Why Crystal Healing is the Gentle Solution for Your Baby’s Well-Being

By Published On: May 2, 2024Categories: Crystal HealingLast Updated: May 2, 2024
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1. Introduction

Healing jewelry is a good idea for young children as it is something that can stay with them all day. Just make sure the jewelry is strong. Do not use crystals with sharp edges, such as hematite, and avoid metal clasps. Stringed necklaces can also be a bad idea as it may break and present a choking hazard. A simple and effective method is to thread hole-less beads into an elastic band.

From the age of about 5, children can use a simple dowsing method to muscle test themselves with a pendulum and a table, where they can ask if they need any crystals and which ones. If the pendulum swings clockwise, that is a positive, and if the pendulum swings anticlockwise, then a change to a different crystal is needed. This dowsing practice is a valuable tool to become more in tune with the body and develop intuition, which can be used at any age.

You have just brought your new baby home from the hospital or is the latest in the line, and you want every gift to be just right. You want a healthy, happy child, and you want to be the best parent that you can possibly be. Babies respond well to crystal therapy, whether in the form of direct crystal healing or the less invasive crystal essences. They love being attracted to certain crystal colors and types, which will have a healing effect on the body. These may change from day to day as the healing process occurs. The crystals may be placed around the baby’s bed or sleeping area, and then at night, you can remove any that are not under the mattress.

2. Benefits of Crystal Healing for Babies

Alternate crystals that are great to use for calming babies and children are rose quartz (the ultimate calming crystal and perfect for babies!), howlite, lepidolite, lithium quartz, chrysoprase, rhodonite, and blue lace agate. In fact, anything that is gentle and pastel in color makes an excellent choice for young children.

The calming properties of amethyst are excellent in helping to settle babies and children to sleep. Place an amethyst cluster in your child’s bedroom or under the pillow (if they are old enough to sleep without trying to eat the crystal!) for a soothing and peaceful slumber. An amethyst or rose quartz teething ring is a gentle and effective way to ease a fractious baby through the difficult process of teething. Amber is a wonderful crystal to use for soothing pain and inflammation caused by teething. Amber has a natural analgesic effect, and when worn against the skin, the warmth of the body allows the amber to release its healing oils to help ease teething pain. Remember to always put safety first and only allow your child to have amber around their neck if it is on a safety knotted silk thread.

When we think of the kind of people who need a time out, babies may not be the first people who come to mind (most of us probably think it is the parents who are in more dire need!). However, babies can feel stressed and unsettled at times, and crystal healing is an excellent way to encourage your little one into a state of deep relaxation.

2.1. Promotes relaxation and calmness

Soothing and calming energy for babies starts with crystal therapy. Another plus point is that crystals can help sleep. We can all agree that a calm and rested baby is a happy baby. Parents can spend hundreds of dollars on baby soothers and sound machines, hoping to find an all-natural solution to help baby relax. Well, crystals are it! With the infant in a calm state, it’s much easier to communicate with them and further understand what they are needing and wanting.

The clearer the communication, the more positive the outcome. Using crystals in a small child’s room will help to prevent bad dreams and nightmares. Energy from the stones will release negativity and fears, while promoting happy thoughts and a peaceful sleep. High-strung children and children with various developmental disorders can have their energy soothed and balanced when using crystal therapy. In general, crystal therapy is a safe and effective way to promote relaxation and calmness for young children.

2.2. Enhances sleep quality

There is a time, long before a treatment is administered to the baby, that the mother seeks a comforting and natural aid for her baby. This process often involves the mother finding crystal healing. Crystal healing is known to help in the spiritual, emotional, and physical treatment of the baby. Wearing or using crystals with babies can be a gentle way of balancing and boosting their energy. The most common and safest way for the baby to benefit from the crystals is for the mother to wear them. Appropriate crystals placed in the baby’s environment can also provide safety and stability and can help the emotional development of the child at a later age.

Crystal healing is known to show improvements to a baby’s well-being. One thing in which parents will be very interested in is the ability for their baby to sleep. Crystal healing has proved to increase the quality of sleep in young children. High-energy stones such as citrine, calcite, topaz, amber, and clear quartz are excellent for young children who have trouble sleeping. Placing a small crystal or two under the pillow will soothe and assist in inducing a peaceful sleep. Blue stones are great for promoting sleep and relaxation and are said to return excessive energy back to the earth. Placing the stone in the child’s room is effective as well.

2.3. Supports emotional well-being

Crystal energy is subtle and for a small baby, much like a change of diet or behavior, the benefits can still be drawn without them being directly exposed to the crystals.

A baby will often cry and be restless during a healing crisis. This mix should be used to promote more energy in mother and assist in moving through the depression to a better way of life. This program is recommended to be used at the change of a mother’s mood or, if possible, as an alternative form of support to medication.

Each parent will be drawn to a different crystal that they feel is more suited to their needs, or one may be slightly skeptical and require a stronger crystal to change their energy. This mix helps to focus the picture of what kind of parent they want to be and give courage to parents to subtly influence the energy of the home.

In order to help parents stay diligent in maintaining positive supportive energy, Amazisa recommends a crystal mix for postnatal depression. By encouraging Mum to take a few moments out of her day to sit and feel the energy of the mix, if possible even sleep with it under her pillow, Amazisa believes she will feel supported and less affected emotionally. This mix could also be used to brighten the energy of a household and promote bonding between mother, father, and the new arrival.

Your baby is especially vulnerable to energy from both its environment and the people around it. Babies are less able to detoxify the buildup of these energies as they have immature livers and kidneys. It is said that in those first few traumatic minutes when a baby enters the world, the majority of us, as adults, pick up our hurts from that time.


3. Choosing the Right Crystals for Your Baby

When introducing crystals to children, it is best to sit by and observe them silently to see how they react rather than explaining to them what the crystal is used for and giving them instructions. It is not uncommon for children to feel the vibrations of the crystal without knowing what the crystal is used for, but by using their intuition, it can guide them to the right crystal that they are in need of at the time.

Clear Quartz is still lots of positive energy and is good for when children are sick or have a slight fever. If they are feeling some pain or injury from a fall, this stone can help clear the pain away. As clear quartz has strong amplifying properties, it is best used in combination with other crystals to enhance and increase their healing properties.

Rose quartz is another good choice as it is the crystal of love and has a strong loving energy that can promote self-worth and a sense of self-importance. This, in turn, can help to improve self-image and growth. The soothing energy of rose quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness, easing childhood trauma or heartbreak. Unfortunately, rose quartz is rather brittle and it may not be the best choice for a child that is still rather young as it does pose a choking hazard. In this case, you can purchase a rose quartz pendant and keep it in your child’s room, so long as it is out of reach.

Each type of crystal has unique properties, and it is best to make a selection based on what your child is in need of. Using the appropriate crystal can help to bring your child’s energies back into balance and assist them in their growth and development. Amethyst is a very good choice for children as it has a gentle, calming effect that can assist them in releasing negative energy and developing a sense of tranquility. It can also help to relieve anxiety, fear, and cravings, making it a perfect companion for children starting school. Keep in mind that crystal healing works best when used over a long period of time, so it would be beneficial for your child to wear an amethyst necklace or bracelet.

3.1. Amethyst

– The author also gives a bonus explanation on amethyst’s ability to help babies that are currently developing in their mother’s womb. This is important because it can provide great results for the mother, helping her avoid any mishaps during the pregnancy period and prevent any harm to the unborn child. All she needs to do is place a small amethyst crystal on the pillow and sit in meditation, imagining the safety and well-being of the child.

5. When the baby grows up to a toddler, amethyst crystal can help cleanse their body of toxins that accumulate from unhealthy food they eat. This is a critical time where the child may be at risk for potential cancer. Sometimes, if the child consumes a lot of junk food, there is a possibility that they may develop allergies. However, with amethyst, it will lessen the allergic symptoms and provide positive results. This also works for babies and children with any illness, whether it’s a simple flu or a long-term serious illness. Amethyst will give the same results and will not have any drastic effects on the healing process. It only provides subtle soothing results.

For a baby who has bad nightmares, cries out loud in their sleep, sleepwalks, or even experiences seizures, placing an amethyst crystal under the pillow or hanging it in a bag as a dream pillow can help. This is to prevent seizures caused by negative thoughts that the child may have during the day, and it will help them have a more peaceful sleep and wake up with a smile. So, there is no need to worry that you bought the wrong medicine for a sick child, as amethyst has been long tested and proven effective by mothers who practice holistic healing.

4. Amethyst crystal healing jewelry can be made into a beautiful baby bracelet. It is suitable for newborns and above because the baby will start to feel what we call teething pain. Amethyst crystal can relieve the pain by placing the bead near the affected area.

3. The baby will have vivid improvement in mood. Suitable for a baby who has a short temper and gets angry easily when they can’t get what they want.

3.2. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a beautiful crystal of gentle and soothing energy that is perfect for your baby in every way. It is a crystal synonymous with the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, and epitomizes the energy of love and beauty. It is also feminine in its nature and is soothing for a female infant and child. This pink quartz crystal is considered very much a crystal of the heart and love. Its irony is that its gentle and soothing energy will work on calming your baby by dispelling negativity and encouraging positive energy, while discouraging anger, depression, and tension; the complete antithesis of its own energy. Rose Quartz is said to aid the circulatory system, the kidneys, adrenals, helps your baby to increase in weight, and is also said to help prevent vertigo. This crystal will work well for boys and girls of all ages, so whatever age your child is, it is likely they continue to benefit from Rose Quartz.

3.3. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is useful in so many ways! This is probably one of the most versatile stones. Being clear, it can work on all levels of the body, from the physical to the etheric field. It helps to enhance the body’s psychic abilities and attunement to the spirit. It is also a powerful tool for manifestation. Unlike the rose quartz, which is about love, the clear quartz focuses on the inner state. This makes it a poor choice for an elixir, as it brings up the body to a balanced state so that it can begin to heal on its own accord, often bringing to the surface old “stuff” that was not dealt with and needs to be released. This may cause a baby to become more fretful before settling down if the baby is already quite irritable or sick. This is not an entirely bad thing, as the body will feel a lot better once it has released old blockages.

4. How to Use Crystals for Your Baby’s Well-Being

Incorporating crystals in a bath time routine is a fun and effective way for your baby to benefit from crystal healing. You can tie a crystal to a safe length of string and hang it from the faucet so that the water runs over and is charged by the crystal as the bath is filling up. Be sure to watch your baby carefully as they bathe, of course! You can also add some crystal elixir to some of your baby’s bath water. This is just done by adding a few drops of the elixir to the bath water. Be sure to read about the specific crystal that the elixir is made from to see if it is safe for consumption before putting it into the bath water. A safe and easy choice for an elixir would be a lavender elixir, which is great for calming and soothing your baby.

Placing the crystals in the nursery is a great idea. You can strategically place specific crystals in different places of the nursery or room. For example, you might want to place a rose quartz under your baby’s pillow to help them sleep at night or a smoky quartz in a corner where a baby might be prone to having a temper tantrum. Just make sure that any small objects are out of reach from your baby to avoid a choking hazard. This is an easy way for you to allow the crystal to have its effect on your baby without your baby actually doing anything.

First, you can pick out a crystal that is best suited for your baby and string it onto a necklace or bracelet. This is a great way for your baby to benefit from the crystal, but should only be done when your baby is no longer putting things into their mouths and can wear the jewelry safely. Your baby can wear the crystal as jewelry to help them calm and relax, as well as for its healing properties.

4.1. Wearing crystals as jewelry

Choosing a crystal that has the right healing energies for your baby is important, but a child that is drawn to a particular crystal intuitively will often have the right idea. You may consider using a pendulum in making your decision. If the pendulum swings back and forth, the crystal is not suitable. If it swings in a circle, it is, and a strong circle often means it is indeed the right choice. The pendulum should be held as still as possible, and ideally away from yourself when you pose your question. This way you are less likely to influence the pendulum’s movement with your own energies. The less it swings, the clearer the decision is. Once you have selected a crystal, it should be cleansed thoroughly before use, and this is especially important if it is to be used for a child. See section 4.3.3 for methods of crystal cleansing.

Crystals can be worn as jewelry, like in the form of pendants or elasticized bracelets, so that your baby is nearer to its healing energies all the time. Specific crystals can also be placed on specific areas to help with particular conditions. Several methods of using crystal healing with children are outlined below, but always ensure that any method used is completely safe.

4.2. Placing crystals in the nursery

Another option is to leave crystals hidden inside hollow furniture, such as crystal caves or cathedrals, ensuring the crystals are thoroughly cleansed of any loose debris from previous use. Placing a few heavy, larger stones can help stabilize any unwieldy furniture and keep wee adventurers from moving or knocking over the piece.

Keeping crystals out of baby’s reach is important, though, as you do not want baby to either play with them or decide to put them in his/her mouth, which could be a choking hazard. A wonderful way to keep the energy of crystals in baby’s room is to make a crystal pouch or medicine bag and hang it somewhere on the crib, playpen, or in a safe corner. Crystal pouches can be constructed out of a small square of fabric tied up with a ribbon, or purchased from any place that sells crystals or fabric. Fill the crystal pouch with a combination of tumble stones or small clusters of baby’s favorite stones. Be sure to sew the bag shut if using small crystals so baby does not rip open the bag and pour out the contents. If sewing is impractical, you can tie up the bag with a rubber band and put it inside a large lace or fabric sachet that is baby-safe. This will still have the desired effect of keeping the crystals out of baby’s reach and yet still involve them in the Crystal Therapy process.

It is much easier to keep crystals in the periphery, within reach of baby’s energetic space, than for mom to wear them either as jewelry or tuck them into baby’s clothing. Crystals are potent, and it is not necessary to have them directly in contact with baby to affect their energy in a positive way. In fact, it is well known among energy workers that it is easier to affect a person’s energy by working on their environment than on the person directly. This is why people cleanse their homes with herbs or prayer, and energy workers will often work in the aura to affect change in the physical body.

4.3. Incorporating crystals in bath time routine

We already know that the vibrational energy of crystals can be absorbed through the skin. You can add a few small stones to your baby’s bath, or make some crystal water to be added to the bath. Crystal water is made by placing clear or coloured, tumbled stones in a glass jar, and then placing the jar in sunlight for at least a few hours, or up to two days, depending on the strength of the sunlight and the hardness of the stone. The vibration of the stone will resonate into the water, and this vibration can then be transferred to your baby. If using stones in the bath we suggest that you use an elixir only made from the quartz family of stones. This will prevent any potentially harmful effects of other stones from being released into the water. The elixir can be molded into a soapstone for safe keeping, and will also transfer energy through the act of effleurage.


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