Why Kabbalah Numerology is the Key to Unlocking Your True Potential

By Published On: April 25, 2024Categories: NumerologyLast Updated: April 25, 2024
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1. Introduction

The Kabbalists claim that its wisdom was passed down from one generation to another. These secret doctrines were revealed to only those people who were spiritually ready to receive it. It is believed that Elijah the prophet had appeared before Isaac Luria, who is renowned to be the father of modern Kabbalah. Isaac Luria then wrote the doctrines in a text known as the Tree of Life. Later, the text was studied by students all around the world, but only a chosen few were given the responsibility of teaching it to others. This was more of an esoteric tradition, as the teaching was in a symbolic and secret language.

Kabbalah numerology is the ancient significance of numbers. Kabbalah is a Hebrew word, which means tradition. It delves into the spiritual significance of numbers and is more of a system than a doctrine. The Kabbalah Numerology has its roots in the Old Testament from the Jews. In ancient times, it was written by sages who had deep knowledge of the spiritual world. With time, the understanding of Kabbalah numerology was lost to Jews because they became engrossed in Exodus and received the law in the form of Torah. The Kabbalah was meant to be a way to receive spiritual satisfaction, and the sages have described it as an esoteric description.

2. Understanding Kabbalah Numerology

The focus of Kabbalistic numerology (also known as “gematria,” the study of the hidden meaning of numbers and letters) is on understanding the purpose of our being and the application of that understanding in our daily lives. Kabbalistic numerology uses the numbers one to 10 and the numbers 22 and 30. 22 = 2 + 2 = 4 and reduced to a single digit 30 = 3 + 0 = 3 in its calculations. The numerology system predates the study of the Tree of Life and is thought to have originated with the ancient Hebrews. It is a useful tool for self-understanding, the understanding of the purpose of our lives, and it can aid in the clarification of ambiguous dreams. The first example of numerology being used in the Bible is with the story of Creation. According to the Bahir, the book of creation, numbers are more than the symbols of certain concepts, they are the concepts themselves. Each of the ten utterances of God in the creation story represents a sephira or the realm the sephira represents. By mapping out the utterances, the sephiroth, and their connections, we can gain insight into the process of creation and the laws of our own lives. Later in the book of Numbers, a census was taken of the Israelites, and a contribution was received from each person. From the data, a pattern emerged showing that there was a specific purpose and task allotted to each tribe of Israel and an indication of the years in which this purpose would be fulfilled. In the Mishna and Talmud, Sages and Rabbis have used numerology to reveal the meaning of Torah verses and predict future events.

3. The Power of Numbers

The beginning (1) of the creation of the higher and lower worlds was when G-D brought forth light and would continue his creation throughout the next 6 days. This again coincides with the nature of the numbers for 0 as meaning null or void, and 1, the oneness and beginning of all things, usually associated with the creation of the universe. From this example one can see how the interaction between number and concept really does have a profound effect on being able to understand and interpret given situation.

Number itself can be described as being the relationship and interaction between different states of being. As we all know the concept of time is divided between the past, present and future. This concept coincides with the number 3, which represents the beginning, middle and end. The number 3 is also said to be the number of truth. Coming back to the concept of the universe, before the universe was created (0) there was only G-D.

Each letter in the alphabet is assigned a number, and by converting the letters of a word into numbers one can derive its ‘Gematria’ which is defined as the numerology of any given word. This word can then be compared to other words of the same numerical value to find a hidden connection between the two, the implications of which can be quite powerful. An example is that one can derive the gematria of one’s own name and through this number unlock their personality, their strengths, their weaknesses and their ultimate life’s purpose. Gematria can also be used to derive the numerical value of any given situation in one’s life to help them better understand the circumstances. This can lead to a greater level of clarity and give one the insight he/she needs to solve their current problems. Again the implications of this are quite profound.

Numbers are more than just numerals we use to count things; they possess a more profound, mystical quality. They are complex and multifaceted, and manifest in a variety of ways. In Kabbalah, one of the oldest forms of numerology – the mystical interpretation of the scriptures, it is believed that numbers possess divine powers, and the ability to understand these powers can allow us to unlock a wide array of secrets, hidden potential, understand ourselves and others as well as the world around us. Numbers influence each of us in our own individual ways, shaping our character and offering guidance in understanding our life’s purpose. Understanding the power of numbers is also essential in understanding the origin of the universe and existence.

4. Discovering Your Life Path Number

Your life path number is the most significant number in your numerology chart – yet relatively few people know what it is or even what it aims to signify. Starting from your full birth date, the life path number signifies possibilities, challenges, and lessons you will encounter during your lifetime. How to find the life path number? We are dedicated to helping you discover the calculation and the concept of the life path number. Step 1: Using the example as shown, February 8, 1981, convert the month to a number. February is the 2nd month of the year. Do not reduce the double digits from this addition: 2 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 29. Step 2: If the month is February, which is the 2nd month of the year, reduce the number to 2: 2. Step 3: Continue to add the total sum of the whole year: 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 23. This time reduce 23 by adding the number together: 2 + 3 = 5. Step 4: Finally, add the reduced month, year, and birthdate together: 2 + 5 + 8 = 15. Finally, reduce 15 (1 + 5) to 6. In this example, the life path number is 6.

5. Interpreting the Life Path Numbers

One can easily find the Life Path Numbers of Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan. Both are ruling Bollywood these days. The probability of having the same Life Path Number and the same profession for both actors shows in a simple numerological analysis.

To interpret Life Path Numbers, we can start from 1 and go up to 9. People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month are ruled by the number 1, and the properties of 1 can be attributed to them. The Life Path Number can also be a number that is a multiple of 9; hence, all characteristics of numbers 1 to 9 can be attributed to it. My article ‘Numerology and mastery of numbers’ can also be used to interpret Life Path Numbers. But here, we will be discussing only the basic and most important interpretations of Life Path Numbers.

The Life Path Number is obtained by reducing the sum of a person’s birth date to a single number and is the most important number in numerology due to its unchangeable nature. The Life Path Number represents the purpose of one’s life determined at the time of birth. We can easily find the Life Path Numbers of any celebrity, sports person, politician, and any other influential person. It represents the traits and talents that an individual is going to carry with them throughout their life. ‘105’

…105 In my previous article on ‘Numerology and name change’, we discussed the impact of numerology on various fields, particularly on a person’s personal name, and also the importance of name change. In this article, we will discuss the importance and impact of the Life Path Number (the destiny number) derived from a person’s birth date.

6. Unleashing Your True Potential with Kabbalah Numerology

This method can also be used to find out the personality of a person present at that current time. By knowing the psychology of numbers, you can find out what kind of person your friend is or even a person that you have only seen from a distance. This will enable you to then decide what kind of approach is best to make contact with this person. By knowing the Kabbalistic personality numbers of loved ones, it can also help in understanding them when they are feeling confused or troubled. For example, “You are usually a lively person, but lately, you have not been acting your usual self. Is there something on your mind?” This can be an effective way to help them clear up their troubles. Number 7 people, in particular, commonly suffer existential depression, and with the knowledge of this number, these people can find out why they feel the way they do.

The first aspect states that Kabbalah numerology helps you lead a better life by knowing what you can do and what you should avoid, by understanding your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to learn about your Kabbalistic personality number. This number is found by reducing the values of your full birth date into single digits, ignoring the master numbers of 11 and 22. After obtaining this number, refer to the table provided and understand the psychology of the number in relation to its position in the date. For example, if your Kabbalistic personality number is 7 and the month of your birth reduces to 3, the number 7 is situated 4 numbers after the number 3. So, you would refer to the number 4 personality, which is an easier way of life as number 7 people do not have to learn to travel the path of life, and the number 4’s personality would serve as a good lesson. Number 7 people may learn of the things that they take for granted. By understanding this, it will enable you to learn about yourself and what characteristics you really possess.

Kabbalah numerology can unleash your true potential in three aspects. It can take you out from the darkness of ignorance and despair to the light of knowledge and fulfillment. It can clarify doubts and confusion that you encounter in your daily life and help in making better decisions for solutions to problems. We will now look into these three aspects step by step.

7. Using Numerology for Personal Growth

The claim of the text is that humanity is the microcosm of the macrocosm; a statement illustrating the belief in an intimate connection between the human being and the forces of the universe. It goes on to say that God created man in his own image, another way of saying that the universe was created with a pattern and man is made in accordance with this pattern. This is consonant with the system of numerology and provides us with an angle to investigate who we really are by comparing ourselves to the forces of the universe. By this, an understanding of our place in the universe can be arrived at which can act as a starting point for our personal growth as we see the lessons and the changes that need to be made in order to be more in line with our true purpose.

There are a number of strategies and activities that one can engage in to help realize and actualize personal growth. Of these, the pursuit of self-understanding is certainly among the most productive. Numerology, based on the mathematical interpretation of the universe and one’s place in it, sheds light on one’s strengths, weaknesses, desires, and the lessons one has yet to learn in this lifetime. The method of analysis is accomplished through the abstraction of one’s qualities which are then transposed into a number form. With this in mind, we can extrapolate from the text of Sefer Yetizirah, one of the oldest Kabbalistic texts, a means to further our understanding of individuality, who we are, and how we can use this knowledge to better the person we are.

8. Enhancing Relationships through Numerology

The study of numerology can help take relationships to new levels by providing knowledge and understanding of yourself, your partner, and friends. Numerology gives a detailed analysis of the contents of your consciousness: your personal influences, unconscious motivations, and the general patterns of your life. When you understand someone’s behavior and when it has no control over you and the environment you feel is hostile, then you can begin to truly understand their nature, for a person’s behavior is only the manifestation of their nature in specific circumstances. Change the circumstances, and the behavior will change. When we become more compassionate and understanding of others, their negative qualities will have less of an effect on us. Being aware of the casual nature of behavior, we can attempt to go straight to the root of a person’s problems, helping them to make a permanent change for the better. Going through this process with someone else can be most enriching for both of you, and a real understanding of another person is the foundation for a quality relationship.

9. Finding Career Alignment through Numerology

There are several calculations in numerology to determine what type of environment a person will be most successful in. The destiny number is found by reducing the birthdate to a single digit. This represents the soul and what the soul wishes to achieve in this lifetime. A person with high energy, creativity, and leadership skills, such as a 3 or 5 in the birthdate, will find the best environment in a place that is innovative and dynamic; a technology-based company or even a start-up business.

Alignment in a career is as important as alignment in a house. There should be a fluid, adaptable, and incredibly strong relationship between you and your career. In the ideal world, the right career will choose you. Regardless, it will still take knowledge and effort to successfully steer this alignment in the right direction. Simply choosing a career based on interests, talents, or values is not enough. There are multiple careers that might sound satisfying at first, but in the long run, are not the best choice for you. Often times, an individual is led in the wrong direction and ends up at a dead end where nothing seems to be going right. It is almost like paddling a canoe upstream. A good career will present a conducive environment where hard work is required, but the results will flow with ease and satisfaction.

10. Harmonizing Your Health with Numerology

Nutrition is an essential element in everyone’s life. It is important to take note of what you eat and drink. A person’s health is highly determined by their diet. Simply put, a healthy lifestyle is achieved through healthy consumption. A regular and balanced intake of food and drink is vital and will affect how we live because it is a source of energy and nutrition. Lack of spending time to consume and cleanse will put us at risk for a number of degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, as stated by the Head of the Agency of Research and Development of Health, Ministry of Health RI, Dr. Tjahja Muhandok. And the fact is today, people are very vulnerable to these diseases. Coherent with the research, data from the Ministry of Health RI in 2005 found that the leading causes of death in Indonesia are a sequence of illnesses including heart disease, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, stroke, and diabetes. All of which are caused by irregular consumption of food and drink. Quantum and Biochemic in Kabbalah Numerology provide great understanding on how to prevent and cure those diseases.

11. Exploring the Influence of Birthdays in Numerology

The birthday number is the day of the month on which you were born, reduced to a single digit. This is most often used to determine what your specific strengths and weaknesses are. For instance, someone born on the ninth of the month will most likely have a birthday number of 9 and will exhibit strength and much nurturing towards the goals in their life. A birthday number of one is indicative of a strong-willed individual, and a person with a birthday number of eight has a strong desire for success.

The first and most important of the fadic numbers is the Life Path Number. This determines what you are destined to do and often what you will do. It can be derived by summing the digits of your birthdate and then reducing this sum to its fadic digit.

When people are trying to determine the influence of numbers on their lives, they often use the sum of numbers in their birthdate and interpret the results. Specifically, they will reduce the number of each part of their birthdate to a single digit using fadic addition. Then, one can look at what the numbers of these reduced totals are and determine what characteristic that number has. Characteristics will be described later in this chapter.

12. Uncovering the Secrets of Soul Urge Numbers

Upon asking on which date was the inception of Google, one of the overwhelming replies would be 4th September 1998. Now if we would add aspects to the date and transform 4th September 1998 into numbers using the Kabbalah method, we will get 4, 4, 22, 1998. Further summing these numbers, again and again, we would get a final value to this date which will be its soul urge number. As per the formula given in the first table. The final date values could be written as 4/4/22/1998. This could be further added up to make it 4+4+22+1998=2028, again add 2+0+2+8=12, add 1+2=3. Although Google is a vast company employing people from all over the world, still the date referred here could be the date when Larry Page and Sergey Brin got together and started the company of Google in the US. This could be the reason for constrained results, but the classification given by us for soul urge number does fulfill the need for one only or two founding members. Now let’s find the soul urge number for the date when Google came into existence and was available on the net. It’s 15th September 1997. Summing these numbers, we would get 1+5+9+1+9+9+7=41. This could be added further to 4+1=5. Now looking for compatibility of both the numbers, i.e. 3 and 5. The first tagline for Google was “I’m feeling lucky?” This tagline goes well with people having soul urge number 3, and 5 is the sum of Larry and Sergey’s pages respectively. In fact, this search engine has given them what they wanted, the huge success which made them billionaires. Step by step adding a parameter and achieving the correct result given by soul urge numbers could definitely help people in selecting the right option and preferring one decision over another.

13. Harnessing the Energy of Expression Numbers

Principle: For any given discipline, there are only certain numbers that are useful. This method enables one to derive the numbers that are appropriate to a person, place or thing. The work can be done on the number of anything – feelings, business, events, etc. As long as the user restricts the number to the meaning of the discipline. A clear example is the best number to a house or apartment is found in its street address. Now which number is best can be accurately discerned. The street name can be evaluated as well by reading the words of the name and deriving numbers from the letters. Step one is to reduce the number to a single digit. We have the tools to assess which number is best for an individual and provide a specific meditation using the vibrational healing of the 72 names of god to assist in change. This requires knowledge on the timing of cyclical change. Personal Example: I have recently reached a point where I should expand teachings to mainstream society. I must now find out what numbers are best for my intended student and assess when in the future is the best time for them to learn my system.

14. Understanding the Significance of Personality Numbers

To illustrate the nature of these numbers, consider the analogy of the unfolding of a plant from seed to flower. Each stage of growth from the seed is contained within the seed at the outset, but will only manifest when the conditions are right for that stage of growth. So when the flower is developed and withered it has still fulfilled its total potential, the flower and the withered flower are the completion of the cycle. In this way, the following sequence of personality numbers indicates a movement through experiences to learn various aspects of a particular trait, until an understanding is gained and the balanced expression of the trait is achieved.

The personality numbers are obviously highly significant in a Kabbalistic understanding of the individual. They are derived from the full name and are placed on the central column of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. There are 10 such numbers and they form a pattern which indicates the soul’s urge. The position of the numbers on the Tree of Life is the means by which they affect the character and it is their sequence that gives a picture of the soul’s potential and development through various experiences until the time when the individual feels a need to embark on a spiritual path.

15. Utilizing Kabbalah Numerology for Spiritual Awakening

When an individual has actually become involved with numerology, there are often symptoms of an awakening. This is because numerology is a tool to help one gain understanding of their personal behaviors and characteristics, which holds the potential to lead to a deeper knowledge of one’s purpose and spiritual life. Such episodes are the direct result of the individual’s renewed faith in karmic forces. This is something that cannot be avoided and will happen to anybody that has found information that is too deep to ignore. There is no better way to change a set of habitual thought and action patterns than by gaining a deeper understanding of the force that drives or constrains them. Kabbalah numerology not only analyzes one’s personality and what is destined to manifest in the duration of a lifetime, but it is also a powerful tool to understand the karmic influences that are leading to current events and problems. Being able to pinpoint the source of a problem can lead to understanding how to best deal with it, ultimately leading to resolution of the problem and the ability to move past it. Karmic understanding can be seen as the knowledge that every action has a consequence, and there is a force of balance at work in the universe that will reward or punish an individual for deeds done in past or present lifetimes. Since there are often complexes about destiny and spirituality, it is common for an individual to develop an interest in kabbalistic forms of numerology at a time when it has become apparent that there is some greater meaning to their existence that they are yet aware of.

16. Conclusion

Kabbalistic numerology offers many ways of insight into the potential of individuals with both experience of life and knowledge of one’s potential. The most poignant of these is the ‘Life path number.’ This number can be calculated by using the subject’s date of birth. Each factor of the date represents a different aspect of the subject and provides a unique insight into the things that will help the subject achieve full potential and the obstacles that will hinder the path to success. The most important accomplishment or obstacle is the subject’s ‘pinnacle.’ This is calculated by adding the value of 6 (the value for the letter) to the birth day and month and reducing it by fadic addition. Using the knowledge and insight that can be gained from numerology, it is possible to focus on the positive and negative points and attempt to steer a course to success, removing obstacles and achieving goals. This can be done by using a technique known as ‘meditative numerology.’ This technique is useful in the way that it provides an effective method of reaching a relaxed state of mind and analysis of one’s situation.

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Musa Hossain, A Modern Astrologer, Palmist, Occultist Scientist and Gemologist

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