Healing Crystals for Babies: Curing Any Diseases

By Published On: March 14, 2024Categories: Crystal HealingLast Updated: March 15, 2024

Table of content

1. Introduction

Healing crystals for babies are fast gaining popularity among modern parents in Western society. In an age when children seem to grow up too quickly, often surrounded by technology, a growing number of parents are searching for ways to maintain their child’s innocence and connection to the earth, supporting a natural and healthy lifestyle. Using healing crystals for babies is one way to introduce natural and gentle healing into a young child’s life.

This article will give an introduction to what healing crystals are and the benefits of using them for babies. It will also briefly discuss what considerations to keep in mind when using crystal healing. By no means is this article intended to offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Crystal healing works in different ways for different people and should not be used as a replacement for medical care when it is needed.

Crystals should also not be given to a baby or child under 12 months of age as they can pose a choking hazard. Always seek advice from a qualified medical practitioner or pediatrician for any concerning symptoms or medical conditions. It is important to use healing crystals for babies as a method of complementing medical care, not replacing it.

If your child is unwell, please seek medical attention promptly. Kids’ minds and bodies are much more sensitive to energies and metaphysical forces, and thus they respond really well to these crystals, which are said to help with everything from fostering a calm and relaxed environment to boosting their cognitive, emotional and physical development. With soft, peaceful and loving energies, these crystals help develop the compassion, understanding and overall healthy emotional well-being of our new generation.

1.1. What are healing crystals?

Healing crystals have been used for many years to fix and bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. A few people might also assume that these types of alternatives to preventing or curing diseases or ailments are the result of a placebo effect. However, “energetic healing” goes beyond the placebo effect, as kids and animals can benefit from this type of treatment as well. Energetic healing involves the channeling of universally present energy.

Although it is not currently understood by the principles of conventional physics, practitioners of energy healing point to ancient and timeless methods to explain its successes. By using tools such as special crystals, magnetic therapy, or even healing touch methods, these practitioners claim that it is now possible to affect the flow of energy in a positive way. Each of the aforementioned tools serves its own purpose.

However, in the treatment of certain ailments or conditions, particular tools may be desirable over others. In the case of utilizing healing crystals, the type of crystal chosen is largely determined by the ailment to be treated. This page provides instruction on the use of crystals and the method of crystal selection and purification. The information generated on this work is feedback from reputable science sources and energy healers.

1.2. Benefits of using healing crystals for babies

The next section in the article explains the benefits of using healing crystals, particularly for babies. The article states that healing crystals work by focusing, amplifying, and balancing the energy within the body. This can help to alleviate physical discomfort and promote emotional and spiritual balance and well-being.

For infants, an article suggests considering using crystals that help to promote calmness and relaxation, aid with sleep, and protect against negative energies. The article also mentions the practice of using crystals for holistic healing has gained popularity in recent years, with many parents and caregivers turning to crystal therapies to help children.

The article suggests that one of the main benefits of using crystals is that it helps to promote a calm, gentle, and peaceful atmosphere for baby care, which is essential for healthy development. Using crystals can also encourage a stronger parent-child bond by promoting relaxation and creating mental space for mindfulness and focused emotional connection.

In addition, the article explains that healing crystals can be incorporated into a baby’s routine in many ways, such as decoration in the nursery, using them for parent’s mindfulness or relaxation, and using crystal jewelry and accessories, and there are also instructions on how to cleanse and charge the crystals.

The article also notes that crystals make safe and natural alternatives to traditional medical care, and many holistic health and medical practitioners believe that the therapeutic use of crystals helps to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. However, the article stresses that there are significant differences between using crystals as a complement to traditional medical care and using them as an alternative. It is recommended that parents or caregivers should speak to doctors or other qualified health or medical professionals first and combine the use of crystals with traditional medical treatment.

Overall, the article advises that there are many reasons why parents or caregivers may choose to use healing crystals to help their child, but it is important to be well informed about crystal therapies and it should not replace professional opinions or traditional medical care.

1.3. Safety considerations

When it comes to utilizing crystal healing for children, especially infants, it is important to be very observant and discerning. There are a lot of old guidelines about crystal healing indicating that small crystals should not be used on small children, as they can be a choking hazard. In today’s world, we know that we must also address larger crystals that could pose the same risk. In the day and age where many are working with, and have a genuine love for, crystals and minerals, it is important to remember that these are tools for healing and not healing themselves.

Infants and children do not have the emotional or mental filters that allow for self-regulation and independence in choice, and as caregivers and parents, we must act on their behalf. A suggestion would be that crystals should not be introduced around an infant until they are at least 6 months of age, as that seems to be the time when they begin to respond more to outside stimuli and can turn away from certain objects. This being suggested, there is no right or wrong way to “prescribe” crystal healing; it may be beneficial to individually assess the child and the crystal in an environment and then make a determination.

However, children are constantly growing and changing, and as such, the effects of crystals that are used today could be vastly different at even a later portion of the same day! I would be very curious to know: do you use crystal healing with babies or children? How have you responded to various suggestions and tips circulating since the new age boom?

2. Choosing the Right Crystals

Since babies are highly sensitive and impressionable to the energies around them, it is particularly important to choose gentle and calming crystals for babies. It is advisable to avoid crystals with strong energies or vibrant colors, such as clear quartz or bright red jasper, as their energies may be too stimulating for a baby. Instead, the focus should be on selecting crystals with soft, soothing energies.

For example, rose quartz is known as the crystal of unconditional love, making it perfect for promoting a sense of security and comfort in babies. Amethyst, with its calming and peaceful energy, is a popular choice for soothing emotions and promoting restful sleep. Blue lace agate is another gentle crystal often recommended for babies, and is believed to help infants who are particularly sensitive or irritable find peace and happiness.

When selecting crystals for babies, it is helpful to first consider the purpose of the crystal and the specific energies of the crystal, as well as what the baby may need support with. Some popular crystals that are known for promoting calmness and peaceful energies, which are particularly suitable for babies, include rose quartz, amethyst and blue lace agate (as discussed above) as well as moonstone, lepidolite, and kunzite. It is also worth noting that crystals which have been formed naturally in the shape of a heart can be especially beneficial for babies, as they emanate gentle, nurturing energies. For example, pink mangano calcite is a gentle heart crystal that is known for healing and comfort, and is often recommended for babies and children. By selecting the right crystals and understanding the individual properties and energies of each crystal, you can tailor your choice of crystals to best support a baby’s unique needs for healing and growth.

2.1. Crystals suitable for babies

Crystals suitable for babies are generally gentle, with a mild energy, which is best suited to the subtle and delicate energy systems of young children. It is also important to select nurturing and loving crystals to promote baby’s health and happiness. The best way to find the right crystals for a baby is to follow your intuition and choose a crystal that you feel drawn to. However, common recommendations for crystals that are suitable for babies and young children include Rose Quartz, Amber, Lepidolite, and Amethyst. These crystals are known for their gentle, soothing, and healing properties. For example, Rose Quartz has a very gentle and soothing energy that can promote love, ease tension, heal emotional wounds, and allow for a nurturing and peaceful environment, making it an ideal crystal for babies. Amber has a lovely warm energy and is also great for pain relief, making it a good choice for babies who are teething. Lepidolite is a very calming and soothing crystal that can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and hyperactivity, and it can also help with sleep. Since babies are developing and growing rapidly, they are also very sensitive and can benefit from the energy and healing effects of crystals. Crystal therapy can help to create balance and wellness on all levels and maintain the energy field of babies clean and protected. However, when using crystals for a baby, be sure to cleanse them more frequently and avoid using crystals with sharp edges or small pieces that could break off, as it is a choking hazard. Also, it is important to keep all small crystals and stones out of babies’ reach to avoid accidents and ensure that they are not left in the cot or bed where they may obstruct breathing. Overall, using crystals for babies can be a lovely and alternative way to improve a baby’s health and well-being. Owing to the strong power and effectiveness of crystal healing, more and more parents are seeking the help of crystals to relieve various newborn discomforts and promote sleep. However, as there are limited scientific researches into the effectiveness and benefits of crystal therapy and healing on babies, it is always recommended to seek the advice from a qualified healthcare professional to ensure the safety and health of your baby.

2.2. Factors to consider when selecting crystals for babies

Parents who want to purchase a crystal for their baby need to consider a few factors before doing so. Not all crystals are safe for babies and it is important to select a crystal that is not only safe but also helpful to the baby. The first step is to find out what the particular crystal is used for and whether that will benefit the baby. This relies heavily on the symptoms that the baby is facing. For example, a baby who has sleep troubles will benefit more from a crystal that can aid with sleep like amethyst than a crystal that is meant to relieve teething pain. When the baby gets older, it is important to teach the child how to use the crystal properly. It is not safe to leave a tiny crystal with a child, as they might accidentally swallow it. It is better to leave the crystal by the baby’s bedside and the parent could use it during the sessions of baby massage. Crystal healing is a good opportunity for parent and the baby to interact. When using crystals for babies, it is important to cleanse and recharge it regularly so that the crystal can function properly. Also, if an older child accidentally touches the stone, the parent can be confident that the stone will not transfer negative energy onto the child because the stone itself has been cleansed consistently. It is useful to make a handout for the babysitter, so they will know what the crystal is for and the caution. In some cases, a caregiver might see this as a chance of exploiting the baby in terms of excessive and prolonged use of the technique to a dependent lifestyle. Also, taking responsibility for the crystal therapy is utmost important, which means the guardian should not just simply leave the crystal with the baby all day long. By doing this, it can minimize the security issues of leaving a small object with the baby. Some people believe that these crystals are not effective in medical means and there is no scientific evidence to support the effect of crystal healing. If a parent was not sure about the decision, it is probably better not to use the crystal.

2.3. Popular crystals for promoting calmness and sleep

As any parent of a newborn knows, the quest for a good night’s sleep becomes the holy grail! Helping your baby to sleep well and feel calm not only creates a happy baby, it also allows parents a chance to get some rest. Luckily, there are several healing crystals available that are believed to encourage babies to feel peaceful calm and to sleep well. Amethyst is perhaps the most well known crystal for promoting calm, and it is often called the ‘master healer’ for its all-round healing effects. Placing an amethyst in your baby’s room may help to create a soothing environment in which your baby may be more likely to drift off. It is thought that the stone works by emitting negative ions, which help to remove harmful electro smog from the environment. Rose quartz is also thought to be a calming and soothing stone, helping to encourage gentleness and tolerance in little ones. It is sometimes called the ‘love stone’ and is associated with the heart chakra, helping to promote comfort and a sense of security. Most babies tend to find the gentle pink hues of the rose quartz to be soothing and the stone is often used in crystal therapies to help heal emotional pain. Another stone that aims to calm the mind and create a peaceful atmosphere, especially suitable for bedtime, is howlite. The marbled white and grey stone has a deeply relaxing and restful energy and it is said to help reduce fretful and restless behaviors, making it an ideal crystal for promoting deep and rejuvenating sleep. And finally, moonstone is associated with promoting peaceful sleep and beautiful dreams, so it is often recommended for children who experience frequent bad dreams or nightmares. With its associations to lunar energy, the stone is thought to help soothe emotional instability and stress, and to stabilize the emotions – perfect for little ones who may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the big, wide world.

3. How to Use Healing Crystals for Babies

Healing crystals must be cleansed immediately once you have purchased them and before using them for your baby. There are different methods of cleansing and charging crystals, such as smudging, using a singing bowl or bells, or immersing them in water. Smudging involves passing the crystals through the smoke of burning sage or Palo Santo. This method is more suitable for larger crystals and those with a Mohs hardness of 6 or more. Singing bowls and bells create sounds that cause the stagnant energy to be released from the crystals. Start by tapping the sides of the singing bowl or chime and play it continuously whilst moving the crystal around the bowl. The frequencies generate directional energy which is absorbed by the crystal. However, not all crystals are suitable for this method and it is best to research or consult a professional beforehand. For water immersion, they can be left in a bowl of natural spring or distilled water for about 4-6 hours or overnight, depending on the volume of the crystals and the amount of exposure you feel they need. Be aware that some crystals can be toxic in water so be sure to check if the crystal is soluble in any way. Sunlight and moonlight are also natural and effective ways to cleanse and charge your crystals. The UV rays from the sun and the subtle radiation from the moon help to dispel any lingering energies and recharge the crystals. However, some crystals can be sun-sensitive and fade or discolor in sunlight so it is a good idea to research before using these methods. Regardless of which method you choose, the most important part of each step is to set the intention to completely cleanse the crystal of all unwanted energies and recharge them with positive, pure energy. Next, crystals need to be charged to ensure that they work to their full potential. Some crystals only need recharging occasionally, perhaps once a month, whilst others benefit from being charged more regularly. You can charge a crystal by offering it your own loving energy and visualizing a bright white light surrounding the crystal. This method can be used on all crystals and is particularly good for when you first receive a crystal and throughout its usage. Another common way to charge a crystal is by leaving it for a period of time in either direct sunlight or moonlight. As with cleansing crystals, be aware that some crystals can be sun-sensitive and fade or discolor in sunlight so alternate methods might need to be used. Reiki or energy healers can also assist with charging a crystal by using their own energy to infuse the crystal and raise its vibration. As with any method of charging a crystal, ensure that you feel comfortable and confident and that the energy you provide is pure and positive. Always ensure that you are familiar with the properties, characteristics, and warnings associated with crystals before you use them. Different crystals require different methods and duration of cleansing and charging so it is important to research each crystal and its properties.

3.1. Cleansing and charging crystals

Crystals need to be cleansed and charged regularly to keep them working at their full potential, and this applies to crystals that are used for babies as well. Cleansing a crystal removes any negative energy that it has picked up and charging it re-energizes the crystal. There are a few different methods that can be used to cleanse and charge crystals. Some of the most popular ways of cleansing crystals include leaving them in the light of the sun for a few hours, burying them in the earth for around a day, smudging them with sage, or leaving them in the smoke of incense. A full moon is also believed to be a particularly powerful time for cleansing and charging crystals. In order to maximize the positive aspects linked to the full moon, you can leave your crystals outside throughout the night. However, remember to keep an eye on the weather forecast, since rain can damage some crystals. In general, crystals should be cleansed at least once a month. It may be worth considering doing this more often if you notice that the crystal is not having the desired effect. When cleansing crystals with babies in mind, make sure to pick a method that will keep them safe too. For example, leaving crystals out overnight in the light of a full moon might not be a practical option. A safe and effective method is to hold the crystal under running water (such as a tap) for a few minutes. Not only is this a fantastic way of cleansing crystals, but it also ensures that they are safe for babies too. Once cleansed, a crystal can be charged by leaving it in natural light for a few hours. However, be cautious about which crystals are left in direct sunlight, as some may fade over time. Also, check that the crystal itself is not adversely affected by light; for example, amethyst may turn yellow or smoky quartz may become clear if left in the sun. Some crystals can also be charged by the light of the moon. Much like the practice of cleansing, it is thought that this method of charging amplifies a crystal’s natural energy. For example, crystals that are charged during a new moon are believed to help promote new beginnings. Experiment with different ways of cleansing and charging crystals to find a method that feels right. Every crystal is unique and may respond differently to each method.

3.2. Methods of incorporating crystals into a baby’s routine

To incorporate crystals into a baby’s routine, crystal healing can be combined with a baby massage. Gently massaging the crystals over the skin in a circular motion can stimulate the release of negative emotions and toxins. This can bring buried feelings and thoughts to the surface and may also help to promote sleep. A baby’s sleep patterns can also be helped by placing the crystals around their room. Placing them in a pouch under the cot or bed, hanging crystals from the ceiling or simply leaving them in a bowl on a windowsill are all ways to use crystals to help a baby sleep better. Placing crystals directly on their skin is another method; this can be most useful for teething. Healers should make sure that the properties of any crystals used are suitable for such a young person and that they are thoroughly cleansed between use. Focusing the mind on a particular crystal while performing a task for a baby, such as feeding or changing, is another way to make the healing process easy and natural. This is a good technique for people new to crystal healing as the task at hand, combined with clear intent, can channel the healing vibrations of the crystal. Many people believe in reciting a spoken word affirmation when using crystals, focusing the body’s energies and drawing the individual into an active state of healing. This works on the same principles as meditation and in babies can promote calmness and patience.

3.3. Crystal jewelry and accessories for babies

Many people believe that the vibrational energies of crystals can be absorbed through a baby’s skin, making crystal jewelry and accessories popular for babies. Crystal jewelry and accessories come in different forms, such as baby-friendly crystal necklaces and bracelets. However, it is important to note that any kind of string that is knotted between each bead can be a strangulation risk and should never be used without supervision. In addition, here are some safety tips for using crystal jewelry and accessories for babies. Supervision is the most important tip to ensure that your baby is safe and to help prevent accidents and injuries. No jewelry or accessories should be worn by babies when they are asleep or unsupervised, as this further reduces the risk of accidents. When a baby is teething, many parents seek alternative remedies to soothe their baby’s pain such as teething rings filled with a liquid that chills in the fridge, powders, gels, or homeopathic granules. So-called “healing” necklaces and bracelets for babies made of amber, rose quartz, and amethyst are becoming increasingly popular. However, the safety of these products has not been scientifically established. The beads of these products are small enough to choke a baby, and they are also a strangulation risk. There is no evidence to suggest that amber helps to relieve teething symptoms. Overall, crystal jewelry and accessories for babies can be a form of protection, although many people do not believe in this. But it is important to bear in mind that many crystals are small and therefore can be potential choking hazards. By following our recommendations and using common sense, crystal healing can be safely introduced into a baby’s life. Safety tips for using crystal jewelry and accessories for babies: – Necklaces shouldn’t be put around a baby’s neck – Never leave a baby unattended or sleeping while wearing them – Make sure to buy from responsible sources

4. Crystal Recommendations for Common Baby Concerns

The crystal that I always reach for when teething begins is raw Rose Quartz. Its gentle energy is perfect for soothing and helping the body heal itself. Often times, when a baby’s teeth are starting to move about them gums, a lot of stuck emotions can be released, and this is a key reason why many babies can become very upset and sensitive while they are teething. Rose Quartz, with its loving and gentle healing energy, can help to release these emotions and replace them with calm. It is also said to be a good protector against negative influences. The Quartz has to be a pinky colour – it can’t be grey or white or any other colour. I keep a teething Rose Quartz specifically to be used while my little ones are teething. The raw formation is also important, as the energy is said to be more pure when it has not been interfered with. So any polished crystals or items of jewellery that contain Rose Quartz will not do the job. If your baby is happy to do so, you can lie him or her down and place the Rose Quartz on the gum above the tooth that is causing pain. You can put it in a little pouch, and tie it around the ankle or calf of the baby, as a quick, simple alternative to holding it in place. The other option is to recharge the crystal and infuse it with your baby’s energy by placing it in the sun for 6-8 hours prior to use. Remember to cleanse and recharge it again every few months! I would say that after using Rose Quartz, you will soon become aware of your baby’s symptoms easing and that they will become visibly happier and less affected by the arrival of the new teeth. For very tough days, you can put a small tumble stone of Green Aventurine into the nappy of your baby, to enhance the soothing and balancing properties and help exactly where it’s most needed. For example, when teething gets the gums inflamed, some skin right beside the gum edge can start to break down a bit from the constant dribbling and wetness around the affected area, which can develop into a dimply little rash. The Green Aventurine can be helpful for such symptoms. For something on yellow Crystal, see my next post.

4.1. Crystals for teething pain

During the tiring time that is teething, it is important to keep your baby as calm and as comfortable as possible. The shared crystal here, which is also known as “The Mothering Crystal” because it is especially calming for babies when they are in pain. When your baby begins to teethe, it is especially effective when it is placed in his or her room where they sleep. The best way to use this crystal is to wrap it in a piece of pink fabric and sew it into your child’s pillow. Alternatively, if your child is very distressed, you can also simply place the crystal on top of their pillow for the same soothing effect. This will provide a nurturing, healing energy and will allow the improvement of any ailments associated with babies. You should cleanse this gem at least once a week, in order to provide the most effective crystal healing. To cleanse Rose Quartz, you can wash it under running water or place it in the moonlight for a few hours. This crystal is also beneficial for mothers as it supports you in pregnancy and childbirth and later on, in the early mothering of your newborn baby.

4.2. Crystals for soothing colic and digestive issues

You should not place crystals directly on the skin of a baby when using them to soothe colic, as this would be uncomfortable and could become a choking hazard. Instead, keep crystals within the immediate environment of the baby by placing them near the baby’s crib or hanging them on a mobile, which often works best. Good first choices of crystals are amber and citrine. Amber, an ancient “stone” that has been used for its powerful energetic and healing properties, is good for teething pain.

Citrine is a crystal so beneficial and is also known as a “healing quartz”. The product description mentions that the citrine ‘Oval’ is good for soothing colic pain and will help digestive disorders. Accurate explanations of these crystals can be found under the “Crystal Galleries” tab, and where to place the stones within the baby’s environment can be found under the “Feng Shui Crystals” section, a method of achieving a positive and loving environment for your baby. Amber is known to relieve the teething process; it reduces gum swelling, is a natural analgesic (pain reliever), and it has calming properties.

In ancient times, it was commonly used to reduce newborn baby jaundice and in many different cultures it is a custom for maternal relatives to give the baby a piece of amber, as an amulet for protection and luck. Meanwhile, the crystal citrine promotes a happy disposition, enhances the body’s healing energy, and is effective for colic and digestive issues. However, awareness should be raised that it is safer to use crystals when colic and other symptoms become effective after the first month because colic in newborn babies usually happens between the first ten days and six weeks after birth every day. And if colic continues after six months, or it starts again in a baby younger than six months, it would be best to take the baby to see a doctor for advice because colic is really hard for the little baby. It is also not recommended to use crystals when colic started before the child turns four months old due to the babies’ immature digestive and elimination systems.

4.3. Crystals for promoting relaxation and sleep

For sleep, amethyst is the best crystal. Place an amethyst cluster in the nursery room or by the crib so that its tranquil energy can induce physical and mental calmness. Gently washing amethyst with warm, soapy water will help your baby release his/her built up tension while strengthening his natural state of balance. This does not cause any harm but promotes emotional healing. It is also important for parents to know which crystal to use based on the different symptoms that may cause restlessness. Although both amethyst and rose quartz are known for their calming properties, rose quartz is usually used for babies who have issues with their self-soothing technique. If your baby suffers from sleep disturbances and possibly nightmares, try placing a piece of lepidolite near the crib.

This crystal helps with hyperactivity and attention deficiency as well. If your baby is easy to irritate and cry, your crystal for the solution is jade. Simply place a jade piece on the baby for a few moments whenever you remember so it can soak up any negative energy surrounding him. The most common crystals used are amethyst and rose quartz. It is recommended to place two or three small pieces in a small sachet and pin it on the inside of the baby’s pajama. The sachet can be moved from one to another should the baby go out. Also, you can try placing a piece of jade or rose quartz under the mattress of the crib to strengthen its effect on better sleep. Always remember to cleanse these crystals regularly, especially by physical contact, before using them again. A quick sea salt and water bath after the full moon and being left under sunlight will do fine. Always focus on visualizing the crystal disintegrating away all the negative energy on itself and recharging with positive energy from the sunlight.

5. Crystal Safety Tips for Babies

It may seem ironic, but avoiding crystals with sharp edges is one of the recommended crystal safety tips for babies. This is because, like with all babies and toddlers, there is a risk that they may trip or fall and injure themselves. This is particularly likely during the tumultuous toddler years, when they are finding their feet and gaining confidence in walking. By choosing crystals that are smooth and tumbled, you minimise the risk of scratches and cuts. With all that said, it’s important to remember that healing crystals should never be given in place of medical advice or treatment, but used alongside this help. Always consult a pediatric professional if your baby is unwell, and use crystal therapy to complement their medical care.

Remember to wash your hands after handling your crystals, and always ensure that all of your healing crystals are kept in a safe and secure place. Infants and toddlers thrive in environments that provide structure, continuity and routine, which will be soothing for them. Also, by establishing these kind of supportive environments early on, it will serve them well as they grow older. Learning how to safely use and store crystals around babies and toddlers is a great way to teach them how to respect and interact with the wider world around them. By learning from your safe and responsible practices, they too will learn to appreciate the beauty and potential of crystals as they grow older and be better equipped to use and interact with them creatively and safely.

5.1. Supervision and monitoring

In addition to supervising and monitoring how a baby interacts with crystals, a carer is encouraged to regularly check in with the crystal’s purpose and energy. This will help to ensure that it effectively helps the baby rather than causing any negative side effects. Although healing crystals can be used from birth, it is advised to start using the crystals to interact with energies as the baby begins to explore more. This is usually from around six months old when they start reaching out and noticing the crystals. Whilst others can help, the best person to monitor the progress is the carer themselves.

Carers are encouraged to observe any changes with the baby or the crystal’s surroundings and energies. Over time, it is recommended to record these observations in a crystal journal. This is a great way to keep track of your crystal’s progress and relating them back to the baby’s wellbeing and behaviour. By monitoring the changes and little notes, some carers have found new ways to relieve discomfort in their baby from the crystal’s energies. Over time, the crystals may become a negative influence or gather outside energies and dust. It is important to keep their energy cleansed through sunlight, moonlight or sage.

Sunlight and moonlight are natural purifiers and rechargers for crystals so placing them outside for a few hours will help to keep the energy fresh. Sage is known for its purification properties and can be easily found in many alternative health shops. Gently running sage smoke over the crystals for a minute or so will keep the energy focused and pure, ready for use.

5.2. Avoiding choking hazards

Crystals and babies should be separated to avoid any potential choking hazards. If you or your baby is wearing your crystals, be mindful to keep them safely out of your baby’s reach, especially if the crystals are on a long jewelry cord. Belts or buckles could become entangled with the cord and this might pose a strangulation risk to an older baby. Necklaces and bracelets can also present a choking hazard to a small child. Broken crystal fragments can be very sharp and cause injury.

Always take care to clean up any broken crystals straight away and dispose of them carefully. Crystal fragments, like most small objects, are a choking hazard to babies and toddlers. Always be mindful of where you are placing your crystals. For example, avoid placing crystals directly on or around babies, even in a crib. You may feel it safe to tuck crystals into the corner of a crib, but as babies grow, they become more mobile and inquisitive. It is far safer to keep the crystals away from your baby. The potential for harm can also be avoided by selecting suitable placements for your crystals. For example, if you decide to line the windowsill of a nursery with crystals, be sure to place them at the back and out of your baby’s reach. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of your crystals without any safety concern for your baby.

5.3. Storing crystals safely

You should aim to be consistent, so pick a particular time and stick to it. Also, I found that choosing a place and sticking to it is very important as well. Crystals need to be kept safe and in a place that babies or young children can’t get hurt. So, a windowsill is not a suitable place for crystals if there are babies around. Cupboards, high shelves, and cabinets are all good places to keep your crystal collection. Anywhere that’s out of reach is even better if it’s a bit dark because that’s what’s best for the crystals too. I suggest that if you have a lot of free-standing crystals, you consider keeping them in a glass cabinet.

This means that they’re safe and you can still see them every day! But of course, you need to make sure that the cabinet is strong and secure so that curious little fingers can’t pull it down. If your children are a little older and understand and respect the crystals, then you can slowly start to teach them how to cleanse, charge, and program the crystals for themselves. As they get a bit older still, they might want to create their own crystal grids for their rooms.

But I would recommend still keeping an eye on them, just to make sure that the powerful crystals such as selenite or really tiny ones are kept away from the little ones! Also, keep in mind that every crystal is different, so it’s really important to make sure that your knowledge of crystals is up to scratch to keep both you and your baby safe! Also, although practicing crystal healing with teenage children can be alright, physical contact with the crystals is not recommended for anyone under the age of 5. This means that safeguards must be put in place to make sure that the crystals are kept in a safe place, away from young children.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The healing crystals in the baby’s pocket are really perfectly safe, and there’s no way in which a baby can be harmed from the crystals themselves. However, a tiny crystal might present a choking hazard. It is therefore essential that any crystal which you give to a baby is of a size that is never going to be small enough to be accidentally swallowed. Also, any small crystals must be securely fastened to some kind of jewelry so that the crystal cannot become loose and put into his or her mouth. Crystals must be cleansed and recharged on a regular basis. Laying your crystals near a piece of Clear Quartz or a Selenite crystal for 24 hours will recharge them. It is important to recharge your own crystals with sunlight and moonlight, and leave the amateur with parent crystal and is recharged with that and re boosted every now and again. It is possible that the crystals may work to a degree in which they may help alleviate or assist with minor problems, but they should never replace the medical advice given to you by healthcare professionals. Always go and see your doctor and get a professional diagnosis for your baby if the need ever arises. It may be that crystals are used in conjunction with traditional medical advice when treating your baby, but they should never be used as a replacement for prescribed medical treatments. Always seek professional advice first and never give up with conventional treatments and medicines and always provide these first when suggested.

6.1. Can crystals have negative effects on babies?

The focus of the text is the use of crystals on babies; however, some explanations are more cryptic than detailed. It seems that the text could be modified so that readers can benefit more from the explanations given. For example, rather than just listing safety measures for parents when using crystals on babies, some references, such as “scientific evidence that crystals do not have healing powers” or “professional care alternatives,” should be explained thoroughly so that readers would understand the background and the reasons behind the suggestions.

Finally, the guide wraps up with the following conclusion section: identifying key points and potentially offering additional insights or recommendations. This final chapter provides a great summary of healing crystals for babies. Also, it explains for whom this guide is suitable. That is, not only for parents but for anyone else who might want to try using crystals for their babies. Closing with a reference to how well-being is not just about physical welfare but is also related to the mental state of a person, these information enhances the guide’s potential in offering comprehensive resources.

The guide also suggests parents should seek advice from a qualified medical professional if they are unsure about using a particular crystal for their baby, especially in case of potential negative effects. Also, ensuring the crystal is the right one for the baby, which is safe and effective for the baby’s age, and that the parent cleanses and charges the crystal regularly, as advised in the sections of the guide.

Based on a more general safety perspective, the guide emphasizes that anyone using crystals for babies should use his or her best judgment. If something does not seem to be appropriate or safe, especially when it comes to negative effects on babies, it is though up to the user to keep the baby safe by not using crystals for the baby when the method or the crystal is against the common sense or the general safety guidelines discussed throughout the guide.

Also, rough cleaning of crystals for babies, such as using acid to clean rocks or using a rock tumbler, should not be done, and the crystals should be gently washed, ideally with water and mild soap, and then be placed outside in the sun to dry.

When it comes to using crystals for babies, there are important safety guidelines and tips to bear in mind. As can be seen throughout the guide, safety of the baby is always emphasized, and there are specific instructions and explanations about using crystals in the safest way possible for a baby’s well-being. For example, parents and caregivers are advised to use large crystals only in a supervised manner and ensure that they are kept securely out of reach. Crystal points and other sharp-shaped crystals should not be used in places where a baby could crawl or walk until the child is old enough to know the safety rules for handling them.

Crystals are known for their ability to influence, store, and transmit energy, which is why they are used in many different types of healing practices. It is important to note that no scientific evidence finds that crystals have any healing properties. At best, they are seen as a placebo, where you believe that the crystals do something and so you feel better. Crystals have no physical power to heal and should never be used as a professional care alternative.

6.2. How often should crystals be cleansed for babies?

Standard practice in cleansing crystals varies widely from everyday to every few months. The intent behind crystal cleansing is to purify the crystal of any energy that it received during use, restoring it to its natural vibration. Like how you maintain your baby’s clothes and toys clean, crystals have to be similarly taken care of to ensure their optimal function for your baby. Though babies are more sensitive to subtle energies in their environment and may benefit from using cleansed crystals, they are not as likely to create negative build-ups in crystals in comparison to adults.

This is because babies have significantly lesser negative energy, regardless of their moods, as their precious innocence, joy and laughter produce more positive energies. As such, the guideline for cleansing is much more relaxed for babies. For crying and distress relief, babies can use crystals that are cleansed anywhere from every 2 days to once every 2 weeks, depending on the crystal and the severity of the condition. For longer term issues such as sleep or appetite management, a general guideline would be to cleanse the crystal every week for a start when the issue is persistent.

Gradually allow a longer period of use between each cleansing, for example, from once every week to once every 2 weeks, to assess if the child’s condition maintains, improves or otherwise. This would also help to monitor the suitability of the crystal for the baby and decide on the necessity for replacements or other deeper treatments for the baby’s well-being. In any case, it is highly recommended to commence crystal healing with fully cleansed crystals for the babies.

6.3. Can crystals replace traditional medical care for babies?

Some caregivers might seek to rely solely on crystal therapy and abandon traditional medical care altogether. It is important to remember that healing crystals are meant to be a complimentary therapy, used alongside evidence-based medical practice. Whilst there are some promising research for specific conditions and population, we are still learning how healing crystals work and it is certainly not a replacement for conventional treatment for any serious illnesses.

It is in fact dangerous for babies or children to receive no medical treatment for certain conditions like epilepsy or asthma, as there is a fundamental risk of life-threatening consequences. Regulatory bodies for complementary and alternative medicine, such as the “Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine” in the UK, do not recommend using healing crystals as an alternative to traditional medical care. Instead, they advocate for a holistic approach to health, identifying the potential of integrating complementary therapies with conventional treatments. It is important for parents and caregivers to understand the limitations of healing crystals and engage in open dialogues with healthcare professionals regarding the best options available. Crystals should also never be used in replacement of seeking urgent medical attention when it is necessary. If a parent or caregiver is unsure of what action to take on a baby’s health, it is always the best thing to seek professional advice first.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, “Healing Crystals for Babies” serves as a helpful guide for parents who are interested in exploring alternative methods for supporting their babies’ health and well-being. By providing detailed information on the recommended crystals for various baby concerns and the methods of using crystals, the guide aims to empower parents to make informed choices and to use crystals responsibly. It is important to emphasize that while many caregivers found healing crystals to be beneficial in promoting various aspects of babies’ health, including physical, emotional and cognitive milestones, it should be used as a complementary tool to conventional medical interventions. As babies are still developing and their inherent potentials are unfolding, parents can be just as intrigued and awed by the unique and wonderful properties of healing crystals. By providing a loving and supportive environment for the baby to grow, the experiences shared between the caregiver and the baby throughout the exciting journey could be the ultimate gem produced at the end!



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