Top 10 Astrological Predictions That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Introduction
In this compelling and absorbing essay, Thomas Gazis, the editor of the electronic magazine “Astrology for the Millions”, presents his top ten predictions for the future of our world. All the predictions are based on the movement of the outermost known planet in our solar system, Pluto. The knowledge which we have amassed on the effects of Pluto’s movement through a sign on the human and political conditions has first begun to show itself in our present era (Pluto through Cancer), and it is entirely possible that by looking at these predictions in twenty years’ time, we may marvel at how the effects of Pluto have influenced world events.
How Pluto’s movement will affect the conditions of planet Earth in the future? What do these influences predict for human experience and subsequent probabilities in the long term? This is the framework of what astrologers call Mundane Astrology, and it can discern the mood of an era and its defining moments in history. Pluto’s passage through a sign takes between twelve and thirty-two years, depending on its orbit, and it is during this period that the extension of Plutonian forces can transform the conditions of diplomacy and warfare for an age to come.
2. Astrological Predictions for Love and Relationships
To provide a very general example, if you are a fire sign such as an Aries or Leo, you might have a certain interest in someone with a strong Earth influence, a Taurus or Virgo for instance. In this instance, it is highly likely that the fire person and the earth person can form a good combination, but the devil is in the detail as always. With a compatibility report, you can examine reports for any relationship of your choosing, identifying the points where you and the other person might have to make extra effort, and also the areas of your life together where you might feel at ease. This information is invaluable when trying to make a difficult decision with multiple factors.
The fact is, in this world things are not as simplified or certain as we might like to believe. Due to the complexity of human personalities, desires, and free will, the study of love and marriage is an art form in itself. Valid and accurate results depend on the complete horoscopes compared and the amount of detail the astrologer goes into. Overall, the best results are often found in an astrological compatibility report, something that is often used by astrologers when consulting on love and marriage issues.
When it comes to love and relationships, people are often curious about the fate of their current relationship with a significant other, the possibility of finding true love, and the likelihood of maintaining a successful marriage. With astrology, the secrets to these burning questions can be revealed.
2.1. Compatibility based on zodiac signs
When it comes to astrology and dating, there are a number of aspects which are said to be more indicative of compatibility. In that regard, one of the most proven concepts is the idea of “like is attracted to like.” What this means is that the more similar two people’s personalities are, the more likely they are to be compatible. There are a number of different factors which influence this, including the signs of the respective parties’ sun, moon, and other planets. Another commonality between people is the sign in which the moon is placed at the time of their birth.
This is said to be indicative of a person’s emotional nature and what they look for in an emotional sense, in another person. Using the same element for the moon, or the element that is a trine (complimentary) element, is said to be most indicative of emotional compatibility. For example, a person with their moon in a water sign and the other person with a moon in a water or water trine sign. The quality of the signs is also very important, and the higher the quality, the more likely they are to understand each other’s emotional nature. This can be seen by a person with a moon in a fixed sign being frustrated with the unpredictability of a person with a mutable moon.
2.2. Timing of finding true love
A similar effect can happen when Saturn makes an aspect to the ruler of the first house. You may meet someone older or from a different cultural background (Saturn) than yourself. This is because Saturn delays, and in ancient times, marriages were arranged. The first house represents the physical self, so a partner is shown through its ruler.
Measured through the fifth house and its ruler, or even the seventh house, for relationships in general, your fifth house cusp or the ruler of the fifth house will make a connection with transiting Venus. When it makes an aspect with Jupiter, this can bring an enjoyable time or even meeting a potential partner. Thankfully, this usually occurs every 12-13 months, so it provides some opportunities. The connection of these two planets can bring an engagement or marriage.
2.3. Astrological indicators of a successful marriage
First, the chances of a marriage occurring can be assessed by an analysis of the 7th house and its lord. Also, the 2nd house in a chart, which is the 8th house from the 7th, should indicate the condition of the marriage partner or their family. The 2nd house from the 7th has an influence on the longevity or otherwise of the marriage. If the 7th house and its lord are strong, and also the 2nd house from the 7th and its lord, it indicates a long-lasting relationship and a happy married life. If the 7th house/its lord is severely afflicted by malefics and lacking beneficial aspects, it indicates problems with the marriage or chances of no marriage at all.
This may also be confirmed if the 7th house/its lord has an association with an inimical place, i.e., Saturn in the 7th could give a heavy or delayed marriage, or Mars could give a partner with a fiery temperament or arguments. The condition of the moon in a chart can also determine the happiness of a marriage. Its position, beneficial aspects with strong benefics, and no malefics in square to it or conjunction give very good results in the dignity of the partner as well as 2nd house-related wealth/longevity of marriage. Any affliction to the moon will give opposite results, basically depending on the extent of affliction.
3. Astrological Predictions for Career and Finance
Okay, we’ve all wondered what we’ll be when we grow up (this is to say, if you don’t already have a fulfilling career). It’s an important question and one that makes most of us a little anxious until we have a clear response. Your astro-vocation can provide snippets of evidence to this complex question. The Lord of the 10th house and its disposition can describe the way you present yourself professionally. Where your Midheaven sign can indicate the type of career that is beneficial to you. In addition to this, analyzing the 2nd, 6th and 9th houses and the type of signs contained in them can further narrow down on your ideal profession.
For example, someone with the 2nd house in Taurus may come across financial gains through an occupation related to the arts, beauty or food. This house ruled by Venus may further indicate an artist, musician or art teacher seeing that Taurus is a sign of artistic ability. Alternatively, someone with the 6th house in Leo would do well in a managerial or leadership position in an organization or business. Consider the sign on your Midheaven as an indicator to your ultimate goal in your profession and what you need to achieve out of it for your own sense of accomplishment. The ultimate goal of an astrological analysis on profession is to determine the type of career one is best suited for that will provide the most feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment.
This can be invaluable information for anyone who’s still uncertain about a career path, high school or college students, and even parents who want to steer their children in the right direction. After college of course, everyone wants to land a good job. Using the progression chart and analyzing the 6th, 10th and 2nd houses can provide very accurate indicators to when this will be and what type of job it will be. For example, progressed Mars in the 10th house in Scorpio would indicate an aggressive pursuit towards a government job.
3.1. Ideal professions based on zodiac signs
A typical Taurus is conservative and earthy, valuing stability and the chance to work a job with which they can one day retire. The ultimate goal rests in a comfortable and secure career. Taureans excel in many areas, especially anything related to their great love – food. They are good, honest workers and do well in a trade, as an architect, or in construction. They are also successful in the banking sector or insurance, possibly working for a long-standing financial institution. An eye for beauty draws many Taureans to a career as a florist or landscaper, where they can work with nature’s bounty to create serene environments. They are patient and passionate people and make good artisans. High-quality chef-prepared food is also a likely thing to see from a Taurean. Although quite an unconventional Taurean profession, they also have a talent for voice and would succeed in the world of radio.
Aries are natural born leaders of the pack and this can be seen in their choice of the ideal job. Energetic and dynamic, they need work that is fast-paced and hands-on, with tangible results. They have a natural affinity for the armed forces and policing, or a career as a firefighter or rescue worker. Aries also have a love of sports and competition, which stands them in good stead for a career in sports or as an entrepreneur in the competitive world of sales. Their keen and competitive nature also makes them a good fit for the legal profession. Although a little contradictory, as a reflection of their ruling planet Mars, Aries also excel in the world of the arts, preferably music. They love to perform and are outgoing. A typical Aries might be quite the entertaining musician.
3.2. Timing of career advancements and financial gains
A fast on the day when the Sun enters the 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 10th house from the ascendant or the moon sign will bring financial betterment in life. This is a fairly long-lasting method, and it may be expected that the overall fortunes in such cases would take a turn for the better within the next few years and will remain a steady improvement. This would normally affect the native’s father favorably, and remedies on behalf of the father can also be prescribed here. This method was recommended in ancient classical texts where the reason for the Sun’s entry into these houses was given, specifically for some sort of financial gain.
A more exclusive but also more common remedy involving a fast on a lunar day when the moon is in the star of the 2nd or 10th lord will provide an improvement in financial conditions during the dasha period of the planet concerned. Results may vary, but the timeframe for results would usually be within a year of the commencement of the dasha.
After the completion of the basic education, the selling of the gemstone after a bath in milk and on a rising moon day on any Monday during the Punarvasu, Visakha, and PurvaBhadrapada constellations would bring ample scope for success. This is one of the most effective methods advised by astrologers to seek financial and career improvements. On the day of selling the gem, donate some money to a charity, and the results will be even better. This method is based on the principle of saatvik remedies, and the timeframe for results would normally be within the span of the current or the next dasha period of the planet. Generally, the order for each sign is the dasha lord, the ascendant lord, the 10th lord, and the 9th lord.
3.3. Astrological indicators of financial success
The placement of the second house is very important, as it determines one’s possessions and style of wealth accumulation. Joanne’s second house cusp falls in Scorpio, and she has no planets in Scorpio. This suggests that earning money comes through intense and deep transformative methods, in which she prefers to keep private and secret. As well, with Pluto and the South Node in the second house, money comes through lifetimes and lifetimes of hard work, and quite often is linked to past life karma. This suggests that Joanne may attract money that is not hers, such as someone owing her money, or being left an inheritance.
Whatever money is accumulated and whatever possessions are obtained, it is all merely temporary, for the ruler of the second house, Mars, is in the 8th house, indicating that possessions are acquired and lost through other people. This will form a deep understanding and material detachment, and there is very little fear in life concerning financial insecurities, past or present. However, the most significant indicator of wealth is the part of fortune, and Joanne has hers in the 12th house with a mere conjunction from Mercury. This often indicates a lack of wealth, but money being from ‘behind the scenes’ work, such as writing or research. The part of fortune in the 12th house promises to ‘strip away’ an individual and force them to realize what truly matters, and however paradoxical, this often occurs through very limited financial resources.
3.4. Astrological predictions for stock market investments
Considering the uncertainties and risks in stock market investments, what an investor actually needs is to make the right decisions at the right time. It goes without saying that share market investments fall under the scope of high-risk, high-return ventures. But should one take unwanted risks at the cost of bearing losses? Rumination on this would prompt an investor to make well-calculated investment decisions wherein the prime focus would be ensuring gains from the investments. Steps for enhancing the possibility of gains would involve purchasing stocks of companies with good reputation and financial results, buying and selling stocks at the right times, and above all, making timely exits from stocks, as it is often said that the very art of making profits from stocks lies more in the selling than the buying.
Astrological predictions for stock market investments are obviously different from the above-mentioned tips. This is especially important in considering the current scenario of financial markets where the entire structure of the capital markets, especially the stock markets, has undergone a sea change. The impression about stock markets has always been mixed. There have been those who have gained huge profits from stock market investments, and on the other hand, there are those who have incurred massive losses. The availability of data and information in the present age has left everyone confused, and it is difficult to differentiate between authentic and duplicate information. Stock markets are always said to be long-term investments, but a vast majority of investors have short-term gains in mind. It is a known fact that speculation and stock markets go hand in hand, and taking risks can mean both profits and losses. It is here that investors seek the help of astrology in making key investment decisions.
4. Astrological Predictions for Health and Well-being
Any predictions on health and well-being are potential only, and the informed client takes responsibility for their own self-fulfillment of the positive potentials and remedying the negatives.
A study of all the possibilities shown in a birth chart can indicate a pattern of when the native’s overall health, both physical and mental, will be in a state of well-being or when it will be below optimum levels. The exact nature of one’s health issues can be accessed through analyzing the relevant houses and their rulers. For example, any Sagittarius Ascendant native with Saturn in the 1st house will have access to information on their health issues via the nature of Saturn and its analysis as the ruler of the 6th and 7th houses.
In medical astrology, the horoscope should be analyzed in its entirety to glean any possible information on the health of the individual. Both the strength and weakness of a chart can indicate the probability of robust or delicate health and the nature of the health issues. An indication of potential health issues can serve as a warning for the individual to take preventive action before the problem surfaces and/or prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for any difficulties that may be coming their way.
At the best of times, health and well-being is a subject of concern, and astrologers are often approached with queries regarding the future of an individual’s health. Yet it is a very delicate and dangerous subject to predict upon, as it can create a negative pre-emptive suggestion and at worst becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if the client becomes convinced they are destined to suffer a particular illness.
4.1. Zodiac signs and their associated health issues
It was mentioned in a literature that Aries, being very fiery and energetic, is most susceptible to minor head injuries and accidents due to the fact that they are always rushing and not looking where they are going. Taurus, being strong and well-built, is usually healthy but when health problems arise, they are usually very ill. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect, and is associated with the lungs and nervous system. Therefore, the Twins are vulnerable to a variety of health problems and diseases, particularly those related to respiratory and nervous system functioning.
As a crab, the constitution of a Cancer native is very sensitive and often weak because they live in the past and are very emotional. Many of their health issues may be due to unexpressed emotional turmoil or feelings and can eventually manifest into digestive problems and depression. Given that Leo rules the heart and the spine, the typical Leo native does not escape from heart-related problems as they get older or issues related to the back and the spine. Sun-ruled individuals also tend to have a lot of energy and can deplete themselves, often ignoring burnout and fatigue until it is too late. Virgo, being ruled by Mercury and known as the natural zodiacal ruler of the 6th house of health and service, has a naturally fragile and delicate constitution.
Although they tend to be very healthy beings, they are still very prone to health problems, particularly those which are psychosomatic in origin. Being an Air sign, Libra is susceptible to problems related to kidney function and the bladder. Often, health problems may arise from over-indulgence and a hedonistic lifestyle. Scorpio is known as one of the most resilient and strong signs in the zodiac. Often, health problems will not come from an actual physical source but will have psychological or emotional origins. The typical Sagittarian is often robust and healthy, with the main health problem being minor accidents and injuries because of their energetic and often clumsy nature. And finally, Capricorn is traditionally linked to the aging process, and significant bone problems and arthritis may occur in the latter years of life.
4.2. Astrological indicators of physical and mental well-being
The Ascendant represents bodily appearance and physical health and strength. The constitution of the body is determined by the 1st house and its lord, along with the position of the Sun. The Moon’s position indicates how the body reacts to condition changes and its ability to recuperate. The Sun is a vital factor in considering health, mainly for the reason that an excellent deal of our health is affected psychologically, and the Sun represents the intellect and the mind. A Sun that is properly placed will mean that it is easier to keep a sound mind in a sound body. All-round health and vitality are seen through the strength of the ruler of the 6th house and the 6th house cusp.
The precise nature of the illness or the bodily part affected is seen from the planet, sign, and house aspects. Physical fitness and exercise inclinations can be seen through the placing of Mars and the 1st house, and conditions of the body will mirror the horoscope in numerous ways. The primary incentive for fortifying and understanding these indicators comes from a desire to prevent affliction. Yet, if an understanding can be acquired about how and why the affliction occurs from the chart, then the prevention aspect becomes much more meaningful and effective.
4.3. Timing of potential health concerns and remedies
Emotional or physical health problems can be seen through the transit of the Moon through the houses and the horoscope at the time. If a person has a history of alcohol or drug problems or has had emotional problems in the past, the transit of the Moon through the 12th, 4th, or 8th houses will be a significant time for them. The 12th rules the subconscious mind and problems from the past. It is often a time of confinement, either self-imposed or forced. This is often a time when people who need help do not seek it. The 4th rules the end of a matter, and often it is a time of sadness or letting go. The 8th house rules upheaval and change. Often it is seen at a health crisis point.
People rarely learn astrology to this level, but for a healthcare worker or someone wanting to help a friend, these are times when being understanding and compassionate with the person and their situation will be beneficial. The 6th house rules health, and the 8th rules death, “Not to the day or hour” as the saying goes. It would be folly to predict death in today’s era, yet at some point in their late life, everyone wonders how they will end their days. By following the progression of the Sun to the 6th house, then to the 8th house and looking at the behavior of each planet in its rulership and aspects, one can see how the health will be affected and when decline will set in.
While no one wants to wish ill upon themselves in their twilight years, this is a time when it is better to let go of worldly attachments and prepare for moksha (liberation) in old age, just as Socrates learned to face death with tranquility and reason. (It is also a time when it is best to be an astrologer’s or spiritual healer’s client. The Sun rules the dignified, and the 6th and 8th are key in learning astrology and the occult).
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