12 Universal Laws: The Secrets Of Controlling Reality

By Published On: March 14, 2024Categories: Universal LawsLast Updated: March 29, 2024
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The universe is governed by laws. These laws help to maintain balance and order in the universe. The laws are also known as the principles that govern the forces of nature. Students of science will come across the term “laws of the universe” at some point in their lives. Scientists have been able to discover a good number of laws and many of these laws explain the natural phenomenon. Examples of such laws include the law of gravity, the three laws of motion by Sir Isaac Newton, the laws of thermodynamics, etc. These laws give further insights into how things function in the universe and why we observe what we do. It should be noted that discovery of law is dependent on the stage of development of human knowledge and technology. With advancements in science and technology, scientists and researchers discover new laws and new branches of science are also being developed.

Table of Contents

1.1. What are the laws of the universe?

The laws of the universe are the absolute guiding principle for life to function in all its perfection, and we can see the work itself. These laws are functioning all the time, whether we are aware of them or not. Chemicals react depending on these laws. Machines are constructed using our knowledge of these laws. Day and night happen based on the laws of motion and also Earth’s activities that we will discuss later, in the Laws of the Universe. The universe itself never struggles to follow these laws, since the beginning of time. We as humans, magnificent creatures in this universe, must always align ourselves toward these laws to achieve harmony in life. However, due to our lack of understanding and knowledge, we more often go against these laws and create chaos and disturbances in our lives. These laws are the set of the higher laws: Spiritual Laws, Mental Laws, and Physical Laws, and all of them are the consequences and manifestation of the Law of the Divine Oneness – the first and the most important law – which will be discussed later. When we learn and understand these laws and the implications of these laws in our day-to-day life, only then can we progress spiritually, mentally, and also physically.

1.2. Importance of understanding the laws

Understanding the laws of the universe is no small task. Many people go about their lives feeling as though they are at the mercy of the world, allowing life to happen to them, rather than consciously creating their reality. For many of us, the understanding of the world, the universe, and everything in it, is limited to what we have been taught; that we are physical beings, in a physical world, ruled by physical laws. However, the modern metaphysical theory teaches us that we are spiritual beings in a physical world, ruled by a different set of laws entirely; and the reason why understanding these laws is so important becomes clear. If we can accept the idea that there is so much we don’t know about the world, that we are limited by what we have been taught is true and that we have yet to discover the incredible potential that lies hidden within each of us, then the first step on this journey of understanding the laws of the universe can be taken. On the other hand, by giving way to skepticism and derision of methods and concepts that we do not understand or have no knowledge of, we can never move forward. When we allow ourselves to discover and embrace new concepts, we open our minds to different ways of thinking. As we learn, we find that the obstacles and challenges we encounter become easier to understand; it becomes possible to work with these challenges and learn from them, rather than feeling the victim of failure and desperate to overcome the next obstacle. And as knowledge is replaced with wisdom, consciousness and understanding, the ability to consciously and positively manifest the reality we truly want is sure to follow.

2. Law of Attraction

The law of attraction, like all natural laws, affects every person and is operating at all times. It was first introduced by the Mesmer people, where people went into trances and then had electric experiments performed on them. It was once just known as “like attracts like,” but now has expanded to “the energy you give off is the results you get.” It has been proven that thoughts are things, and that they do have a physical energy that surrounds us. Visualizing and thinking about an act, for example, can actually start the physical processes of that act. It is important to understand this definition of the law of attraction; if every person’s mind was a huge magnet that gives off a particular frequency, it would create a magnetic field around us that is a reflection of our thoughts and belief. The law of attraction in simple words is “the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.” No matter who you are or where you are, the law of attraction is forming your entire life experience, and this all-powerful law is doing that through your thoughts. It only takes a few things to effectively apply the law of attraction. The required order: ask, believe, and receive, is the belief and visualization step, we were taught to quote scripture. Well, it works out that the good book was right. For example, scripture says, “God entire loves us and does not condemn us,” giving thought and really meditating on it, you can have God’s divine law of attraction for love work in your favor. Always surround yourself with positive and happy images. This includes family pictures, pictures that make you laugh, people you love or admire, or something as simple as a picture of your fantasy car. Post them around your house; anywhere that you will see them often. This continual positive energy from these images will be a kind of constant reminder to you of the good things that are in your life. A simple thing you can do to improve the power of the law of attraction is to start living in gratitude. This requires that you truly start to love and appreciate who you are, and to be mindful of everything around you. Most people walk around concentrating on the things that they don’t have. This sends out a negative signal to the universe. Also, just give thanks for every single thing that comes as a result of using the law of attraction to work in your life. Every little emotion will add up.

2.1. Understanding the law of attraction

Lois explains that the law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe and is the key to our existence. Relatively, the law is simply that like attracts like, but in the several pages of the book she goes much further, revealing that the law of attraction is a law of the ‘unseen’, a quantum mechanic! When we envisage something for our lives, then it is the law of the universe that the thing we are imagining must become a reality. Lois states that ‘the law of attraction is just one of the many 12 laws’. She details how it can be variously recognized in our lives and explains that ‘we can manifest in our lives’ or ‘we can set our future but choices and actions in the present’. All manner of things can be clarified by the law, from poor health to lives feeling purposeless, to an inability to progress. In order to affirm the law of attraction, Lois provides a number of explanations based upon matter and energy. She describes that as the human body is composed of electrical and magnetic fields, when we concentrate on a thought, we emit a vibrational frequency accordingly. Moreover, she narrates that throughout the universe, the ‘law of unified vibrating energy states’ could be set in motion. Lois concludes the chapter by explaining that we must not only consult with the universe, but also take responsibility for what is manifesting in our lives. She explains that we are all made up of energy from the same source, and that ‘you are never alone in the universe!’. She stresses that ‘the universe will conspire with you to gain what you want’ and this is why the law of attraction should be obeyed. However, she makes it unequivocal that you cannot sit back and ignore reality. By setting our goals and working to achieve our desires, Lois states that ‘we open our hearts and minds to the vastness of the universe’ and ‘we acknowledge that we are not separate from the one great power’.

2.2. How to apply the law of attraction in daily life

Now, let’s find out how to apply the law of attraction effectively in our daily life. To do this, try to cultivate an environment of trust and faith. As you begin to apply the law of attraction to start creating the things you want in life, one of the key factors that affect your ability to do this successfully is feeling good about it. Many people observe that as soon as they have a clear goal of what they wish to achieve, the laws of attraction start to work and help them achieve their goals. Visualizing is the technique where you start to see yourself as already having achieved your goal. When you are able to visualize an idea and take it to its logical conclusion, the law of attraction kicks in and starts to work to make that visualization become the ultimate reality. Get in touch with your inner self and discover the joy within. As you learn to apply the law of attraction to start creating more of what you want in life, it is crucial to also take the time to find yourself, who you really are and connect with your inner self. You may wish to start making a note of your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions to help you see certain behavior patterns emerging or that certain moods shift according to what’s happening in your daily life. This can be said as “spiritual awareness”. By doing this, you will find that in no time you are applying the laws of attraction throughout your day automatically. Many people continually make the mistake of trying to use the laws of attraction through simply making statements and affirmations. However, this is not a truly reliable way to access the workings of the law of attraction and you can expect only mixed results at best. It is important when you apply the laws of attraction always to your goals that you engage your emotions in a meaningful and productive way. This connects truly mind power and physical and emotional harmony. Mind harmony enables the two worlds to communicate and we are really sending a clear and consistent signal out into the spiritual, or unseen world. This is the essence of the law of attraction. However, in order to fully get into grips with this at the heart level, the master key is to discover how to feel good about the goals you wish to accomplish. It’s about getting to the point where we can actually go to the depth of what we desired – to know exactly what we want to create with such clarity and intensity that the universe literally moves to accommodate your desires. This is spirituality at a very high level and this is the true way of effective application of the law of attraction in our daily life.

2.3. Benefits of practicing the law of attraction

When we align our thoughts and energy with the law of attraction, we are able to attract positive, fulfilling experiences in our life. We can transform not only our own lives but also the lives of others by practicing the law of attraction. One of the greatest benefits is that it helps us to create the life that we want. By visualizing and focusing on the things we are passionate about, we are taking the necessary steps to create what we want and desire. We are actively using the power of our mind to help manifest the things we truly want and starting to make the dreams a reality. When we begin to use the law of attraction and apply it to our most important desires, there are many benefits that can be obtained. Most people have a desire but are not aware of the power which they already have at their disposal! There are many experts who argue about the exact timeframe for the law of attraction to benefit one person over another. However, the general consensus is that the power of the law is truly magnificent. Being in the state of attraction and manifesting our deepest desires, it can take days, months and even years for us to realize the full effect. But as we become more adept at positive energy attraction and once we have the dedicated training and mental discipline it required, it is possible to reach a point to where we can attract what we want instantly. Isn’t it incredible? We have seen the power of the vibrations and if we can maintain that level of energy surrounding the point in mind, and have built up enough of a consistent energy, the universe will often match them very much quicker than desired. We can absolutely reach the point of being in such a powerful and consistent state! Also, the consistent practice of proper techniques and attitudes greatly benefit the law of attraction. It will promote healthier well being as the techniques arise to mind are mental in nature and keeping a positive outlook. This will teach an individual deeper instruction on life and we become wiser for the well-being of others when we begin physically teaching this skill to family and friends. I think it is unquestionable to say that it eliminates the impulsive nature of emotional feelings and enables a sense of clarity. So, overall, it brings peace and love to oneself and others around us. Women and men unanimously agree that the law of attraction renders good luck and fortune. This is due to encouragement of striving at the goals and the changes in the approach to the view of life. It alters our life to a much more fulfilling and exciting journey as we begin to have more faith and love within ourselves. As a result of practicing the law of attraction, we become more aware of different products and resources that benefit our mind and soul. This promotes a continuous, everlasting pathway for well-being in the mind, body, and soul and the cycle carries on.

3. Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect is discussed and it is emphasized that nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws. Every action has a reaction and the actions you take have consequences on your life. There are no coincidences. Once you start to apply this law and understand it, you can use it to help transform your life. When you go against the flow of life – one example is living in your head – you will receive an effect, which may come in the form of physical pain in your solar plexus, the area that is home to your self-esteem and personal power. Understanding the role of each of the 12 universal laws will help you move from living in your head – a very limited existence – to living from your heart, a place filled with limitless possibilities. Every time you use your mental faculties to go against the flow of life, now that there is an effect. Every time you moan, you groan, you lament, you claim that you are a victim of some sort, know that living in your head has an effect. The body is a feedback mechanism to the mind and once you start to pay attention to the feedback, you will start to recognize the effect. The Law of Cause and Effect is discussed and it is emphasized that nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws. Every action has a reaction and the actions you take have consequences on your life. There are no coincidences. Once you start to apply this law and understand it, you can use it to help transform your life. When you go against the flow of life – one example is living in your head – you will receive an effect, which may come in the form of physical pain in your solar plexus, the area that is home to your self-esteem and personal power. Understanding the role of each of the 12 universal laws will help you move from living in your head – a very limited existence – to living from your heart, a place filled with limitless possibilities. Every time you use your mental faculties to go against the flow of life, now that there is an effect. Every time you moan, you groan, you lament, you claim that you are a victim of some sort, know that living in your head has an effect. The body is a feedback mechanism to the mind and once you start to pay attention to the feedback, you will start to recognize the effect.

3.1. Explaining the law of cause and effect

The third chapter of Mr. Mustick’s book examines the third universal law, “The Law of Cause and Effect”. This is a very important concept for anyone’s spiritual development, isn’t it? When most people hear this said, they start to think of their problems. Is this a good skill to have? Because it will cause emotional involvement, we very often direct this study to the life around us. Nevertheless, the law of cause and effect focuses on the mental dimension – the thought. The physical laws may try to demonstrate how things happen in a certain way naturally, but this law is the power which explains the law of “miracles”, a successful life for – “if you regard that mind is the powerhouse of many constructive miracles in your life, because mind does have the only ability to accept or reject any kind of outward obstacles”. This law states that nothing happens by chance. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown” or caused. The cause or intention of the thought or action may not be easily seen and the effect or result may not be experienced for some time. Also, the effect may be changed by other causes and the intention may be pure but an accident or “mistake” caused by reaction to someone else’s intention still has an effect which cannot be ignored. This basically means that the effect appears in the physical world and this effect may be the cause of another effect and so on. However, if we see the effect as a series of events to the destination of something else, then it is no longer called an effect, it is considered as progress or process. In fact, it is possible that we intervene at any time during our understanding of the process and change the final result. By having this state of mind, we are no longer a slave of the physical world and its pressing creatures because we learned how to operate the first course, the thought. And according to what Mr. James Allen said, “mind is the master power that molds and makes, and we are mind and the man. And ever more he takes the tool of thought, and shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: – he thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: his environment is but his looking glass”.

3.2. Recognizing the effects of our actions

When looking for patterns of behavior, it’s sometimes difficult to see the recurring sequence of cause and effect. It is always easy to see the effects, as we are faced with them, but in order to recognize causes, experience and attention are needed. Effects, unlike causes, are easily recognizable and they tend to demand our attention. This is why it takes effort and time to learn the inevitable consequence of any action. In our fast-paced world, taking time to consider the long-term effects of our actions is not a common practice. However, in order to lead a rewarding and fulfilling life, learning this is crucial. Through understanding the sequence of events from causes through to effects, and the interconnectedness of everything, we can begin to appreciate the powerful and decisive nature of the law of cause and effect in our lives. We are our own being, full of energy and it is the causes we make, the things we create, which generate the energy through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. And it is this energy, which provides the power behind the effects that we experience in our lives. Every effect in our lives is first found as a cause, of which we and we alone have created. This opens up the possibility of a way to further understanding and enlightenment. By understanding this and learning to recognize and diagnose the outcomes of our actions – not only in the physical world of matter, but also in the development of our thoughts – we can then begin to see that there is no such thing as a bad effect. Every “bad” effect can be traced back to some cause we ourselves have made and have the power to change. This is how each and every one of us can manipulate and create the effects we want out of life, not just simply dealing with what we don’t want.

3.3. Taking responsibility for our actions

So, how can we put the law of cause and effect and its principles in this regard, into practical everyday use? It is all very well understanding about this law, but if we do not use it in a practical way in our lives then it is useless. When we are taking responsibility for our actions, it is not our actions, but the effects of our actions that we are taking responsibility for. If we want to put this into practice, we have to first break the habit of identifying things by external appearance. We are the product of what has come before. Every thought that has come to our mind, every action that we have made, has led up to this present time. If we can accept this and meditate on this fact, we shall soon begin to appreciate that the future is in our hands. Every time that we find ourselves blaming someone else, or something else for any set of circumstances, we are in effect passing the buck and saying that our hands are tied. Every time we cooperate with this process, this lessening of confidence and act consistently, those destructive thought forms grow more troublesome and inside our subconscious can be a dangerous auto suggestion. We can do, be or have whatever we will, if we follow the way to the Christ became Jesus as a man and overcame the world, discovered Christ in himself, and learnt to recognize the divinity in other people and in all of life. We can find out; we can study his teachings, both through his spoken words and his actions, study his works. We can develop our own ability to influence others and we can keep working towards taming our characters.

4. Law of Vibration

The law of vibration states that everything in the universe vibrates, moves, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. Every living thing has an energy field or aura, which surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the vibration of the energy in this field that makes it possible to sense emotions, health, and conduct of others, and of course to transmit one’s own in that vibration. This law explains that the difference between manifestations of matter, mind, spirit, and the result of the varying vibrations. If the universe is vibration and everything vibrates, then there is no essential difference between the manifested and the mental. The difference is solely a matter of rate and mode of vibration. Modern science was making great advances, but they were slow in proving the of metaphysical truths. Thanks to quantum theory and the science of quantum physics, this law has slowly been investigated and the great physicists are now beginning to understand what the ancient mystics have been saying for thousands of years. Quantum theory has proven that there is no fixed reality and it is not the material world that dictates our reality but it is our state or our inner world, our thoughts that create the material world. Then for these building blocks of creation, how quantum particles vibrate totally determines the kind of physical manifestation that we see and perceive. Well, when higher rates of vibration interpenetrate lower rates, the resulting effect depends on the constitution of the particles and the area of intelligence involved. When an object is shown to the enlightened mind of man to be nothing particularly special, be then that result to that is the object assumes the rate of vibration in the area of the inducing mind; the same may be also applied to meditations where higher thought lifts the lesser of material. Hope you don’t fall asleep by my long paragraph as this was a complex translation to explain. High rates of vibration pertain to the more rarefied regions while the particles of lower vibrations come from the lesser dense. This explains psychic power and mind over the material structures of the density. High vibration excites that finer order of creation, which we little understand, namely the beginning of intelligence. In sum, even though senses cannot react to much beyond what they gather in outer forms, still recent and enlightened metaphysicians are beginning to understand the importance of the universal vibrations for our future well-being. Quantum theory and probe further and the field of metaphysics, including the quest for the creator, cannot help but be enhanced by this progress. The great days of self-discovery and the opening up of the unseen world are truly beginning, and the potential is unlimited.

4.1. Understanding the concept of vibration

Vibration is a really complex topic. According to the law of vibration, everything is constantly moving and vibrating at a certain frequency. This includes human beings. There is a lot more to this than what we can actually see in the physical world. The chair you are sitting in appears solid when in fact it is constantly moving at a molecular level. Solid objects, consisting of rapidly moving particles which are attracted to one another and hold together in a structured form, vibrate more slowly than those of liquid or gaseous forms. The vibration of a solid object can be measured to calculate its frequency – this is what is known as resonance. Frequency is defined as the number of vibrations per second. Every cell that makes up the human body is constantly vibrating. This may seem like a radical thought, but in actual fact every cell gives off sound. Every organ and every single part of our body has a signature vibration. This is known as the natural frequency of each. The healthy human body is in a state of vibration, with each organ and ligament having its own vibrational frequency. When something occurs to make us feel unwell, a different or lower frequency vibration sets in. This change can cause disease and physical complaints. Scientists have proven that every element within the periodic table, when in its pure state, has a unique frequency that can be mathematically calculated. Although our initial perception is that the object rests in a state of stillness, it is in fact vibrating – albeit beyond the limit of our physical capability. Each cell within our body exists at a certain level of vibration. Emotions such as love, joy and happiness vibrate at a high frequency – resulting in health for the individual concerned. On the contrary, common emotions such as anger, jealousy and hate vibrate at a much slower frequency – causing disease within the body. The vibration of our world brings life to all that exists on this physical plane. Science now understands that while the human ear may not be able to hear it, all matter is, in fact, comprised of sound. Plenty of time and energy has been put into investigating the behavior of liquid or gaseous forms, because of their potential for practical application. Such forms of matter act in a manner consistent with the 12 laws of vibration and frequency. For example, on discovery of the required vibration, it has been found that air can be turned into a liquid. Forming better understanding in this area could lead to further exploration and development in areas such as modern medicine. Raising the energetic frequency at which the body vibrates restores it to its natural strength. This can result in the fastest and most enduring ways of reconnecting to good health and harmony. Memories or energy disruptions that have caused blockages in the individual’s life can often be dislodged and dispelled. Such practice is often carefully used by natural therapists to cure all sorts of physical and mental disease. Every part of our body has its own vibrational frequency, as mentioned previously.

4.2. Raising your vibrational frequency

Raising your vibration is a key concept discussed in the book that has the power to change your life for the better. Vibration is a direct reflection of our inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choice of words, actions, and even the choice of diet. This is discussed in great detail that helps readers to understand the different factors that can contribute to your frequency of vibration. In the nowadays world, most people have not been educated to cultivate habits that keep their bodies, mind and spirits functioning in optimal vibrational states. Instead, most have been unknowingly accepting a descent vibrational state as if it is ‘normal’ to feel stress and other negative emotions all the time. In fact, the majority realize the consequences of low frequency ways of living, however, many simply allow the old habits to dominate their lives which consequently lock them into countless self-inflicted miseries.

4.3. How vibration affects your reality

Once you understand the concept of vibrations and begin to raise your personal vibration, many exciting possibilities open up for you. This is because according to the law of vibration, each attraction that we make in our reality is a result of the vibrations that we are putting out into the universe. This is a scientific fact. When you strike a tuning fork and then hold another one next to it, the second tuning fork starts to vibrate at the exact same frequency as the first one. This is the law of physics. Given that all matter is made up of energy and everything vibrates at different frequencies, when you raise your personal vibration, you start to attract to yourself people, things, and events that are also vibrating at higher and higher frequencies. This is why when your vibration is high, you suddenly start to feel more positive, more energetic, more at peace, more creative, and find that you are able to focus much better. So when you attract these higher vibrational things into your life, it doesn’t just stop there. These new, higher vibrational things that you have now attracted into your life start to impact your reality in a brand new, exciting way. Many people think that their feelings come as a result of their external reality. However, as discussed earlier, nothing could be further from the truth. Our feelings do not come as a result of what is around us, our feelings create our reality. When we feel good, we make better, more positive decisions and we see things in a different light. However, when we feel bad, the exact opposite is true. We tend to make more negative decisions and our outlook on life tends to be much more pessimistic. This is why understanding the law of vibration is so important. By understanding how raising your personal vibration can and does affect your reality, the decisions that you make, and ultimately the life that you lead, you can start to make the kinds of positive changes that you may never even dared imagine before.

5. Law of Correspondence

The next law discussed in “The 12 Laws of the Universe” is the Law of Correspondence, which is the topic of the next chapter. The Law of Correspondence explores the connection between our inner and outer worlds. The book explains that our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world. This means that the circumstances and situations we encounter in our external life are a direct result of our thoughts, belief systems, and emotional states. The chapter emphasizes that aligning our thoughts and actions with our desired outcomes in life is the key to living in harmony. It provides practical guidance on how we can change our thinking and elevate our internal state to manifest a life of abundance and fulfillment. For example, the book suggests that we should not let our present circumstances and reality shape our thinking, but use our thinking to change our reality. By focusing our attention on what we want to manifest in life and thinking positively about it, we can begin to make small shifts in our outer world. The chapter provides many other practical steps and examples to help readers apply the Law of Correspondence to their life. The depth of insight into the application of the law in our everyday living is astounding. The concept and implication of this law are much greater than the Law of Attraction on its own. Mastering the Law of Correspondence enlightens individuals on how and what he or she can do to structure the ultimate life that he or she deserves. By learning and applying this profound knowledge, one can be sure that he or she can make the Law of Attraction work for benefits. Also, one will start to realize the true power of his or her internal thinking and emotional state to shape a reality that will lead to a life of greatness.

5.1. Exploring the law of correspondence

By recognizing that relationships and levels of being “correspond” in a deeper unity, we can gain an enriched experience of the universe, a valuable warning that is given to us by the principle of the law of correspondence. This law of correspondence can also be considered as one of the applications and interpretations of sciences, particularly for cybernetics. The law of correspondence is well recognized in both traditional and classical Chinese medicine. However, traditional and modern scholars have different understandings towards this law. For traditional scholars, they claimed that there is no physical evidence to support the law and it is unscientific. While modern scholars suggested that the law was applicable and useful, particularly for health investigation studies.

There are many ways to do health investigation that violate the principle of correspondence. This law warns us that we cannot overlook the human level if we want to understand the richness of experience on the deeper levels. The use of either polar ways of thinking – descriptions in terms of either a self or an other – is a violation of the law. Such an oversight can lead to unnatural ways of understanding and manipulating our environment, physical, artificial or spiritual.

For example, imagine two entirely different bacteria that cause a similar symptom in a person’s body. A physician might say that the two types of symptoms “correspond” to two different clinical pictures. However, in a deeper unity, the opposite may be true. That is, the existence of a symptom in a person might function as the unifying characteristic and the bacteria may be divided into opposites to each other that “correspond” in an artificial classification. If they can use the correct level of this principle, the physician can recognize that they have discovered a process and a symptom in a person, the real unities, and that the opposite “correspondences” are part of a deeper form of their artificial classifications – a unity that lets them and a symptom be opposite that truly “corresponds”.

In the ancient Hermetic study, the principle of the law of correspondence is not simply a theory or a myth. Instead, by investigating the law of correspondence, all planets can be regarded as prototype forms of both natural and artificial environments. This is a law that can warn us against the errors of oversimplified thought. It shows how things can be contradictory on one level, but be aspects of a deeper unity on another level.

5.2. The connection between inner and outer world

The Law of Correspondence is about understanding the connection between our inner and outer world. Our reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. In other words, our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. If we want to change our outer world, we have to start from the inner world first. If we want to achieve harmony, we have to align our thoughts and actions with our desired outcomes. This means we have to hold in our mind the result we want to produce and then start taking actions in line with our mental image. For example, if we want to lead a healthy life, we have to develop positive and healthy thoughts and then start doing the things that help us to develop and maintain the feeling of well-being. If we want to live in abundance and prosperity, we have to think in terms of abundance and prosperity, concentrate on these feelings and use them to motivate us to undertake actions that will bring them to life. By doing so, the connection between the inner world and the outer world will strengthen and we will be able to mold our world and the world inside the way we want it to be. Last but not least, to master the law of correspondence, it’s important for us to learn to alter our thoughts intentionally. And the chapter explores how to do so, for example by using positive affirmations, etc.

5.3. Aligning your thoughts and actions with your desired outcomes

In treating the subject of the Law of Correspondence, it must be remembered that this is the latest addition to the list of the twelve immutable laws of the universe. Up to a few years ago, it would have been considered as merely a phase of the Law of Attraction. Later, definite mental and psychological laws began to take form – so much so that they had to be recognized as a distinct branch of study, and psychology became a science of itself, most subtly tangled up with the laws of mental vibrations. And then, very recently, it became impossible to overlook a certain particular class of mental and psychic phenomena, and the attention of the learned world became generally first called to what has been used a “new psychology” in a treatment of the philosophy of matter, life, and so-called mind; and, secondly, to the oriental and ancient systems of education, moral culture, and development of the vital psychic forces through the operation of those well-known laws thereof – the consensus of opinion being that, after all said and done, the latest deductions of modern sciences are, beyond question, the laws of matter. Anyhow, the Law of Correspondence is – as many ranks it – the true spiritual explanation of the cabalistic maxim: “Whatsoever is above is like unto that which is below, and that which is below is like unto that which is above”. This truism is most consistently recognized and most continually employed in all occult teachings. It conveys to us this idea: that the study of the secrets of the creative forces of the universe, whether we approach it from the present materialistic or from the ancient mystical view, will always reveal to us the act that we are working through fixed laws, immutable, as they are eternal. And thus, the word “law” seems to a novice, as a limitation. The word “law” applies in the sense of a method, regular process, principle of operation, constitutive, meaning that through which something is manifested, and a purpose – or any other of the usual meanings, and all such ideas of that nature, but rather a method. And the practical application of the study of the Law and its process or method is to be found in – as the ancient and distinguished philosophers of ages since past knew well – astronomical and physical as well as theological (under the word as the ancients understood it). That is to say, its first and immediate application is to the known and defined system of created nature which we call Cosmos; the second, or mediate extension of the application and of the study, is to the operations of the ruling deities or occult forces of that system; and all our daily lives and actions therein are obedient unto, and work within the knowledge of, those fixed and irrevocable laws. And this is to give the law a very wide and practical application indeed.

6. Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity is explained with the relativity of all things. Hot and cold, light and dark, up and down, good and bad. Polarity is found in everything and refusing to recognize this fact causes imbalance in the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our lives. Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree. Extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths, all paradoxes may be reconciled. This law works in the visible, physical world as well as on the mental and spiritual planes, and there is no exception. This means that you can change the mental and spiritual effects of polarity using the corresponding laws if you learn to control your thinking and emotions in life.

6.1. Understanding the law of polarity

Understanding the law of polarity is vital for comprehending the bigger picture in the universe. Polarity refers to the idea that everything has an opposite. Whether it is light or dark, up or down, hot or cold, left or right – it all has an opposite. So, what does that mean and how does that apply on a day to day basis? It is essential to recognize that everything on the planet is made of the same seven elements: metals, gases, non-metals, earth, light, aether, and water. These elements form all solids, liquids, and gases that we know and form our entire physical existence. These elements are simply vibrations, higher vibrations create light and love, whilst lower vibrations manifest as slower frequencies and make matter. So, we can use these elements as guidance for understanding the law of polarity. Good and bad, negative and positive, light and dark, love and hate are all part of the same vibrational levels. However, as the Hermetic Principle of Polarity states “the differences between the various manifestations of the elements of the matter lie in the difference of vibration”. This means that while something might appear to be of a different nature to something else the truth is that they are all a part of the same thing, just different vibrational frequencies. When we understand this law, we are able to consciously change our vibrations. By understanding that something that appears bad is just the same as something good but at a different frequency, we can begin to change our frequency to something that we want and can help others to realize this too. This is the key to the effective use of the Law of Polarity for the progression of ourselves and other beings in the universe. Emotion is simply energy in motion; it is a driving force that fuels our thoughts and actions. Our emotions are in response to what we are giving our attention to, much like the way the Law of Attraction works. However, emotions are the second stage applied to thought and also another form of communication with us and the universe. Every vibrant emotional state that we choose to embody is communicated to the universe. When we are fully engaged in a particular emotion, we enter into the vibrational frequency of that emotion and emit it outwards. Thus, we are sending a direct message to the universe via our emotional state. Every thought and emotion is sent out to the universe, not just with us, but worldwide. By recognizing that we can control our emotions and not let them take control of us we are taking the first step in living a more fulfilled life of happiness, love, and peace.

6.2. Embracing the duality of life

When it comes to polarity, it is essential to understand and embrace the contrasting forces that exist in the world around us. The law of polarity stipulates that everything in the universe has an opposite. However, these opposites are not distinct or different in nature, but are actually varying degrees of the same thing. In other words, contrary to what we may instinctively perceive, things such as love and hate, fear and courage, and light and dark are not totally separate concepts. Instead, they are differing levels of each other and it is often only the human mind that interprets them as separate. By accepting that these different forces are actually just two extremes of the very same thing, individuals can better understand the interconnectedness of the world as well as gain a fresh perspective and solution to many problems. As such, embracing this law helps people become more open minded and less anchored to extremes. This allows for much more flexibility and adaptability in life – removing the obstacle of struggling with the extreme of one thing in order to have the other, and instead seeing them just as points on a scale. Mastering the knowledge of this law and understanding that every element in the universe is placed on a continuous scale between the two opposites is a key part of crossing over to intuition and the knowledge of other deeper universal laws, such as the law of vibration.

6.3. Finding balance in opposing forces

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There would be no inside to a room without an outside. Up without down. Hot without cold. In fact, every quality that is true of something must have an opposite that is equally true. So, no matter what the quality, it must have an opposite. “What are we after here? What’s the point?” the mind wants to know. The answer of course is balance. We want to learn how to have what we want, but do it in a way that doesn’t throw us off center. When you learn how to find the fulcrum, how to find the middle way, how to be non-reactive, you will have learned much. The fulcrum is the point of balance. Proverbs from many cultures give us this wisdom. The Middle Path that the Buddha taught, the “Sitting between two stools, falls to the ground” that the English teach, and the Talmudic injunction “The extremity is to be avoided”. In the Far East, life is a constant state of maintaining and regaining this position. It is understood that balance must be an ongoing process, not a finite achievement. So with the knowledge of the law of polarity and how to find balance, when the breath is no longer coming and going in the day through overly expressed emotion, keep breathing and balance the movement of energy.

7. Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm in “The 12 Laws of the Universe” has been summarized into different subtopics. The first topic is explaining about the law of rhythm and it is under this topic that it has been suggested how the universes have their own music. This is because music has rhythm and rhythm can be shown in a graph. This is why the universes must have their own rhythm and this is what has been observed throughout the study on vibration and frequencies. The writers have explained that the law of rhythm means everything in this world has its pattern of inflow and outflow. When creating anything, the writers believe that they have to start by generating the first push that will help to build up momentum towards the completion of the matter. It is important that the writer has to put another series of push, gaining in both momentum and intensity in strength before the work is finished. The writers have given an example by using a graph shown in figure 3. The graph shows a continuous rise and falling of ups and downs. By referring to the new paragraph about the cycle of life, it is clear that for those who have an understanding of this law will have the ability to withdraw at the material level of vibrations and project the mental vibrations in altering his personal vibration. And the mind power that he used is in ratio to his wisdom of the law. This is because as the study of knowledge and wisdom grows, he could change his vibration so remarkably that he will master all the 12 of the major states of mind. This is what has been suggested and not only he could master even the minor states but he could control those people who are functioning at that universe and the master could even help those people to raise higher in their vibration circuits. This shows the power of this law. However, an interesting concept of ‘resistance’ and knowledge has been given in a sense that knowledge can change how we react and this automatically creates the resistance which will interrupt the law’s rhythm. Sympathy will lead us to the understanding of the gravity of the negative emotion and thus, the writer will start to move up to the next state which is called understanding.

7.1. Explaining the law of rhythm

On 7.1. Explaining the law of rhythm, the writer wrote that readers would learn about how the Law of Rhythm affects their daily lives, describing that this law embodies the concept that everything is moving to and fro, flowing and ebbing. He also explains that the Law of Rhythm is why when people are down or feeling negative, it can be hard to get any momentum to start feeling better, as it’s hard to go from a complete standstill to movement. Students are introduced to the idea that you cannot necessarily avoid the downward swing of the rhythm, but often, if one can pick out the area where you feel the worst – so, the most downward swing of the pendulum – they can realize that the swing has to move back up. So, by looking for what area in their lives is – right now – in a downward swing, readers can consciously begin to start holding the idea that it’s going to have to start swinging back up and they can help it do just that. He goes on to explain that everything is constantly shifting and the swing of the Law of Rhythm is present in every area of life. This rule can apply from understanding yourself all the way to understanding worldwide issues. He provides an example; in times of peace, people swing to a state of happiness and gratitude. However, worries of war set in and people become negative and hospitable. The downward swing continues until people are caught in the depths of despair – then war. This emotional swing gives a visual to the way that violating this law can manipulate outcomes. So, by following this law, one becomes empowered.

7.2. Recognizing the cycles and patterns in life

If you have ever felt like your life was going in circles, or that you are stuck in a pattern, then you understand what the law of rhythm is trying to teach us. To recognize that the rhythm is always there is the key to work together with the law to achieve mental and spiritual freedom. Once again, we use an example from nature to understand this concept more clearly: we would see that the tides are also in a rhythm. There are high tides and there are low tides. It is impossible for high tide to exist without creating a condition for a low tide to happen and vice versa. This rhythm is happening in a time range of several hours. We cannot see the rhythm of the universe with our naked eye in this example, but it works the same way as what we see when we look at the tides. Everything in the universe, including the universe itself, is in a constant and consistent state of rhythmic movement or vibration. When we understand this law in correlation with the other laws, stringing them together like an orchestra, we gain access to the secrets of the universe. Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm compensates. This law exists because the master of destiny, the soul, can be made the captain of the mind. When we understand that we are part of the universe and that we impact on the universe by our actions, we understand that we have the divine power to master the rhythm and to move to our own music. This is the ultimate goal that we try to achieve by learning and understanding this law. Every person has their own rhythm and we should respect others’ rhythms. If they are not in tune with each other, walk away and find a better harmony. Every action, including thought, that we make has an impact on the rhythm. When we live a mindful life, we would understand and be more aware of the importance of generating pure and positive notes.

7.3. Adapting to the ups and downs of life

By understanding the movement and the flow in life, we can live in accordance with it. We need to understand that there are times when we will face temporary failure. If you are on a downswing in life, and things are not going well, some people have a tendency to think that it will last forever. This is not the case. Life is like a pendulum. It is swinging. The fact that it is down now basically can only mean one thing: that it will swing back. This is the way the law of rhythm works. You know that rhythm refers to a measured motion, a flow and repeated pattern of movement. When music that has a rhythm, you automatically begin to sway and follow its beat. The same goes for life’s rhythm. Life is full of cycles, and the law of rhythm is a key to understanding these cycles. Every successful person understands and applies this law; others do so unconsciously. It is a natural and very easy law to live with, although so many people choose to ignore it. It gives us a great sense of balance. When we understand that the ‘downs’ in our life are part of the natural rhythm and cycle of life, we can accept them and even, if you can love them. We know that with each one, it is bringing us strength and knowledge that we will need for the ‘upswing’ in life which is just around the corner, sometimes actually a lot closer than you might think! Every day can be a feast for you if you know how to saunter and walk for a while through the ‘rose bed of souls’. Every experience, good and bad, is an opportunity to learn and to grow. Thanks to the ups and downs of life and the law of rhythm, we have been provided with a path that we can embrace and follow with our open hearts and receptive souls.

8. Law of Gender

The Law of Gender and the accompanying two subsidiary laws are the following to be talked about. 8.1 Understanding the law of gender. This law doesn’t speak to the thought about physical sex, as a great many people may decipher it. Instead, it mirrors the possibility that for creation to happen, which is a general guideline of creation, a parity of the energies of the two extremity focuses, all the more famously depicted by Yin and Yang in Taoism, should be in play. It is wrongly deciphered that physical sex really mirrors this law when the fact of the matter is actually the inverse. Without the joining of the Yin and Yang energies, no creation and improvement is conceivable. As it were, all things considered, carrying on with your life where stresses, nerves about uneasiness and dread may consistently appear to show can all the more successfully be placed into harmony with these laws. This may propose that to follow relaxation isn’t simply only for example a getaway or break from your life’s living unsteadiness. It is there so one can comprehend their actual cherishing self, resolve any feelings of trepidation and stresses and perceive the correct method to assess and follow up on these impacts. It takes a great deal of mental fortitude and determination to have the option to comprehend and make the right activities in harmony with these laws yet the prizes can be pivotal. Making a legitimate connection to incredibly decrease and destroy tension and stress is a commendable stage. 8.2 Balancing masculine and feminine energies. It is said, as per numerous profound conventions and religions, that the concept of genders should be in play so as to accomplish this harmony. Everything in the broad sense is believed to be made having male and female energies inside it, with creation and improvement being the final product of the parity that is made between these two kinds of energy. As has just been said, the sex of the physical body doesn’t really have an orientation on this, yet all things considered. Analysis of the different doctrines would be that the body’s sex really shows that the reverse keeps up the occasions for the duration of one’s life since certain impacts, for example, stress, nervousness and dread might be impact on an overall ebb and flow in the vitality levels of female and male energy – dynamism and calmness. Every person has both male and female energies in them and this suggests people’s life frameworks are as such planned. Dynamism may effectively be distinguished as a male quality, and corresponding, calmness is characterized to be ladylike in trademark.

8.1. Understanding the law of gender

Following the hermetic principle of gender, this law states that within every being, male and female forces are present. Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all levels. As above, so below; as below, so above. This law helps to explain creation and how the universe was brought into existence. The law of gender is a universal law that pertains to the progression of energy. Life requires two aspects of energy; one with the potential to create and one that contains the potentiality and awaits creation. These two energies are in a stage of constant interaction. The problem is that our modern culture doesn’t honor this law; it suppresses and demonizes these forces. However, suppressing these energies only leads to a lack of creativity and feeling unfulfilled in life. Additionally, when this suppression happens for a long time, it can lead to a variety of disorders; mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotional. When a person violates gender laws, these issues of health, happiness, and success are not achievable. This kind of violation drains a person’s energy; energy that could be used for creativity, growth, and harmony is instead directed to work against itself in a person’s life. Once this is understood, one can adjust and use this knowledge and work with gender in order to create a happier, healthier, and successful balanced life. By remembering that gender manifests on all levels of creation, people can learn how to balance the dualities of life. It is then necessary to realize when studying this law one can’t just look at it in a physical aspect. “Gender” has a far greater importance in the mental and spiritual through the physical. It must be understood as being solely concerned with energy and creative ability. This unique type of energy is the key for creation. Every spiritual and mental influence and every material condition is the result of this energy. Various cultures and societies have understood and applied this principle to a greater depth, yet true understanding of gender still eludes most of mankind today. The law of gender, when understood at the deepest level, provides seekers the opportunity to ‘partner’ with the creative. It allows participants to make firsthand individual changes to life; not by manipulating or wrestling to meet current standard quo stands, but by working in harmony with this creative power, to exemplify and bring to life that which is sought. Every being contains within it the potentiality of both creative and generated energies. By learning and applying the understandings required to unite these energies to generate new life or new modes and conditions of existence and development, obeying our own true will over our lives leads to the manifestation of both mental freedom and the ultimate goal of transcending the understanding of death and body.

8.2. Balancing masculine and feminine energies

Masculine and feminine energies can be found in everything. The writer mentions that it’s important for men and women to practice using and balancing both of these energies. We all know that male energy is solid and female energy is fluid. The writer explains that male energy is like the straightest river or the tallest tree – solid, able to hold fast and stay the course. Female energy is like the river that flows, the tree that can grow around any obstacle; female energy is creative and life-giving. But with the wrong balances, these can become ‘destructive’ energies; too much masculinity and things can become overbearing and not open to change whereas an overabundance of femininity has the potential to lead to the opposite – too variable and never reaching a true potential. He suggests that almost all individuals’ main life blockages stem from imbalances in their male and female energies. All emotional, physical, and spiritual problems are a result of these imbalances – depression, frustration, anger, anxiety, irritability, impatience, procrastination, and stuck or incomplete grief can all be signs of an energy imbalance. The writer highlights the fact that nature, the Earth and the Universe are all living and are all made up of these two energies; therefore, all life consists of masculine and feminine energy. He explains that masculinity is found in the thinking and femininity in the feeling, or in breath, and agrees like all things, male and female energy can be changed or transmuted into each other, likening it to inhalation (male energy) and exhalation (female energy). He does say however that different energies can help start the process – ‘an initial input’ is usually required and can give cause for the other energy to begin to grow, similar to how the seed of one thing begins inside another. He believes that we get these imbalances as every person has had many lifetimes as either male or female. Balancing these is essential and its believed that an imbalance on either side of the spectrum is the culprit of negative habits and general life-burdens. Whether we have evolved from past generations of struggle and squash, or from histories of the actual act of squashing others, we have inherited these imbalanced energies today.

8.3. Harnessing the creative power of gender

The creative power of gender is also emphasized by authors and metaphysicians as a powerful force in creating. It is frequently discussed in connection with the creative process and the Law of Attraction. According to the proponents of this principle, when the masculine and feminine creative forces are properly utilized and harnessed, the processes of visualization and materialization become harmonized. By balancing the two sides of the creative equation, it becomes easier to generate a grander or more exact output in the physical world. Of note is the fact that, in the context of these discussions, gender does not simply refer to being male or female. These forces are inherent everywhere in the universe, and they manifest themselves with physical gender being only one method of this manifestation. For any creation or creative visualization to come to be, one must employ these two creative forces. The masculine force is characterized as having the characteristics of mind – namely, rationality, logic, and single-focused thought. In addition, the masculine force is also associated with the sun and light. The use of the term ‘light’ is common in discussions of the Law of Attraction and in the work of healers operating with this universal energy. The feminine force, on the other hand, is characterized by qualities of the heart – like emotional feelings, intuition, and the ability to create multiple-level thinking. The feminine force itself is associated with the Moon and darkness. Everyday examples of the use of these creative forces can be seen when looking around us. For instance, the telephone or lightbulb was created using masculine energy. Such ideas must be visualized with exactness and the parts of the resulting creation must be brought to an organized point. On the other hand, the car or anything else to do with transport was created through the use of feminine energy. This is because these types of required a thought process detached from current reality. The creators had to feel their way to the design. It is often argued that the menstrual cycles in women and the Lunar cycle are linked in some way. According to leading philosophers on the subject of creative power and the Law of Attraction such as Ralph Smart, as these cycles are both connected to the female force, being creative changes through different sections of the month. It is believed that the Law of Gender and the above mentioned creative forces are going to be increasingly impactful specializing science. By understanding the exact principles and reasons for the different ways that the genders are geared to create, humanity will evolve into a society where it can be taught and used in everyday life to improve conditions for the whole universe.

9. Law of Divine Oneness

The next chapter, the ninth of Master’s series, is Divine Oneness and understanding. Each of this chapter will give you more insight not only into a man’s nature and his soul’s destiny, but into the destiny of humankind as a whole. I should say, this prophetic book reveals very deep knowledge, knowledge which covers not only secret science written by man, but also the most sacred mysteries of the century. I believe that all teachings we find in each chapter of this book are from the actual and inner knowledge that comes from my highest friend and teacher – the Spirit and Almighty God, which is the Divine One, the giver of life. And I am very thankful for that my spiritual knowledge which was only possible because of his urge to learn more and the nature of the things that work around us. All substances coexist. Also, oneness of the Ionic, and relationship between those from the members of a units, just like sentences of the language. We are the ‘word’ of that language. Omnipresent: present everywhere. All that is, where it is present in all the substances of the quite natural. All spirit, mental and bodily substances permeate the fluid space of the Ether. Thanks to the interpecial creations, God acts on us by loving and merciful Providence like sending to us his spirit – Messengers. The nature of life itself and biology is the spread of prosperity (prosperity, it’s mortality of the means of success or upward mobility). Our spirits, that unknowingly to most of the many, are constantly exuding this Divine power and shining it against the wall of the bondages which are limiting its flow and reflections. And this Divine power and its reflections make the universe respond to these vibrations. The spirits are alive, they are moving. Every cell, every planet which are the heart of the systems have the Spirits, and therefore, Law of the Divine Oneness comes into play.

9.1. Exploring the concept of divine oneness

Moving away from the worldly view, the text continues to explain that this law is so significant that it is the very first of the 12 universal laws because it impacts each and every facet of the world. The law of divine oneness combats the idea that man is inclined to isolation. Interconnection and compassion is emphasized as the core of all human relations. People can only have a meaningful life through the establishment and maintenance of relationships with the people around. This includes not only other human beings, but the environment as well. Therefore, when one grasps and lives by this essential law, he gains inner peace, i.e. a peaceful sense of his own position in the vast world, for the reason that he is relieved from an inborn feeling of isolation and the emptiness that accompanies it. He also establishes the foundation for the triumph of genuine happiness – that is helping others, experiencing lives with others, and lastly sharing the positivity with others. As the text continues to explain how this divine oneness is powerful, it mentions that the essence and the benefits of helping and benefiting others are also highlighted, reinforcing the positive outcomes that are in cooperation with the law. This helps to shift to a more balanced life which is no longer “baby,” “丫,” and “me”; but an integrated one. This interconnected life leads to a feeling of importance and a sense of joy to live, the keys to happiness. The selfishness and limitations of the worldly view made people think that what they have now is what they are and what they can live for. It leads mankind to easy assumption of pain caused by losing something. However, all these attachments, selfish desires, and greed will gradually fade away if people could understand the unity of life and the law of divine oneness, the text further explains. People would be more focused and composed with the situation no matter how good or how bad it is. It means that all happiness will be doubled and all sadness which seems to be overwhelming in life will be turned into stepping stones for a better life.

9.2. Recognizing the interconnectedness of everything

In essence, the law of divine oneness emphasizes that we are all connected because we are all made up of energy particles that are part of the same energy. It’s crucial to recognize that the universe is made of the same energy and that our energy affects the whole, creating a shared universal energy. When we embrace and recognize this, we feel more connected to the universe and to others around us. This interconnectedness is empowering because it means that our every thought, feeling or action ripples out and affects everyone, creating the collective energy. By recognizing that we are all connected to this universal energy and to everyone and everything in the universe, we can more effectively harness this energy to create the life we desire—whether that be a life of love, joy, peace, or abundance. Many people sometimes feel alone or separate from others. When we understand the profound truth of the law of divine oneness, we can begin to understand we are never alone because we all part of the same energy. As such, there is no need to compete with others or to feel afraid as there is enough for everyone in the universe. Also, by working together and focusing on the similarities and links between us, our possibilities are limitless. This realization on a deep, fundamental level will raise the vibration of humanity, leading towards slower crime rates, greater equality, peace, and good will. By recognizing divine oneness we will make a quickening and escalating difference to our lives, the lives of those around us, and the wider world at large. When we act from our heart, focusing on sending love, we are adding a greater strength to the energy of others and ourselves, and in turn, the universal energy. All our thoughts, emotions, and actions influence the collective energy of the universe. When we recognize that the divine lives in us and in everyone else, and we are all part of the whole, this in turn recognizes and elevates humanity to a higher vibrational frequency which is necessary for the entire human race to move on and raise the levels of our achievement with it. This will help many people understand themselves and their purpose in life. The awareness of our interconnectedness of life will help each individual to progress on their spiritual journey. This will, notably, uplift the vibration of the planet and, with it, each person inhabiting every corner of the world. And, as discussed, the world would become what it is meant to be, harmonious and full of love. When the realization of the divine oneness of life has sunk into every soul on the planet, unity will be given full expression and the shift in consciousness can occur. God’s love will flow with full force and intensity as the world wakes up to the realization for which it was created.

9.3. Embracing unity and harmony

Readers are encouraged to embrace unity and harmony following the understanding of divine oneness. It is emphasized in the book that all of the universe is made up of the same thing and has the same source, which connects everything together. When one understands that every human being and everything around him are all interdependent and intimately connected, it is only natural to embrace unity and harmony. When engaging in emotions, thoughts and actions, it is absolutely crucial for readers to create a state of emotional harmony and balance in their life. Practicing emotional harmony propels one to get closer to the higher frequency energies such as joy and love. As a result, this will encourage readers to spread joy and love to other people around, which further embraces unity. On the other hand, when one understands the concept of divine oneness and starts to understand that aiming for personal achievement and success at the expense of others is meaningless, one will naturally embrace unity with the others. The power of many people joining force together towards a same positive goal or objective will definitely be much greater than doing it individually. All great leaders of the world understand the concept of embracing unity and harmony, about this knowledge. By using this universal truth, they have made countless contributions and improvements to this world.

10. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Energy is constantly in a state of motion and change. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy explains that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. One useful tool for such change is recognizing and consciously utilizing the power of focus. Because of the Law of Attraction, which is a primary and activating Law of the Universe, whatever we place our focus on we attract to us. This takes personal awareness to recognize when our focus is either on what we do not want, or on what we do want. Visualizing our dreams already manifesting in our lives sets the Universal energy in motion to begin the work of transmuting those energies in the physical plane, the materialization of form. The vibrational frequency of belief is a very high, pure energy, especially when placed in the “heart” center of spirituality. Coupled with the focus of true attention and the intention of positive flow and the deliberate governing of our actions and reactions which are fruits of positive emotion, we consciously empower this “belief energy” to begin thorough transmutation of the energies around us. Every great person has practiced this transmutation and focusing process. It is what ushered great men and women of all time to transform their lives from a “rags to riches” scenario. Whether a person is poor, suffering ill health, or completely desperate in any area of life, learning and applying this Law will bring results. It is a great gift to us, to be able to live in the midst of these Universal laws that can ensure our lives be full of purpose and prosperity. Every great leader has been given the knowledge of these laws, and they have illustrated many of those laws in the process of leading others into a more abundant and developing existence. Every great writer, poet, actor, orator has given us the key to understanding purposeful and successful living. Our task is to master and manifest our desires in harmony with the Laws of the Universe, to bring about a fuller, meaningful, and joyous life for ourselves and for others. This chapter illustrates how, given the proper knowledge of the Laws and the opportunity for making choices, one can move from a common, ho-hum life existence to a progressive, prosperous, fuller, shining and more abundant life, and in so doing effect positive change in our bodies, positive change in our environment, and positive change in our relationships.

10.1. Understanding energy transmutation

Energy transmutation is the process of changing one form of energy to another. The idea of transmutation is very significant in many spiritual paths. The general idea is to take negative energy and change it into positive energy. Energy transmutation is realized only when the higher frequency of the energy takes control and literally transmutes the lower frequency energy. Many energy workers and teachers have different explanations or methods of how to transmute and do it. Most people in the general public are not aware of this process or have any incline of what it means. However, this process is used every day without people even knowing it when they decide to make the best out of a bad day or when they help a friend feel better or when making something great like art, music etc. It is important for spiritual workers to know how transmutation occurs because the work that is performed entails the spiritual worker the majority of the time to transmute negative energy from an individual to positive energy in results making the person feel better or creating a better living circumstance. There are ways that this positive change in energy can be recognized. When you do in fact transmute energy, the ‘victim’ of the negativity almost immediately shows some signs of change. This usually comes in forms of smiles, a calm presence, laughter, a look of sudden relief, and a complete healing from a past hurt. This is due to the sudden increase in good energy in that individual, therefore it is recognized right away. Also, the individual in which the healing process is underway may also have a sign of transmutation. This sign may come in ways of a flash of an insight, a feeling of sudden connection, the desiring to help someone while initially wanting only to work on oneself, feeling joy when there is no apparent reason to be joyful. Each of these signs of energy transmutation reflects the joy and happiness the individual that is receiving the positive energy is feeling right away.

10.2. Harnessing the power of intention

Harnessing the power of intention requires a deep understanding of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy and the art of flow. According to this law, all energy in the universe is constantly in the process of transmuting from one form to another. However, we can also guide and direct this process through the power of intention. Just as a gardener directs the growth of his plants – selecting which to cultivate and which to remove – we too can use our intention to guide the transmutation of energy. However, the art of flow is needed in concert with the power of intention to drive this process. Flow is a way of harmonizing our energy with the universe through the simple act of following the intuitive deviations in our paths. When we create strong intentions, we cast our thoughts and emotions out into the universe and begin the process of energy transmutation. But just as planting seeds require the right amount of sunlight, water, and space to flourish, so too do our intentions need the right conditions. This is where the practice of flow becomes crucial. By remaining flexible and mindful in our pursuit of intentions, we allow the universe to use its infinite organizing power to create the optimal lifelong transformations, like the course of a winding river. As such, when using the power of intention to direct the energy of the universe, it is crucial to remain mindful in the practice of flow, adapting our energies to optimize the results. For example, a simple daily routine to set strong intentions may involve a couple variations over the course of weeks. In the art of flow, it is this ability to embrace change and remain constantly aware of the optimization of energies that truly makes the difference. Ultimately, utilizing the power of intention and flow can transform the practitioner’s life to align with the deepest desires of the soul. This is not unlike the gardener finding that each season has its own joys and challenges in the continuous processes of growth and renewal. By mastering this dance and truly living with the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, it is possible that one could move beyond simple material success and guide the energy within the universe to the realization of our greatest dreams and most cherished hopes for a better world.

10.3. Transforming negative energy into positive

When dealing with negative energy, it is important to understand that it has a definite frequency and duration. As such, if we leave it alone, it will continue to be around us at the same level. However, we have the power to change the negative energy into positive energy, so that we can benefit from a harmonious and balanced environment. The first step to transforming negative energy is to understand the nature of energy. As mentioned in the first law of the universe, nothing rests; everything moves and everything vibrates. This refers to the positive and negative frequencies that shape the nature of the energy. Negative energy is a lower, heavier, slower vibration that affects our state of being and makes us feel stuck and unhappy. On the other hand, positive energy is a higher, faster vibration that creates health, happiness and wellness. The process of transmuting is the process of changing one form of energy into another. When we transform negative energy into positive energy, we take an unpleasant situation and turn it into something beneficial and uplifting. This is achieved by raising the vibration, frequency and quality of the energy that gives rise to the feelings. Raising our vibration will create an effective positive energy field that allows us to experience a whole new level of existence. One of the easiest ways to raise the vibration is through unconditional love. Unconditional love is not a feeling but a decision. It is the conscious choice to raise our frequency. In other words, when negative energy seems to prevail, the quickest way to change it into a positive energy is to let go the thoughts and start using the creative energy positively. By doing this, it helps to shift the frequency from a negative energy to positive energy. The power to choose how we can feel and how we can act in any given situation is always in our hands. Whether it is peace, joy or unconditional love, the moment we consciously ask for them, we are drawing out the highest qualities of our divine spirit and allowing them to burst forth into our experience.

11. Law of Compensation

Compensation is the law of harmony. It is the application of the law of cause and effect on the thoughts that are given vitality and action. It is also known as the law of sowing and reaping. Every man reaps what he sows. You get what you give. This is the same with the destructive thought and the harmonious thought. The law of compensation is the law of laws. It is the highest law of the universe. Our ability to grow in this universe is a blessing and a curse, for it is our ability to think and to choose our actions that lead to the things we receive. Every seed has a season. This means every seed will be planted when the time is right. This season allows for the seed to have the best chance at growing to its fullest potential. Every season has a law. These laws allow growth to happen. They allow for the harmony of the land and nature. These laws make life on this little rock of ours not only possible but enjoyable. For example, take the law of gravity. Most people probably do not think of this as being a law of a growing season. However, we need gravity in order to create roots and for the plants to be able to stay on the ground. Every action has equal and opposite reaction, he is just applying the law of compensation. The seed covers the whole story; it knows when to be planted and it prepares for the upcoming season. Nature planted the seed and gave back the benefit by offering a full grown tree and offered numerous fruits. Also the law of gender, that each man contains both the masculine and feminine energy, but manifests the quality that he focused on more often, and he cannot produce without the help of both. All these laws exist at the same time; and compensate to one another. One must know how each law respond to another, and reverences to the individual law. Also man does not accept the law of compensation, but the laws are in operation and will continue to control his life. He cannot appeal from these laws if he disobeys them. He never be able to avoid these laws. He is under the laws. He has to do certain things and left things alone for certain ends under these laws. So that using the power of volition of thought, man should eliminate the idea of competition, hatred and disease from their mind, and simply hold the thought of charity and love, and also hold the perfect image of health in the mind.

11.1. Explaining the law of compensation

The law of compensation gives us the choice of freedom and power. It is the good news. It tells us that “the balanced scales of justice” are in our own hands, and that “the soul that sinneth, it shall die” is also written as “the soul that turneth, it shall live”. It implies that we are living in a world of free will, and thus what we thought, what we did, and what we believed in have created forces of energy that would someday return to us in kind. It explains that each person will get what he deserves, no more, no less. This might not sound as good news to some people as it directs people to take full responsibility for what they are getting in life today. However, looking from another angle, this is the great news yet. If we are capable of being responsible for our own actions, it means that we have the ability to change our future for the better and choose our own destiny, as it seems to lie totally in our very own hands. In comparison with various principles of man-made law, which are based upon false teaching, selfishness, ignorance, or intemperance, it states that the law of compensation is absolutely fair, wise, and just. Unlike many human laws, it never fails, and it gives every man the understanding and realization that in God’s Great Universe, there is always plenty of everything for everybody. The truth simply remains infinitely and eternally good. The law will not have to be changed in order to give a man more prosperity. All that is required is to do our best according to our capability and think of helping others. Then the upward rise of the law will reflect the most wonderful and splendid results. In the moment we take the deeper thought and wider view, we shall see that as the law of compensation is necessarily operative for building up all true success, both individual and collective. And it never fails us because it is the very law by which the worlds and the Universes and all therein, all thereon, and there above, are floated. The Creator in all His Handiwork and Workmanship has ever respected and does respect the smallest as well as the greatest action or movement of His Creatures in all His works, and that, good folks, is the brightest and most glorious feature of this Great, and at the same time, the simplest of all laws.

11.2. Understanding the concept of karma

Karma is a term many people use with a casual attitude to describe the results of one’s actions, both positive and negative. However, it’s important to understand the true meaning of karma and the vital role it plays in the Law of Compensation. The idea of karma, in its most simple form, is the past, present and future coming together. What is done in the past affects the present and what is done in the present can affect the future. This means that the actions we take and the energies we release exist in all three times. In other words, everything we have done in the past is creating our present and our actions in the present are creating our future. If our past actions didn’t yield the results we wanted, then by changing something in the present, we can change the future. This holds true whether it relates to our health, our mindset, our success or state of mind. Karma is not a punishment. It serves as a guide to offer opportunities for us to heal, strengthen or unite the mind, body, and soul with the universe. The concept of karma is cultivated and manifested in the mind. Ultimately, the mind is the creator of our actions and our thoughts. And the Law of Compensation can only function entirely when our inner self is governed by the spiritual law, rather than the physical and mental states. Through this understanding, a person may also go closer and closer to a sense of peace and equanimity in his interactions and reactions in life. Favourable reactions are appreciated, and negative ones are not residents in the consciousness. This positive mindset embraces the Law of Compensation and augurs well for a life of joy and tranquillity.

11.3. Reaping what you sow

Reaping what you sow is the fundamental component of the law of compensation. It refers to the act of gathering, collecting or harvesting what you have sown or planted. There are many aspects in life which follow this concept, such as relationships, health, careers, economy, and so on. Life is like a bank and all you need to do is to make regular deposits in the form of positive constructive thoughts, action and only withdrawals being made from your life are the good and desirable results. By making such regular deposits, one can transform his or her life into the way he or she wants, because this is the best-known method of utilizing this law of nature and that allows possibilities to make any wish come true. It encourages us to understand the consequences of our actions and take responsibility for them. The reason why many people, including yourself probably, haven’t been able to reap the kind of results or fruits that you really desire is this – you haven’t been planting the right seeds that may yield those results; either you haven’t been planting any seed at all and hope to get a harvest, or you have been planting the wrong kind of seeds. When a negative or bad event occurred in our life, we don’t even realize that the seed or cause of this event actually lies within us. When we come to the realization that whatever we’re getting in our life – good or bad, is a direct result from what is going on inside us, then we have the opportunity and the responsibility to be able to change the crop, that is by changing what’s going on inside us. This could might as well be the beginning, the starting point of the better and more successful life. If you’re harvesting the bad stuff in your life at this moment, you can start to sow the seeds of success and happiness from this moment onward and nothing from the past can interfere with the act of planting the right seeds now. The more intense your desires and the purer your heart, the sooner you will reap. Every deed and work put in by you is in reality, put in for yourself and not for others, even though you may have the thought or illusion that it is done for others. When you give love and kindness to the world, because love is the seed, love is the result and love is all there is.

12. Law of Non-Resistance

The Law of Non-Resistance is not about tolerating wrong or evil, nor does it mean putting up with mediocrity. What it really means is understanding that many times, fighting against something puts us in a place of focusing on the negative and only creating more of the negative – putting resistance in the way of real solutions. The Law of Non-Resistance tells us to allow the things we don’t want to flow out of our lives, rather than building up energy and attention against them. It’s about an intelligent way of addressing what isn’t working. When we move this resistance out of our way, we find that it creates space for something new and better to take its place. When we resist what is happening to us, we put ourselves in a state of mind that does not allow for solutions or positive changes to appear. Resistance is a hardener – it sets into place the object of our resistance. When we allow for the possibility of a joyful, harmonious solution, we open ourselves up to potential and opportunity. Learning to live with this law may require a shift in mindset and a willingness to unlearn the habit of predetermined negative responses. Oftentimes, this shift can be facilitated by taking the time to look back at past challenges and see the truth of what has happened. We can recognize situations when we let go and let the Law of Non-Resistance flow and work its magic. We begin to understand how each instance of letting go brought a positive result. We start to accept the wisdom of the law and work to apply it with more fluency in our daily lives. By embracing the law of Non-Resistance, we can work towards the goal of creating internal conditions of joy, peace, and contentment by removing fighting internally and externally. It’s one of the keys to unlocking our potential for deep personal growth and development. Every time we overcome something through a non-resistant state of mind, we fine-tune our ability to attract the highest and the best into our lives. When we choose to live in the spirit of non-resistance, we open our lives to not only the joys of joy’s sake, but to the brightness of humanity. It is a powerful means to the progress of mankind. This coming together from a level of truth and candor – the willingness to live in the spirit of allowing provides the sanctuary to a beautiful and creative coexistence. Every moment and the whole of existence is new. If we learn to surrender to non-resistance, we will begin to experience our lives in ways that we would never understand from the ego’s grasping demand on life. Every moment will provide the potential for experiencing the wonder of wisdom and the joy of living. We will experience an onrush of synchronicities and unexplained joy and peace that seemed to develop from nowhere. When we fully embrace and hold on to the Law of Non-Resistance, we take a major leap on our journey through life. Ultimately, living our lives by this fundamental piece of Universal science will lead us to the presentation of less of honest and sorrow and so much greater of lasting joy and wonder. And in turn, every single person that we come into contact with will be helping to build a universal oneness. By facilitating a more harmonious life for ourselves, we provide the opportunity for those around us to do the same.

12.1. Embracing the law of non-resistance

The law of non-resistance is one of the fundamental universal laws explored in the book. It is all about letting go of our resistance to life and allowing it to flow naturally and effortlessly. By resisting or fighting against a negative circumstance, we give it more power – it grows stronger and maintains its hold on us. Instead, by choosing to accept and embrace the situation, we effectively remove its power over us. This does not mean we should be passive and become doormats for others to walk over. Rather, it means to accept the present moment as it is and work with it, not against it. Non-resistance is an essential concept in spiritual teachings that focuses on achieving inner peace and wisdom. This is because the only way to control our destiny is to connect with our higher self, the part of us that is linked to the universe. When we start allowing life to unfold naturally, we start to receive assistance and blessings from the universe. These could be in the form of new opportunities, reduction in obstacles or support from other people. Non-resistance is not about staying in an unfulfilling situation, but rather about making peace with it while focusing on a better path. This principle is aligned with the Eastern philosophy of Tao – the art of doing by not doing. It emphasizes on letting nature take its course and that excessive effort will generate negative results. By embracing the law of non-resistance, our minds and hearts become more open. We let go of ‘control’ and become more receptive to people and opportunities around us. This shift in energy allows positive experiences and success to flow effortlessly in our lives and guide us to the right path of personal growth.

12.2. Letting go of resistance and surrendering

This is because dwelling in positive energy will bring more positive experiences into our lives. The universe mirrors our energy and responds to it. By surrendering and maintaining a positive mindset, we open doors for all the things we desire to be effortlessly manifested in our lives. However, it must be mentioned that surrendering does not mean giving up. It is common for us to interpret surrendering as a negative action that brings about negative outcomes. On the contrary, letting go of resistance and allowing the divine to work its magic will bring amazing changes to our lives. In fact, by letting go, it shows that we have trust in the divine and we give thanks for what is about to manifest into our lives – irrespective of whether our requests have been answered or otherwise. The practice of surrendering can be applied in all aspects of our lives. Whether it is about health, relationships, finance, or happiness, surrendering is the key to living a life without stress, worries, and anxiety. By allowing the flow of life to manifest in our lives through surrendering, we are actually in a position of greater power. We are in the knowing that we are always surrounded by unseen help – the divine is, and always has been, at work. Through surrendering, we allow healing of our physical, emotional, and spiritual body to take place. This is because when we surrender and let the universe take the reins, we release accumulated tension, stress, and even resistance in our lives. Such resistance is a barrier that curbs the flow of positive energy from the universe, which is essential for the body to heal. As such, the practice of surrendering benefits our health in a great deal. It helps remove the negative energies that are residing within our bodies, hence bringing wellness to our body and mind. Last but not least, let’s remember that surrendering is a power that we possess and it is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it is a step closer to mastering the law of non-resistance and living a life that is filled with peace, serenity, and fulfillment. Certainly, the divine has great plans for us and all we need to do is to trust in the process, to trust in the divine, and surrender to its greatness.

12.3. Flowing with the natural order of the universe

In order to start flowing with the natural order of the universe, it’s important to take a step back and let go of control and resistance. This means allowing events and experiences to unfold in their own time, without feeling the need to force an outcome or become frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Resistance can manifest not only in the form of pushing against a situation, but also when we hold onto negative feelings and emotions in reaction to something we’re experiencing. When we resist, we block the energy flow and create tension within ourselves, making it harder for the universe to manifest our desires and maintain balance in our lives. In contrast, when we effectively practice non-resistance and choose to release the need to control and allow the universe to transform energy, we begin to find harmony and alignment with the natural order of the universe. Small steps to start practicing non-resistance can include being aware of our feelings and reactions to different experiences, pausing and taking a few deep breaths when we start to feel tense or stressed, and gently reminding ourselves to let go and trust that everything will work out for the best. As we cultivate an increasing ability to flow with the natural order and take life as it comes, we will notice that everyday occurrences will simply fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle. Doors will open, people will come into our lives, and things will happen at the right time and place. Life won’t become static and unpredictable – in fact, it becomes more alive and exciting as the universe aligns in perfect timing for the greatest good. With the law of non-resistance, we begin to live in the present moment and let go of the anxiety and worry about the future or the past. We begin to trust the flow of life, knowing that it is dynamically creating our reality, and allow our intuition to guide us with confidence. As we allow the universe to work its wonders and remain open to inspiration and possibility, we find that life starts to unfold with an amazing ease and beauty that we never knew existed.


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Musa Hossain, A Modern Astrologer, Palmist, Occultist Scientist and Gemologist

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