The Ultimate Guide: Crystal Healing for Babies Demystified

1. Introduction
The Complete Crystal Guide for Babies is not just for babies; it is for people of any age who wish to learn a safe and gentle approach to natural healing. This guide will help you understand the often misunderstood principles of holistic healing and offers easy-to-follow steps for identifying and solving a multitude of health problems. From colic and nappy rash to chicken pox and bedwetting, we can advise on a wide variety of solutions using healing crystals, flower essences, and homeopathic remedies. Our techniques explained are universal and can be used on yourself, another person, or a pet. We believe it is never too early to fight against conventional high doses of medication or antibiotics. By instilling confidence and a positive attitude, anything is possible!
Welcome to your one-stop online resource for definitive information on using crystals for health and wellbeing. Working with crystals can be a fun and rewarding experience, albeit an extremely confusing and intimidating one for most people. The comprehensive, easy-to-read guide is the perfect handbook for parents or carers who wish to get to grips with crystal healing and learn how to utilise the human body’s innate healing process.
2. Benefits of Crystal Healing for Babies
The benefits of using crystals for children are very similar to those for adults, but often have more profound effects as their young systems are often more responsive on all levels. As with anyone, it is important to remember that children are individuals, so the parent will often find their own ways to use the appropriate crystals. A child should be allowed to choose a crystal from a selection that has been well researched and pre-selected for safety, and then keep that crystal with them or wear it as appropriate. We all know how much children generally love to make their own decisions, and they are usually closer to the subtle worlds and are thus naturally receptive to crystal healing. It is certainly worth making the crystal treatment of children’s problems and ailments a joint venture between adult and child. A child who has been attuned to Reiki may also benefit from crystal healing by being drawn to place crystals on a teddy bear or other toy, so that they are receiving a ‘crystal healing’ alongside giving one with their small hands using the teddy as a ‘palm stone. In this way, children can easily be taught by example to use their natural healing abilities on themselves and others. This is, after all, exactly how we adults improve our own healing and re-balancing methods with crystal therapy: working on ourselves while placing appropriate healing crystals, perhaps with an energy circle, on a prepared print of our anatomy, reflexology, or acupuncture charts.
2.1. Promotes relaxation and sleep
Using a power point quartz crystal, program the crystal prior to the baby sleeping, with the intention that the crystal will send energy to relax and soothe the baby while they sleep. This technique is very effective as re-programmed quartz crystals will hold their programmed energy and intention for a lengthy period of time. With the 7 different types of chakras that are positioned throughout the baby’s body, using colored chakra crystals can also help promote relaxation and soothing in the baby. But the most effective method in crystal healing to promote relaxation and sleep in a baby is the use of crystal elixirs.
Sleeping is the primary activity of babies and newly nursed infants. They require a lot of sleep in order to regenerate their body and brain growth. It is also said that sleeping promotes normal growth in babies. Since crystal healing can assist adults in relaxation and sleep, it is highly effective for stressed mothers to use crystals with their babies. The crystals can be placed around the baby’s sleeping area while they sleep. But ensure that the crystals are out of reach from the baby as they pose a choking hazard. Crystals such as amethyst, lepidolite, and moonstone work well for peaceful sleep and relaxation.
2.2. Enhances emotional well-being
In a recent study, parents were asked to record the effects of crystal therapy on their baby. A noticeable change in the emotional state of the baby was reported, with an increase in peaceful and happy periods and a decrease in crying and fussy behavior. This is consistent with the benefits of crystal therapy for adults and has a flow-on effect with an improvement in the parent-child relationship.
The use of crystals can help create a positive emotional state and resolve emotional issues through their effects on the baby’s energy field. This can have a direct impact on the way the baby acts and the way parents interact with them.
Crystal healing will help babies through the many transitions in their formative years from birth into young adulthood. With each stage, there are different emotional issues and conflicts specific to that time, which will impact their lives. As we now know, crystals have a unique ability to transmit energy and heal. Using specific crystal remedies can help babies better manage the many challenges they face during early development. A clear quartz placed in the baby’s room will act as an overall emotional balancer. It can be programmed to help the baby in a specific way and will have this effect no matter where it is placed, so it is great for babies who will not touch or hold a crystal. A simple program such as “be happy” can be very effective. A piece of rose quartz can be placed in the baby’s bed or cot to ease the fear of being alone. This is a common issue when the parents move the baby from co-sleeping into their own room. A lapis lazuli necklace for babies with teething and colic problems will also have a soothing effect.
The emotional well-being of babies is a top priority for parents. It helps in building babies’ self-esteem, confidence, trust, and security, which results in better interaction skills and a healthy social development later in life. Emotional healing for babies is defined as the use of delicate and safe remedies to help resolve emotional imbalances that may interfere with the well-being of the child and family. Crystals can be used to help heal old traumas and patterns that affect babies’ emotional life. Because these patterns are unconscious, crystals have a subtle effect. They can be placed around the house and will work without the baby needing to do anything, which is very convenient for parents. For older children, crystals can be placed in their school bag or under the pillow at night.
2.3. Supports physical development
One way that crystals can support your baby’s physical development is by aiding in the development of their motor skills. Motor skills are actions that involve the movement of muscles in the body. There are two types of motor skills: gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are larger movements and involve the arms, legs, or feet. An example of an activity that requires gross motor skills is crawling. Fine motor skills require more precision and usually involve smaller muscles in the body, especially in the hands and fingers. An example of an activity that requires fine motor skills is picking up a small toy with the thumb and forefinger. Quartz crystals can be a great asset in aiding your baby’s development of motor skills. Rub a quartz crystal in your baby’s hand to help stimulate its grip reflex. This will, in turn, help the baby to develop its fine motor skills. Any type of crystal can be helpful in creating a small game that encourages babies to reach for or crawl towards the crystals. Hide the crystals under a scarf and then slowly move them along the floor to entice the baby to come after the crystals. This game is sure to help with the baby’s gross motor skills and coordination.
A baby’s body is constantly growing. Their physical bodies are developing and changing at an astonishing rate. Crystals can support the physical development of your baby in many ways. Physically handling the crystals, massaging the baby with a crystal, or placing a crystal in the baby’s environment are the best ways of administering crystal therapy to a baby. Always be sure to have the particular crystal in your possession for at least two weeks to attune it to the baby before allowing the baby to come in contact with the crystal.
3. Popular Crystals for Babies
Clear quartz is a powerful all-round healer and is perfect for the tiny body of an infant. It is also thought to enhance the effect of other crystals. Quartz, in general, is a deep cleanser and the great balancer of the energetic and physical body. This stone is particularly useful for stimulating the immune system and balancing the body. With its pure and powerful energy, it is a great stone to store information or energy and send that energy into its surroundings. Use quartz in the nursery as a healing stone or even a protective stone by the baby’s bed or hanging from a mobile.
Amethyst is next, and it is a wonderful stone for babies. Placing this crystal in the nursery or even encouraging your baby to wear it will bring some wonderful soothing energy to your baby. Amethyst is a very powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It has strong healing and cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. The stone has a calming energy that is also great for hyperactivity and restlessness.
Our journey into understanding the world of crystal healing for babies begins by immersing ourselves in the soft, gentle but powerful energy of rose quartz. Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. This stone, in particular, is very strong when addressing issues with the heart. It has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and it has been said to help release emotional wounds and traumas. It is also said that rose quartz will help to allow forgiveness, understanding, and patience – all attributes that we need when working with babies! Because of its potency in healing emotional issues, it is a wonderful stone for infants that may have trouble settling or have trouble sleeping.
3.1. Rose Quartz
Due to Rose Quartz’s emotional benefits, it is a natural choice for babies that may have separation anxiety from their parents. Simply placing the Rose Quartz crystal under the pillow of the infant or child will create a sense of inner security and peace. Little by little, they will feel comfortable being away from their parents because they will know that love is always around them. If your child is attending a new school, staying with a new guardian, or simply home with a new babysitter, you can ensure their well-being by writing a note or giving them a Rose Quartz of their own. A nice little rhyme to remember – A piece of the Rose can help your child’s woes. A bright future for the infants of today is living in a world filled with the loving energy of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz is known for its loving, gentle, and nurturing aura. It is used to soothe and calm the soul. It is also associated with promoting peace, happiness, and healing. As it helps to provide a sense of security and safety, it could be an ideal crystal for infants and young children. Easily recognized by its beautiful soft pink color, Rose Quartz is associated with love on all levels. It opens the heart, allowing us to express love, sensitivity, and compassion to those in our care. Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy and to take into the birthing room. Placing a baby or child in a bath with a Rose Quartz is a gentle way to provide the loving and healing energy to the aura of the infant.
3.2. Amethyst
Amethyst is a stone of protection and purification. Ideal for babies, it is a calming crystal that clears tension, anxiety, and fussiness, and reduces the negative energies that can trigger allergic reactions. Amethyst can transform any negative energy in the environment to higher frequencies and is ideal for blocking geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Placing a piece of amethyst near your baby’s cot or in a small cloth bag under the pillow will help to settle your baby for a restful night’s sleep. It is also a crystal that promotes peacefulness and contentment and is very beneficial when your baby is unsettled or ill. Combining amethyst and rose quartz is an excellent choice for newborns, especially for those babies who suffered birth trauma. Use your intuition. If your baby is attracted to these crystals, it is more than likely feels a beneficial influence from the crystals. To clean baby bottles, amethyst elixir can act as a great alternative to chemical cleansers to cure ailments. Referred to as having a sobering effect, amethyst can cure infant colic and restore a calm mental state for those trying to cope with a crying baby.
3.3. Clear Quartz
Quartz has an extensive history, rich folklore, and healing properties in alternative and traditional medicine. It occurs as clear crystals known as rock crystal, clouded crystals known as smoky quartz, and yellow crystals known as citrine. There are a few rare manifestations such as the star quartz and the double-terminated quartz. In the most basic sense, clear quartz can be seen as a medium for a baby’s developing energy systems. It is possibly the most versatile and powerful healing stone available due to it being so plentiful. It is said to be the most healing of all stones and also a stone of power, able to amplify any energy or intention. Because it has the prismatic ability to draw in light and energy from the sun, be a conductor of energy, store energy, and also be a reducer of energy, it is incredibly dynamic. It is also the most versatile healing stone among all crystals, able to work on any condition.
3.4. Selenite
Emotional Healing Energy Selenite provides clarity of the mind, expanding one’s awareness of the self and of one’s surroundings. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance. During meditation, it acts as a deliverer of psychic visions. Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. In an energy sense, it purifies and amplifies the energy around it or within it.
Physical Healing Energy Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. Helps prevent epileptic seizures. Good for breastfeeding. Selenite is used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of “free radicals” in the cell structure. Feel a Selenite stone for relief from pain. Selenite is used in crystal healing for removing blocks to healing, dissolving secondary gain issues, confusion, particularly from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, aligning the spine, decreasing epilepsy and seizures.
Product Description Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum. The name Selenite comes from the Greek word for moon and means “moon glow,” and these Selenite pieces do glow with a shimmery, pearl-like luster. The grain of the stone is very fine and the color is a milky white. These Selenite pieces feel a bit like satin. You’ll receive 1 ounce in a 2″ x 3″ plastic bag with a label.
A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one’s guides, guardians, and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection.
4. How to Use Crystals for Baby Healing
An alternative method is to place the crystal in a glass of water and safely leave it out underneath the moonlight. Note that some crystals can be toxic if ingested, so be sure to check if the crystal is soluble or toxic, and never leave a glass of water out for the baby’s safety.
For the first time or when treating the crystal’s energy, find a quiet meditative space and hold the crystal in your hands. Focus on your breathing in order to reach a calm and steady rhythm. Place the crystal on the baby once you feel ready or sleep with the crystal under the pillow or nearby during the night to transfer the energy subtly or during deep slumber.
Charging a crystal, which is supposed to enhance or help with something, is putting your own energy into the crystal in order to strengthen the effects. This can be done at the same time as cleansing or treating the new crystal energy as separate. Some people find that their energy is “contaminating” the cleansed crystal, so it is best done apart.
For your baby’s crystals, finding time when they won’t need them is ideal. Babies may benefit from placing the crystal in their cot/crib overnight in order to avoid upset, as some cleansing methods may cause the baby distress. Make sure to regularly cleanse the crystal.
Cleansing crystals is important no matter what the intended use. Cleansing rids the crystal of any negative energy and removes any energy it may have picked up from its environment. There are many ways to cleanse crystals. Some different methods include smudging with white sage, leaves, or oil extracts; placing the crystal in direct sunlight or moonlight; visualization or intention. To help determine the best method for you, paying attention to energy and using your intuition to feel what the crystal needs is a great way to get started.
4.1. Cleansing and charging crystals
Sun and moonlight: The sun is a powerful energy cleanser and is especially beneficial for quartz crystals. Leave your crystals outside or on a windowsill where they will get the light of the sun or moon for at least 24 hours. Be careful with this method as some crystals will fade in prolonged sunlight, examples include amethyst, aventurine, celestite, rose quartz, and smoky quartz. It is best to rely on moonlight for these stones. Be aware of potential fire hazards too, as quartz can act like a magnifying glass and has been known to start fires when left on windowsills!
Rinsing under running water: for crystals and hard stones which have a 6 or more on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Water-soluble stones should not be cleansed this way, examples include selenite, desert rose, and halite. Ideally, water from a natural source such as a river or stream is best, but you can also use water from a tap. Hold the crystal under the water and visualize all the negativity being washed away. You can speak out loud to your crystal and tell it what you want to achieve, for example, “I am cleansing this crystal of all negative and stagnant energy.” Pat dry with a clean cloth afterwards.
Crystals are living entities and it is crucial to cleanse them regularly. They can be cleansed once a week or more frequently if they are used for a specific healing session. Cleansing methods include:
4.2. Safe ways to introduce crystals to babies
Step by step, your baby will be more acquainted with the crystal and its energy, and you will be able to gauge the response and any changes in your baby’s behavior or well-being.
For toddlers and older children, hiding the crystal in a favorite toy or soft can be quite effective. Other safe ways to introduce crystals to babies can include allowing your baby to mouth safe, large crystals under direct supervision. This method is particularly useful for teething babies and the cooling crystals can be very soothing on the gums. Placing the crystal under your baby’s pillow is effective for promoting peaceful sleep and can be useful for children of all ages. Always be sure to check the crystal regularly, ensuring that it is free from sharp edges or small pieces which may come loose.
Placing the crystal inside a small pouch and pinning it to the inside of the baby’s nappy is an effective way of absorption for babies who are not yet mobile. This method allows the crystal to be held within the baby’s aura without discomfort. A similar approach is to place the pouch containing the crystal in your baby’s bassinette, cot or underneath his mattress. This technique is particularly useful for nighttime healing and can also be used with the crystals taped to the underside of the cot or bassinette. If using this technique with any form of taping, always check the crystal every few days and ensure that it is well secured and has not come loose.
Once you have chosen the appropriate crystal, it’s important to introduce it to your baby in a safe and gentle way, observing the response and gauging if it is appropriate to continue using the crystal. If asked before, it is best to place the cleansed and charged crystal in a visible location where your baby will be able to guide you to and touch the crystal if he so wishes. This prevents the crystal from being too overpowering on the baby’s subtle energy.
4.3. Crystal placement and techniques for healing
When working with babies and children, it is essential that the use of crystals is safe and realistic. BabyA crystals often have an unconscious attraction to little ones and will most likely deliberately choose the right crystal for their needs anyway. The most perfect and safe way of using crystals for babies is to place a healing crystal or gemstone in their room or cot. More often than not, when a crystal is no longer needed, the baby will simply discard it either by giving it to you or hiding it away somewhere. If this occurs, it is a sign that the crystal is no longer required and the healing process is complete. Placing crystals in a small cloth bag and sewing it to the inside of BabyA or child’s clothing is also a safe and effective method of healing. This way, the crystal will not get lost and the baby can continue about their daily activities. Non-invasive simple crystal layouts are also a very effective means of crystal healing for children. By childproofing a crystal layout in the center of the living room floor using soft toys, pillows, and a blanket, you can encourage your child to lie on the floor over the layout while watching TV, reading a book, or playing with toys. This method is excellent for children as they rarely need to know which crystal is for what ailment. Just lay down the crystals in a grid pattern in relation to the ailment as you would with an adult. The child can make up their own games or stories correlating to the crystal layout and often may even fall asleep on the layout. Layouts are ideal for treating common ailments, hyperactivity, or simply to promote a sense of protection and well-being.
4.4. Precautions and safety guidelines
In terms of cleansing and charging crystals for a baby, it is best to stick to methods that retain the crystal in its current state and will not fade or damage it. To cleanse and charge a teething ring or stone, it is best to simply rinse it in cool water and leave it to dry overnight. For example, with an Amber teething necklace, you could leave it attached to its own necklace wrapped around a crystal so it can still pick up the energy, and then hang inside a cloth bag outside on a tree branch where direct sunlight will not fade the Amber. Then it can be left there to absorb both lunar and solar energy for a day each.”
One suggestion is to buy a Selenite charging plate and place your crystal on the plate overnight. Selenite is also a fantastic cleansing crystal. Singing bowls are also a great option for cleansing.
“Cleansing and charging crystals is an inevitable topic when it comes to using crystals. Many people believe it is enough to simply cleanse the crystal once and expect it to stay that way, but just like we can pick up toxic and negative energy, so too can the crystals. So, it is highly recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals on a regular basis. This should be done using a method that is gentle and safe, as abrasive methods such as salt or leaving the crystal in direct sunlight can damage or fade the crystal.
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