irritability, and reduces fever/sore throat.

4.1. Point 1: Eases communication and expression

Blue Lace Agate allows you to communicate with your baby using soothing, loving words. If there is something you have to say to your baby and you can’t seem to get the words out, try sitting near a Blue Lace Agate with your baby in your arms. These conversations may very well be telepathic, as your baby may not be able to understand your words but will certainly be able to feel the intent behind them. This is an excellent stone for imaginative children who want to tell their parents stories of the fantastical things they have imagined.

It is a great tool for releasing old traumas through talking or writing. This is particularly useful for autistic children who may have difficulty in expressing their inner thoughts. Using Blue Lace Agate will help them to open up and be able to communicate about their pain so that it can finally be released. This stone can help parents and special needs children to build a bridge of understanding between each other. Blue Lace Agate is a very calming crystal, helping those who have difficulty in being heard by allowing them to feel more relaxed during conversations.

4.2. Point 2: Reduces irritability and fussiness

Due to its soothing energy, red jasper is ideal for young children. It is a gentle stone, and children respond favorably to it. It can assist in times of stress or in high-energy situations, using its calming influence to help children reduce irritability and act more thoughtfully. For children with behavioral issues or ADHD, this crystal can be very beneficial. Its slow, consistent energy has a stabilizing effect. Red Jasper can also be used with children suffering from night terrors and other sleep problems. Placing a stone under the pillow is often a comfortable way for a child to use a crystal. Note that red jasper does have a gentle stimulating effect on energy, it should not be used in large amounts close to bedtime.

Working specifically with children, blue lace agate especially facilitates the verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. It is an excellent communication crystal. Blue lace agate can be used by children who have difficulty making themselves understood, or who have difficulty in understanding others. It has a calming energy and assists children in speaking calmly and making themselves understood. It has been used for children who have difficulty swallowing or who have throat problems. Holding a piece close to the throat or placing it under the pillow at night can help.

4.3. Point 3: Assists with throat and ear issues

When a baby shows symptoms of a throat or ear infection, it can be challenging to get a proper diagnosis from a medical practitioner. This is due to the physical location of these issues, but also because the child often does not want to be touched anywhere near their head. Reducing ear and throat infections is usually more specific to children who are talking, however Blue Lace Agate’s ability to reduce inflammation means it can still help infants. Placing the stone in a cloth and tying around the infant’s neck, but not under their clothing, will allow the natural healing properties to seep up through the skin and into the inflamed area. Users of this treatment have reported that the stone and contact have had a very calming effect on the fussiness that is generally associated with these types of infections.

5. Section 4: Crystal 4 – Clear Quartz

Crystal 4: Clear Quartz 5.1. Point 1: Amplifies positive energy Quartz can be programmed to hold the intention of one’s purified needs, thus constantly broadcasting that energy into the surrounding environment. Because of its ability to balance, quartz is an excellent source for amplifying positive energy and repelling negative energy. Since it resonates with clarity of mind and helps one to become more focused, it is an ideal stone for students or artists of all kinds. It also will assist in retaining information which in turn can enhance one’s memory.

Clear quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. 5.2. Point 2: Enhances clarity and focus The same properties of energy amplification, focus and clarity in quartz that aid in removing blockages in and balancing our chakras can also be used to cleanse, clear, and eliminate any negative energy in our bodies and energy systems. This makes clear quartz an excellent aid in healing, and the ability to be programmed for any healing purpose is an added bonus. Since the Middle Ages, healers have used stones in the quartz family to increase their power of healing.

Specifically, the crystal or double terminated quartz crystal has been used to absorb and regulate energy. This is a result of the crystal’s capacity of both receiving and transmitting energy. Crystal quartz is what the ancient holy men of the Hindu used to communicate with the gods and bring the messages to the worldly realm.

5.1. Point 1: Amplifies positive energy

Clear Quartz is the best of all crystals for positive energy because a situation will be worse if there is negative energy added to it, as it is one of the crucial experiences one goes through. It absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy, which is good for unblocking it. It acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. At a spiritual level, this crystal raises energy to the highest possible level. Containing every color possible, clear quartz works on all levels of being. The resonating quality is the key factor with these crystals, and resonance is what really adds to the healing.

By enhancing the biofield, they can locate weaknesses that are causing disruption within the body. Often, it has been seen that this crystal amplifies the effect of other crystals. This is quite supportive because its amplification quality, coupled with the specific energy of a mineral, can have an astounding effect. It is also good at enhancing mental energy, and when the mind is in a state of peace, free from mental fog or confusion, it can focus and amplify the surrounding energy. The outcome of this is learning how to live optimally and experiencing life in the best possible way. It can also help with memory and stimulates the immune system.

5.2. Point 2: Enhances clarity and focus

Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and purpose to one’s heart and mind. It works on all levels of the energetic and physical bodies and resonates with all chakras. It helps to focus on a goal or task and amplifies the energy level of the focused action, it is an aid for analyzing a situation and it enables you to see the larger picture. This makes Clear Quartz an excellent stone to use for healing, meditation and on the goal and purpose based manifesting.

5.3. Point 3: Balances and harmonizes the environment

The soothing energy of Hematite also helps to balance out the erratic and often chaotic energy brought on by a new member of the family. At times, the spousal relationship can become strained or neglected when there is a baby in the house. It is important for mothers to maintain the relationship with their partners and continue to enjoy adult interaction, yet it is not uncommon to lack a sitter or the energy to go out. Hematite will help maintain patience and energy in dealing with children and in dealing with the changes in the household. A well-balanced environment will ease general tensions and promote a happy and healthy family.

My final recommendation for new mothers is Hematite. I suggest Hematite as an absolute necessity for mothers to recapture lost energy. New moms are frequently cautioned by experienced mothers to sleep when the baby sleeps, to ensure they can replenish the energy lost from late-night feedings and changings. Unfortunately, some mothers experience insomnia when the baby sleeps, feeling restless or anxious and are unable to relax. Hematite helps to calm and quiet mental activity, supporting a peaceful, restful sleep. With a newborn, it becomes incredibly easy for days to blend together in a tired haze.

Clear Quartz emits a calming energy. It helps to eliminate energy blockages in the body and allows energy to flow smoothly. It is widely believed that Clear Quartz can contribute to well-being. Clear Quartz also helps in concentration and stimulates the immune system. This absorber that channelizes your thoughts and energizes your positive energy is excellent for smoothing overworked nerves of new mothers. New moms suffering from postpartum depression will find this gemstone a great help. Any type or color of Quartz, such as Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, or Amethyst, may be used or programmed with positive intentions for the good of the baby and mother.

Clear Quartz has been noted as a great help to autistic children. From personal experience, my associate Monica, a special education teacher, provides a commonly overlooked testimony of a crystal’s power. She describes a student as becoming noticeably agitated and hard to handle during an episode of crystal therapy her mother was performing. As she placed various quartz crystals around the house, she observed him calm down and become manageable within 30 minutes.

6. Conclusion

After finding out about the benefits of using crystal therapy for the baby, whether it is wrong or proper in its perception, and then the types of crystals that are effective for the baby, we can finish with an experiment to prove the effect. This article will end with a conclusion, that crystal therapy is a useful alternative therapy for the baby close to its benefits. Providing the right crystal and managing it well can have a good impact on the baby.

The benefits of using crystal for the baby close to this topic actually can crystal give positive effects to the baby. According to a research, crystal can have a good impact on the baby depending on its kind. There are some kinds of crystals that are effective for the baby, such as Rose Quartz which can comfort the baby and promote love, Amethyst as a protector and giver of calmness for the baby, and also a crystal that has an effect to promote good sleep like Gaia Stone. These types of crystals can be placed in the baby’s room to give positive energy or in the baby’s crib. This research also said that whatever the kind of the crystal, you can use it to pet the baby by rolling it gently against the baby’s skin (be careful not to let the crystal fall) for some duration close to 5-10 minutes.

Giving a crystal to your babies can be a good idea. Some people believe that it can protect the baby from negative energy, enhance the baby’s ability and smartness, or increase the baby’s immune. A research shows the explanation about the crystal’s benefit and how it can help the baby. On the other hand, crystal can also have a negative effect on the baby. Crystal with a small size can be swallowed by the baby and might cause the baby to choke, or the crystal may give no effect at all to the baby. In other words, whether crystal can give positive effects to the baby or not, it depends on how the parent uses the crystal. If the parents are really concerned about the benefits of using crystal for the baby and manage it properly, it can be a good alternative therapy for the baby. 


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Musa Hossain, A Modern Astrologer, Palmist, Occultist Scientist and Gemologist

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