Exploring The 12 Universal Laws And Their Astrological Perspective: Zodiac Signs, Numerology, and Gemstones

By Published On: September 28, 2023Categories: Astrology, NumerologyLast Updated: January 18, 2024

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The 12 universal laws are a set of principles that govern the universe and everything in it. These laws are interconnected and interdependent, and they work together to create the reality that we experience.

Astrology, numerology, and gemstones are all ancient systems of knowledge that have been used for centuries to understand the relationship between the cosmos and human life.

In this blog post, we will explore the 12 universal laws and their astrological perspective, and we will also discuss how zodiac signs, numerology, and gemstones can be used to gain a deeper understanding of these laws and their influence on our lives.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Zodiac Sign: Pisces Numerology: Number 1 Gemstone: Amethyst

The Law of Divine Oneness states that everything in the universe is connected and interdependent. We are all part of a larger whole, and what we do to others, we ultimately do to ourselves.

Pisces is the zodiac sign of unity and interconnectedness. The number 1 in numerology represents new beginnings and unity. Amethyst is a gemstone that is said to promote spiritual awareness and connection to the divine.

2. The Law of Vibration

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Numerology: Number 3 Gemstone: Citrine

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in a state of constant vibration. The higher the vibration, the more positive and harmonious the energy.

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign of optimism and enthusiasm. The number 3 in numerology represents creativity and self-expression. Citrine is a gemstone that is said to promote joy, abundance, and creativity.

3. The Law of Correspondence

Zodiac Sign: Gemini Numerology: Number Gemstone: Agate

The Law of Correspondence states that there is a correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm. In other words, what happens on a small scale is reflected on a large scale.

Gemini is the zodiac sign of communication and connection. The number 5 in numerology represents change and adaptability. Agate is a gemstone that is said to promote balance, harmony, and communication.

4. The Law of Attraction

Zodiac Sign: Leo Numerology: Number Gemstone: Ruby

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Positive thoughts and emotions attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts and emotions attract negative experiences.

Leo is the zodiac sign of confidence and self-expression. The number 1 in numerology represents new beginnings and leadership. Ruby is a gemstone that is said to promote passion, courage, and vitality.

5. The Law of Inspired Action

Zodiac Sign: Aries Numerology: Number Gemstone: Carnelian

The Law of Inspired Action states that we must take inspired action in order to achieve our goals. This means following our intuition and taking steps that feel right, even if they are not always logical.

Aries is the zodiac sign of courage and initiative. The number 3 in numerology represents creativity and self-expression. Carnelian is a gemstone that is said to promote motivation, energy, and creativity.

6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Numerology: Number 9 Gemstone: Black Tourmaline

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. This means that we can change our negative experiences into positive ones by changing our perspective and taking inspired action.

Scorpio is the zodiac sign of transformation and change. The number 9 in numerology represents completion and endings. Black Tourmaline is a gemstone that is said to promote protection, grounding, and detoxification.

7. The Law of Cause and Effect

Zodiac Sign: Libra Numerology: Number 6 Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli

The Law of Cause and Effect states that every action has a reaction. This means that we are responsible for the consequences of our choices and actions.

Libra is the zodiac sign of balance and justice. The number 6 in numerology represents harmony and cooperation. Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone that is said to promote peace, harmony, and communication.

8. The Law of Compensation

Zodiac Sign: Taurus Numerology: Number Gemstone: Emerald

The Law of Compensation states that we will always be compensated for our efforts, whether they are positive or negative. This means that we will eventually reap what we sow.

Taurus is the zodiac sign of stability and abundance. The number 4 in numerology represents stability and practicality. Emerald is a gemstone that is said to promote abundance, prosperity, and love.

9. The Law of Gestation

Zodiac Sign: Cancer Numerology: Number 2 Gemstone: Moonstone

The Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to grow and develop. We cannot rush the process or force it to happen faster.

Cancer is the zodiac sign of nurturing and growth. The number 2 in numerology represents duality and balance. Moonstone is a gemstone that is said to promote intuition, empathy, and emotional healing.

10. The Law of Sacrifice

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Numerology: Number 8 Gemstone: Onyx

The Law of Sacrifice states that we must sometimes give up something in order to gain something else. This means that we must be willing to let go of our ego and our attachments in order to achieve our higher goals.

Capricorn is the zodiac sign of ambition and discipline. The number 8 in numerology represents power and success. Onyx is a gemstone that is said to promote strength, courage, and self-control.

11. The Law of Non-Resistance

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Numerology: Number 11 Gemstone: Aquamarine

The Law of Non-Resistance states that we should not resist the flow of life. This means that we should accept what is and surrender to the divine plan.

Aquarius is the zodiac sign of independence and originality. The number 11 in numerology represents spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Aquamarine is a gemstone that is said to promote peace, tranquility, and spiritual growth.

12. The Law of Love

Zodiac Sign: Virgo Numerology: Number 6 Gemstone: Rose Quartz

The Law of Love states that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the key to unlocking our full potential and creating a better world.

Virgo is the zodiac sign of service and devotion. The number 6 in numerology represents harmony and cooperation. Rose Quartz is a gemstone that is said to promote love, compassion, and forgiveness.

By understanding the 12 universal laws and their astrological perspective, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. We can also use this knowledge to make positive changes in our lives and create a better world for all.

General FAQs

What are the 12 Universal Laws?

The 12 Universal Laws are a set of principles that are believed to govern the universe. These laws include:

  • The Law of Divine Oneness
  • The Law of Vibration
  • The Law of Correspondence
  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Inspired Action
  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
  • The Law of Cause and Effect
  • The Law of Compensation
  • The Law of Gestation
  • The Law of Relativity
  • The Law of Polarity
  • The Law of Rhythm

How are the 12 Universal Laws related to astrology?

The 12 Universal Laws are related to astrology in a number of ways. For example, the Law of Vibration corresponds to the zodiac signs, which are each associated with a different frequency or vibration. The Law of Correspondence corresponds to the planets, which are each associated with different parts of the body and personality. And the Law of Attraction corresponds to the concept of karma, which is the belief that what you put out into the universe will come back to you.

How are the 12 Universal Laws related to numerology?

The 12 Universal Laws are also related to numerology, which is the study of the numerical value of letters and words. For example, the Law of Divine Oneness corresponds to the number 1, which represents unity and wholeness. The Law of Vibration corresponds to the number 2, which represents duality and polarity. And the Law of Correspondence corresponds to the number 3, which represents the trinity.

How are the 12 Universal Laws related to gemstones?

The 12 Universal Laws are also related to gemstones, which are believed to have certain metaphysical properties. For example, the Law of Divine Oneness corresponds to the diamond, which is a symbol of purity and perfection. The Law of Vibration corresponds to the ruby, which is a symbol of passion and energy. And the Law of Correspondence corresponds to the emerald, which is a symbol of love and compassion.

How can I use the 12 Universal Laws to improve my life?

The 12 Universal Laws can be used to improve your life in a number of ways. For example, you can use the Law of Attraction to attract more of what you want into your life. You can use the Law of Vibration to raise your energy and improve your mood. And you can use the Law of Correspondence to connect with your higher self and gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose.

Where can I learn more about the 12 Universal Laws?

There are a number of books and websites that can teach you more about the 12 Universal Laws. Some popular resources include:

  • The Kybalion by Three Initiates
  • The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  • The Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks
  • The 12 Universal Laws of Success by Brian Tracy

You can also find a number of online courses and workshops that can teach you more about the 12 Universal Laws.

What is a gemstone?

A gemstone is a mineral, rock, or organic material that is cut and polished to be used in jewelry or other decorative items. Gemstones are prized for their beauty, rarity, and durability.

What are the different types of gemstones?

There are hundreds of different types of gemstones, each with its own unique properties. Some of the most popular gemstones include diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and opals.

How are gemstones formed?

Gemstones are formed through a variety of geological processes, including:

  • Magmatic processes: Gemstones can be formed when magma cools and crystallizes.
  • Hydrothermal processes: Gemstones can be formed when hot water dissolves minerals from rocks and then deposits them in cracks and cavities.
  • Metamorphic processes: Gemstones can be formed when rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures.
  • Sedimentary processes: Gemstones can be formed when minerals are deposited in layers of sediment and then compacted and cemented together.

What are the different colors of gemstones?

Gemstones can be found in a wide variety of colors, including:

  • Red: Ruby, garnet, spinel
  • Orange: Topaz, citrine, carnelian
  • Yellow: Sapphire, topaz, beryl
  • Green: Emerald, peridot, tourmaline
  • Blue: Sapphire, aquamarine, topaz
  • Purple: Amethyst, iolite, tanzanite
  • Black: Onyx, jet, obsidian
  • White: Diamond, pearl, opal

What are the different shapes of gemstones?

Gemstones can be cut into a variety of shapes, including:

  • Round: The most popular shape for gemstones, round cuts are classic and elegant.
  • Oval: Oval cuts are similar to round cuts, but they have a slightly elongated shape.
  • Square: Square cuts are geometric and modern.
  • Rectangle: Rectangle cuts are similar to square cuts, but they have a longer length.
  • Pear: Pear cuts are teardrop-shaped and have a pointed end.
  • Marquise: Marquise cuts are boat-shaped and have pointed ends.
  • Heart: Heart cuts are romantic and feminine.
  • Trillion: Trillion cuts are triangular and have three points.

What are the different grades of gemstones?

Gemstones are graded based on their color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

  • Color: The color of a gemstone is one of the most important factors in determining its value. The more saturated and intense the color, the more valuable the gemstone.
  • Clarity: The clarity of a gemstone refers to the number and size of inclusions (imperfections) in the stone. The fewer inclusions, the more valuable the gemstone.
  • Cut: The cut of a gemstone refers to the way it has been shaped and polished. A well-cut gemstone will maximize the stone’s brilliance and fire.
  • Carat weight: The carat weight of a gemstone is the weight of the stone in carats. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams.

How to care for gemstones?

Gemstones should be cleaned regularly with a mild detergent and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as these can damage the stone. Gemstones should also be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

What are the benefits of wearing gemstones?

Gemstones are said to have a variety of benefits, including:

  • Healing properties: Some gemstones are believed to have healing properties that can help to improve physical and mental health.
  • Spiritual properties: Gemstones are also said to have spiritual properties that can help to promote peace, love, and harmony.
  • Fashion: Gemstones are beautiful and can be used to create stunning jewelry and other decorative items.


If you are looking for a way to improve your life, I encourage you to contact me for an astrological consultation. I can help you to understand your birth chart and how it relates to the 12 Universal Laws. I can also recommend gemstones that can help you to align with the Universal Laws and manifest your desires.

My name is Musa, and I am a modern astrologer and gemologist. I have been practicing this ancient hidden secret like the Egyptians and have created my own reality. I have also helped people to have a better life.

My company name is 360 Real Astrology. We offer a variety of services, including:

  • Astrological birth chart readings
  • Gemstone consultations
  • Chakra balancing
  • Spiritual counseling

I also have a website where you can learn more about my services and book an appointment: https://360realastrology.com/

I am passionate about helping people to achieve their full potential. I believe that everyone has the power to create the life they desire. I am here to help you to unlock your potential and live your best life.

How to Use Gemstones to Get Ultimate Benefits

Once you have chosen a gemstone that is right for you, there are a few things you can do to get the ultimate benefits from it:

  • Wear the gemstone close to your body. This will allow the gemstone’s energy to interact with your own energy field.
  • Meditate with the gemstone. Hold the gemstone in your hand or place it on your chakra centers while you meditate. This will help you to connect with the gemstone’s energy and receive its benefits.
  • Use the gemstone in your feng shui décor. Place the gemstone in a prominent location in your home or office. This will help to create a positive energy flow and attract more of what you want into your life.

I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am here to help you on your journey to a better life.

Call to Action

Are you ready to take the next step on your journey to a better life? Contact me today to schedule an astrological consultation. I can help you to choose the right gemstone for you and show you how to use it to get the ultimate benefits.

Visit my website at https://360realastrology.com/ to learn more about my services and book an appointment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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