What Are the 12 Universal Laws and How Do They Shape Your Reality?

1. Introduction
Comprehension of these laws offers an understanding of why things are the way they are, why the world is the way it is, and understanding in turn that a world in which we can have what we want and be free is not only possible, it is our birthright. Understanding these laws offers an explanation as to why adverse events may occur and given the knowledge of the laws, extrication from adversity is a possibility. It was knowledge of these laws that enabled myself and the authors of You Can Heal Your Life to overcome cancer. It is knowledge of these laws that offers an understanding that there are no justified resentments, no matter what has happened, and it is these laws that offer the promise that the world which we wish for is attainable.
This book is based upon the resources of Abraham—and it is about the laws that govern the universe. It is a simple introduction to these laws and to the promises that they hold. Although this book contains the word “spiritual,” do not be put off. The laws which are the source of physical science and of the laws of nature—the law of gravity is one—also underpin the universe and apply to all things—living and inanimate. Like the law of gravity, the law of attraction is a fundamental one and describes the way things work—and this book is about that.
2. Understanding the 12 Universal Laws
According to the Law of Attraction, as implemented by Soota: “Like Attracts Like”. It means that what we have inside our brain, thoughts, and feelings will affect our surroundings. When we think positively, we will impress all the people surrounding us to be positive, and we will be attracted to all positive things. On the other hand, when we have negative thoughts, we will impress all the people around us to be negative, and we will also be attracted to all negative things. These facts happen because of the Universal Energy flow. Positive thinking is a kind of positive energy; it has frequency and vibration.
In the spiritual world, positive energy has a high frequency and vibration compared to negative energy, which has a lower frequency and vibration. That’s why positive thinking always attracts something positive and good for our life. But different things will happen when we have negative thoughts. These negative thoughts are negative energy; they have a lower frequency and vibration, so they can still attract negative things and make a negative impact on our life. It is too hard to expect a positive thing with a negative thought, right? The impact is that we feel our life is full of disaster and unluckiness, and it attracts more negative things for us. So the conclusion is that by controlling our thoughts and always thinking positively, we will attract a lot of positive things and improve the quality of life.
2.1 The Law of Attraction
Understanding by Ashok Soota: Unlocking Success – What Are the 12 Universal Laws and How Do They Shape Your Reality, outlines the 12 Universal Laws which are relevant to what every human being wants: success. The book presents the build-up from the first law (The Law of Attraction) to the end of the 12th law, which is The Law of Gender. This implementation makes good sense to the reader and is easy to apply. This chapter will explain each Universal Law so that the reader gains a good understanding. From this comprehension, the reader may be able to apply the Law in their real life step by step. In the end, they will realize they have unlocked success in their own way.
Often, others will ask questions such as how does that person always seem to get what they want, or can be often seen stumbling upon good fortune at a higher rate than others. This is the Law of Attraction at work. The same applies to someone who is not practicing awareness in their thoughts and feelings. This can lead to a series of bad events or situations creating worlds of negativity. Due to lower energy, often these are more comfortable in terms of familiarity and require serious effort for change, which is also possible with the Law of Attraction.
Understanding the Law of Attraction is critical. Whether consciously or unconsciously, through your thoughts and feelings, you receive what it is that you’re thinking. Often, people are not aware that they are working with the Law of Attraction. It is also easy to slip when you are set on making positive changes in your life. If you wish to grow in a positive direction in life, it is vital that one focuses on applying positive thoughts, feelings, and attitudes into their life. By doing this, one is working with the higher energies and attracting good things into their life. This is evident and measurable in the results that one will experience.
The Law of Attraction is a pivotal point as it is the law which begins the manifestation of both the good and bad in your life, creating not just an event, but a full development of your own worlds, whether it be good or bad.
The Law of Attraction is the universal law which states that what you think and feel, you bring into your reality. This universal law is the basis of the other 11 Universal Laws, as well as being the principle by which you are the creator of your experiences. According to the Law of Attraction, like energy attracts like energy. If you focus on the negative, you will remain in the lower energy vibration. However, if you focus on the positive, you will elevate your energy and attract positivity and good into your life.
2.2. The Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect is also referred to as the law of karma. This law says that everything happens for a reason. Every action has a reaction and any action taken towards something will cause an effect to happen. Whether we can see the effect or not, it will happen. This law also states that repeating an action over time will create a habit. This can be good or bad, yet a bad habit will cause disruptive and possibly harmful effects to oneself or to others. This can create a cycle of negative karma if the effect is not rectified. Negative cause and effect is the result of acting in discord with the 12 spiritual laws. In some cases, the effect on the physical plane is not equivalent to what was caused.
This is known as a debt. All debt, whether it be from this life or a previous life, must be paid. The only true way for repayment is to right the wrong. Many people will try and repay the debt through suffering, yet this does not clear the debt. Cause and effect on any level is a continuous chain of events in an infinite cycle until resolved. Knowing this law helps one accept responsibility for their actions and the effects they create. This will build a strong character and an awareness to act on higher levels of frequency.
2.3. The Law of Vibration
The controversial part of this is that every thought we have, whether it is positive or negative, will attract a similar type of thought with an equal vibration rate. In other words, for every positive thought, there is a negative thought that balances it and vice versa. For some individuals, the idea that they are attracting negative thoughts can be quite disconcerting. But this may help to explain why sometimes, despite a person’s best efforts, things do not go as planned. This may also be able to shed light on certain maladies or mood swings. It has been said that depression is an addiction to negative thoughts. According to this law, it is possible to see how this can occur.
The topic of the Law of Vibration is an interesting one. Basically, this law states that everything in the universe moves and vibrates, nothing is at rest. This includes human beings. We are constantly moving, both physiologically and psychologically. A part of the psychological movement involves our thoughts. It is known that a thought has a vibration rate. It is this rate that determines the nature of the thought.
2.4. The Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity is not possible to escape; we can see the evidence all around. Whether or not you think a good/bad economic system, the poles are always in place. It can always get worse or better. Whether or not you are talking about hot/cold, the climate of the world, love/hate, it doesn’t matter; the poles are dual in nature. This doesn’t mean that one pole can turn into the other. It will remain what it is. The goal is realizing that if you want to change a situation, you must be aware of the opposite pole, yet focus on where you want to be. This can become difficult, as when things are very bad, the last thing we want to think about is the good that can come. But being aware of where we want to be while understanding the opposite pole is the key.
This law gives us insight into the fact that there are two sides to everything. There is a reason that behind every challenge we face, it makes us stronger or wiser in some way. The admirable thing about the Law of Polarity is the fact that knowing one, we can always find the other. This can be a beacon of hope for people when things are down. Knowing that things cannot be all bad and there is a way out, it provides light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how hard things are, how sick someone is, how desperate the situation; there is a polar opposite and with focused effort, we can transcend to that opposite. This has been a driving force for many people in need of change. Whether great individuals or just a person down on their luck, the knowledge and application of this law has brought many from desperation to inspiration.
2.5. The Law of Rhythm
Understanding this law and the Law of Polarity assists in knowing that when something is not going well in one’s life or they are feeling particularly negative about a situation, that by the Law of Rhythm, things will swing back the other way. This is known as compensation, which is the universal law operating behind the Law of Rhythm. This law of compensation is also closely connected to the Eastern law of karma in the sense that ‘what you reap is what you sow.’ A deeper understanding of the Law of Rhythm helps greatly in moving through tough times in life as one realizes that it is just a matter of time before things start to swing the other way. By consciously knowing this, a person can assist the rhythm in swinging to a positive state, creating a desired reality.
The Law of Rhythm relates to the ebb and flow of all things in life. It explains that there is a time for action and a time of repose, a time for work and a time for play. It is this law that enables everything to have a cycle. For every front, there is a back. For every negative, there is a positive. For every up, there is a down. This law is closely connected to the Law of Polarity through the understanding of the cycles of the poles but more general in the sense that it can be applied to everything.
3. Applying the 12 Universal Laws in Your Life
This step begins with setting clear intentions. In order for the law of attraction to work in the favor of an individual, they must be clear and focused about what they want. A person who is wishy-washy about their desires will send out conflicting messages to the universe and will, in turn, receive mixed results. This conflicting energy is due to a lack of focus and precision in thought. When one focuses and gives attention to the desired object, the energy being sent out is much stronger and is more likely to manifest. This idea can be enforced by using the law of intention, which clearly defines the destination of an action and the energy surrounding it. Forming intention is a beginning in the process of creation, and following with planning and action makes manifestation a reality. Setting clear intentions therefore aligns the individual with the first law, which states that the universe is governed by the law of mentalism. Essence of our being, the 12th law, that elucidates it. No longer is a material reality distorted by the shadow of fear.
In order to apply the universal laws in their lives, individuals need to be aware of each law and how they affect their lives. Awareness is the first step to understanding, and applying the knowledge of the universal laws allows the individual to accept personal responsibility for their own life. The more one understands the application of the universal laws, the more one will understand the cause and effect of each and every event occurring in their life. This will lead to an improvement of personal development and positive growth.
3.1. Setting Clear Intentions
When you desire something, say being healthy. You might be thinking to yourself, “I want to be fit and healthy.” Compare this thought to saying, “I’m sick and tired of being unhealthy.” The latter thought has a feeling of being fed up with illness and too much importance to your current state of health—this would cause you to take action that may be too extreme and you will often feel tired because you are not convinced that it is possible for you to be healthy. You must be convinced that your thinking now will lead to an improved future.
The universe has three times for giving you what you want—past, present, and future. Most people are trapped in the past and create their future by repeating the past. They expect the result to come now, when they only have limited belief—one that comes from looking at the past—that they can actually receive it in the present. As a result, their actions will be poor or far and few between, often because they believe that it will take them where they want to go, but usually does not work because they have already decided that it will not work based on the past.
Setting your intentions is the first step towards applying the twelve universal laws in your life. It is important to know what you want and to be clear about your goals. When you have a clear intention, you can use the law of thinking and the law of cause and effect to consciously create what it is you desire.
3.2. Practicing Gratitude
An attitude of gratitude also means maintaining hopeful and positive thoughts that you will receive what you are asking for, while remaining unattached to when and how it comes to you. This is because being in a grateful state of mind means you are not fixated on what you don’t have and are not anxious or worried about getting the things you desire. In contrast, the absence of gratitude typically involves feelings of resentment for what you don’t have and worrying about how to obtain the things you want.
After the initial inventory, you should then strive to recognize and give thanks for all the small positive things that are happening in your life and truly appreciate them in the moment. This could be anything as simple as a pleasant experience during your day, a new lesson learned, or an unreasonable act of kindness. With your ongoing inventory in mind, take a moment each day to give thanks for these things and silently reflect on the feelings of appreciation.
The first step to practicing gratitude is to take inventory of all the things you are already grateful for. Take a look around in your life and give thanks for all the things you currently have; whether it be a positive relationship, the community you live in, the fact that you are alive, or the material possessions you have acquired. Writing these things down in a gratitude journal is a very effective way to make them seem more real in your mind and feel the appreciation associated with each of them.
Practicing gratitude allows you to be grateful and appreciative for what you already have, rather than focusing on what you want. Gratitude is a very powerful energetic practice because the feeling of genuine appreciation naturally radiates a positive emotional signal. This signal, further aligned with the law of attraction, is like a powerful magnet drawing more positive things to be grateful for towards you. As a result, the practice of gratitude will create more abundance in your life.
3.3. Aligning Your Thoughts and Actions
Thought and action are interlinked with the second law of correspondence. Although one may act out a different mood or attitude to the thought, it is hard to hide one’s true feelings and beliefs. This law can be used as a gauge to measure the effectiveness of one’s thoughts on what he is attempting to manifest. If the thought is unclear, the action will be confused. If the thought and action are both strong and agreeable, the fulfilling result is strengthened. This also applies to the concept of sacrificing short-term results for long-term gain. If the thought and action of short-term gain at the expense of the ideal is conceived, the result will be an inverse of what is desired.
When you take up any activity, the very first thing that you do is make a decision to carry it out. This decision is based on your thoughts. It might take microseconds or even longer, but a thought always precedes an action. Making use of the law of cause and effect, it is intelligent to trace back from time to time to see what actions you are choosing and then what thoughts those actions are based on. Once you have traced back and discovered any action which was not in harmony with your ideal thought about it, you have discovered the cause of uncomfortable results, be they material or psychological. By changing the action to one more in tune with your desired thought, you will receive a more positive result.
3.4. Embracing Change and Growth
Trust that all change is for the best, even if at the time it does not seem like it. This trust will lead to peace of mind and the ability to roll with the punches when things do not go as planned.
Another coping mechanism for change is to learn to let go and trust the flow of life. The flow of the universe is a steady constant force. Learning to trust in it will allow you to experience change without unnecessary fear and anxiety. High levels of fear are a result of too much attachment to things and a lack of trust in yourself and the universe.
Every one of us has an attachment to fear, but it does not have to rule your life. Visualization is a powerful tool. Sit and reflect on all the benefits that identifying and releasing your fear would have in your life. Visualizing the effects of change will condition you to start bringing change around.
Change is an inevitable part of life – you may as well embrace it! Change can encompass many levels of life, from the tiniest things to a new way of thinking, to major changes in life circumstances. The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that all things are constantly changing. To apply this law to your life, you must learn to be a catalyst of change rather than a victim. This is achieved by overcoming your fears.
3.5. Cultivating Positive Relationships
Positive relationships are enjoyed with those who have a similar energy vibration to yourself, which is why like attracts like. The right people at the right time will be attracted to you, and building new relationships will become natural and easy. A healthy relationship is one where energy is balanced and an equal exchange is made. Unhealthy relationships are often addictive and based on a traumatic emotional bond, which is the unhealthy giving and receiving of energy, creating energy vampires. All relationships reflect your own self-relationship. By healing oneself and developing a positive relationship with oneself, it will be natural to draw the right people and nurture the right relationships into your life.
Positive relationships are built on love, trust, and respect because they bring forth oneness and support. It can be challenging to maintain positive relationships when we have deep-rooted perceptions of others or when there is an imbalance between ego and self. Often, people have an unconscious belief that they do not deserve good things, so they sabotage their chances of healthy, loving relationships. When love is conditional, relationships will be based on fear, as it tests who is deserving of love and who is not. Fear brings forth separation and negative energy towards others, which serves only to further nurture a fear-based reality. This kind of energy can be felt by others and projected back to you.
4. The Power of Universal Laws in Shaping Your Reality
The image of the sandwich and the feeling of hunger did not just pop up by chance. There are specific universal laws of cause and effect in place here which can be seen working throughout the entire known universe. One of these laws is the Law of Vibration. This Law states that “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This law is seen to correlate to modern science and is a law that is immutable and cannot be argued with. This means that nothing in this world sits still, and even the densest and lowest vibrating of things, physical matter, is in a state of constant motion. But what exactly is vibration? Vibration is energy.
All energy is in the form of wave-pulses, and the differences between one thing and another is the rate of vibration or frequency at which it is vibrating. High vibrations are fast moving and have short wavelength, and low vibrations are slow moving and have long wavelength. Earnest Holmes compared this to a radio, with the tuner being your mind and the different stations being the different vibrations. Your mind is constantly tuning into different energies and receiving the effects of the vibrations, and it is also sending out your own vibes depending on what you focus on and how you feel. This can be observed with the common phrase ‘what goes around comes around’ and has good implications for the creative individual when we begin to fully understand it.
When you are hungry and you see an image of a large, delicious sandwich, this will not satisfy your hunger. When you see, in your mind’s eye, the sandwich and you also tell yourself you can have a sandwich, you feel your hunger will be satisfied, and a sandwich will come to you. And when your hunger is satisfied, it no longer matters whether you actually eat a sandwich. At this point, you have satisfied your hunger with the idea of the sandwich, and the idea came to you because of a universal law that was activated by your hunger.
The first thing to learn is that the images in your mind and the feelings in your mind are the cause of all effects in your life. What you see and feel will become biochemically produced within your brain, and sends out electromagnetic wave signals that interact with the outer world. The end result will be the manifestation of the image and feeling which is always an effect, with the cause being the original image you saw and the feeling you felt.
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