Harness the Power of the 12 Universal Laws to Manifest Your Dreams

By Published On: April 29, 2024Categories: Universal LawsLast Updated: April 29, 2024
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1. Introduction

As you work with the laws, you will be able to see your inner and outer life more clearly and can make the changes necessary to bring about a life that resonates with who you really are. Remember that an honest effort and sincerity will go a long way. These laws may be utilized all at once, but it’s more likely that your success will come in stages as the understanding of the law increases.

These universal laws are based on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, and that energy is in motion. Understanding the way that these laws work will enable you to align yourself harmoniously with their movement, as to propel you in the direction of your desires. Given the knowledge that we all have the power within ourselves to ascend towards higher levels of consciousness, we can use these laws to build a more constructive and positive reality for ourselves.

The introduction is a preamble to the 12 universal laws. The original and most powerful of these universal laws were created at the time of King Solomon. Then it is said that these laws were fragmented, only to be understood by a few people over time. Given the terminology and descriptions in modern-day language, Solomon’s writings on the tablets can be loosely interpreted into what we now understand as “The 12 Universal Laws.”

2. Understanding the 12 Universal Laws

The laws make up the fundamental principles that operate in our universe. This book is all about applying the universal laws to create and manifest the things, circumstances, and experiences that you desire in your life. As you read through the upcoming chapters, you will see that through a gradual process of changing your thoughts and beliefs, you too can change your habitual patterns of behavior that are not productive to the life you desire. The universal laws are all interrelated and are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including us, and that energy moves in a circular pattern. At the microscopic level, we are a whirling mass of electrons and energy atoms spinning rapidly. Energy is never still. It is always moving, vibrating, and the universal laws explain how to master the energy and use it to change your vibrations.

2.1. The Law of Attraction

Our thoughts are always radiating an energy that is sent out into the world. The stronger the emotion the thought is charged with, the stronger the magnetic pull. Any thought you put emotion behind, whether it be love, fear, anger, joy, etc., is charged with energy and sent out into the world. That energy will then attract more energy of a similar vibration, and that is how events, circumstances, and people are drawn into your life, whether they be positive or negative. This helps to explain why sometimes you can think of something and then, lo and behold, it appears in your life. This is all due to the attract and effect of energy.

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives that upon which we focus. In other words, if we focus on what is negative, our lives will be filled with negativity. If we focus on what is positive, then our lives will be filled with positive things. By this, I have stated that the energy of our thoughts is like a magnet. This is an apt description as the energy (vibrational frequency) of our thoughts and feelings act as a magnet, drawing whatever is in alignment with it back to us.

2.2. The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in constant motion and constantly vibrating. This includes human beings, and it is said that lower vibrations denote a negative state of being, and higher vibrations as positive. The core understanding of this law is that nothing is at rest, and everything exists within a frequency band. Changing your state of being refers to altering one’s rate of vibration, and it is implied that through the understanding of this law, one may learn to raise their vibration to connect with a higher frequency of existence to attain positive desires and ward off negative influences.

Meditating on the understanding of this law is said to bring greater understanding of all the universal laws, and it is implied that the key to mastery over the universal laws is strongly connected to the ability to manipulate and alter one’s state of being through the changing of vibrations. A full comprehension of this law can greatly impact one’s ability to attain the things desired in life, as well as promoting overall happiness and feeling of well-being in life.

2.3. The Law of Cause and Effect

The aim of the Law of Cause and Effect is to enable us to take control of situations and circumstances in our lives. With an awareness of the effects of previous thoughts and actions, we can make an informed decision on what we can do to create a desirable effect. This can also mean that instead of having to be subjected to the effects of past negative actions or decisions, we can stop the cycle of their negative effects and reverse them to produce a more positive outcome. This can also be described as living consciously, in that we are aware of the present and concentrating on the future, instead of being subject to the past. This in turn reduces the effects of karma and increases the good that we can receive in our lives.

The Law of Cause and Effect is the universal law that says it describes that for every cause there is an effect, and for every effect, there is a cause. It also states that nothing happens by chance. Every situation, thought or action is the result of a cause, with the effects being the outcome. This suggests that there are no such things as coincidences or accidents, as this simply means a particular cause or action was not recognized or wasn’t thought out very thoroughly, leading to an unexpected or unfortunate effect.

2.4. The Law of Correspondence

Correspondence – (As above so below) This universal law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. The universe and world are guided by electromagnetic wave energies and patterns; it is the subtle pattern of movement and change which creates the diverse phenomena in the physical world. Our world is a mere reflection of a higher level of vibrational and energetic patterns.

This law is key in understanding that the laws of the universe operate on a level much higher than the human mind can grasp, and that as we operate in the physical world, our goal is to align ourselves with higher vibrational states of being. Higher understanding and mastery of this law allows one to produce the effects in the higher planes (mental, spiritual) and not just the lower planes of matter. An example of correspondence in nature is to be seen when you plant a pot of flowers but no flowers grow. There is no need to change the physical flowers, but to study the invisible energies affecting the growth of the flowers, and it will become apparent why the flowers are not growing.

2.5. The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity communicates that everything with an opposite has an identical but opposite pole. It explains that two things that may appear to be opposites are in fact the same thing, in varying degrees. It is essentially teaching us that things that appear to be opposites are in fact part of the same whole. Take for example hot and cold. You may have thought in the past there were two separate thermometers, one for hot, once for cold. But there is just the one thermometer, measuring different degrees of the same thing.

The same applies for love/hate, black/white, fear/faith, etc. These things may appear to be different, yet they are the same thing, differing in degrees. By understanding The Law of Polarity, you realize that you can transmute any negative emotion to a positive one, with the use of free will. Emotions such as fear and depression do not have polar opposites in the emotional scale, but the opposite of these would be courage and acceptance. Knowing this gives you the power to change how you feel about something, simply by changing your focus onto what you would rather be feeling. This can be a powerful psychological tool for dealing with emotional issues.

3. Applying the 12 Universal Laws to Manifest Your Dreams

The basic concept of the law of success is that a person will be successful if he or she lives the life that he or she wants. Success and happiness are two important things that are expected by everybody. Unfortunately, not everyone can get what they want. This is caused by not having direction to make their lives better and not knowing where to start. This law is closely related to the spirit of fighting in the lives of humans. The fighters will have a definite goal in their lives and with strong determination, they are going to get the success that they want.

Universal law is an ancient Torah. It is a guideline that every human being, regardless of his or her religion, race, or gender, can follow in the path to create joy, harmony, and abundance in life. The concept comes from a belief that there is an energy that supports everything. This energy flows through humans. As it flows, it tends to create unity between humans and make them feel closer to the happiness that every human being is searching for. Every law has its own important part in the life of humans. By learning and understanding these laws, we will be able to find where we stand in this world. Thus, we will know how to make our lives better and more satisfying. Now let’s take a look at one of the universal laws, the “law of success”.

3.1. Setting Clear Intentions

There are several important steps to take in order to manifest our dreams by utilizing the universal laws. Setting clear intentions is necessary before proceeding to align our energy towards our dreams. The power of intention is strong and when we are conscious of our intentions, it aids in manifesting our desires. It is important to write down our intentions, being specific about what it is that we want to accomplish. For example, the first step towards manifesting a healthy body could be an intention to lose weight.

The next part is to allow for a time frame in which we would like our intention to materialize. Giving it a realistic time frame helps in preventing feelings of failure and impatience if the intention is not reached. It is important to realize that through setting intentions, we are in fact setting boundaries, which means there is a chance we may receive something slightly different from what we intended. This may be better for us in the long run, but in order to ensure we realize this, we must clarify that we are setting our intentions for the highest good, being specific about what we want and what we believe will bring us lasting happiness.

3.2. Aligning Your Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that “nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This law tells us that the whole universe is but a vibration. The chair we are sitting on, the TV, the trees, the air, our minds, everything is vibrating and has its own speed of vibration. We attract what we are in vibrational harmony with. We attract events, situations, and people to our lives in accordance with our vibration. If we are not in harmony with our desire, we will not attract it. If we want something that is of a high vibration, we ourselves must be of a similar vibration. For example, it would be futile to try and attract love when feeling resentful. Love is of a high energy. A transmutation of our vibrations is needed to attract a different circumstance.

By clearly understanding the laws and applying them with spiritual understanding and intent, we can bring about the desired effects. The laws are unchangeable and the results are sure. What we put out is what shall return to us. If we choose an action, we choose a consequence. If we act with pure intent, then it is pure intent that will return to us. We are the co-creators of our reality and through the understanding of the Law of Vibration, we can change our circumstances. This is an immutable law and is at the heart of using the laws to manifest our desires.

3.3. Taking Inspired Action

Once you have a clear understanding of what you want to create in your life, and you have focused your energy upon that specific desire, taking inspired action becomes the next step. Action is the step that brings your thought into the physical world. The mistake that many people make, however, is in taking action too soon. If you are not in positive energy alignment and attempt to take action, you will not be inspired to the right action and it will not flow in a manner that carries great power. When you are in a positive energy state, the action you are inspired to take will feel effortless, and the results will be outstanding.

Inspired action is an essential step in the manifestation process, although, in being inspired, it is important not to feel attached to the results of that action. This may sound contradictory, after all, it’s only natural to desire a positive outcome of any action we take. But being over attached to outcomes can sabotage the energy flow and actually repel the very result we desire. Too much focus on the result often brings out fear that things will not go as planned. This activates a negative use of the Law of Attraction, and often results in the feared outcome. Taking inspired action must be practiced in a state of allowing, with no attachment to the specific results.

3.4. Practicing Gratitude and Visualization

Practicing gratitude and visualization: A lot of the time in today’s world, people take things for granted. This applies to things that are received as well as things that are wanted. By consciously practicing gratitude each day for the things that you do have, even if you initially wanted something else, helps enable the flow of your desires to come to you. The more gratitude that can be felt while thinking about or looking at the object of your desire, the more that the universe and its infinite abundance can deliver to you. The right way or correct way to practice gratitude is a very personal thing. Some people like to meditate on the thoughts of what they are grateful for.

This could be starting with the basics of being alive and having food and shelter. Other people might be more grateful for having time in their day to themselves. The possibilities are endless. Ideally, feeling is the most important thing. Sometimes saying the words or thinking of the thoughts is not enough. On the extreme opposite of gratitude, people are very good at feeling regret or guilt about things that may have happened in the past. These feelings are known to be the lowest forms of vibration and will be a no-go for any of the more positively inclined universal laws. Although it can be difficult to eradicate regret and guilt, practicing gratitude can be an easy and very powerful way to overcome and replace these feelings.


4. Overcoming Challenges and Staying Aligned

An informative tone in your response. Identifying Limiting Beliefs The first challenge is identifying your limiting beliefs, which often you are not aware of having. To identify limiting beliefs, look at any repeated patterns of negative experience in your life. You need to ask yourself if you have any negative beliefs around this area of your life, what thoughts do you repetitively think, how do you feel and how are you behaving. Common sense answers to these questions will reveal limiting beliefs, although often the negative thoughts are so automatic that they are hard to ‘hear’, or you may have buried them completely in your subconscious.

Meditation and focusing techniques can be used to uncover underlying beliefs and fears. If you still have not identified the underlying belief, then clearly the behavior that stems from this belief will be obvious! Once aware of the belief, ask whether it is really true. Has it been true in the past at all times? Often the answer will be no. You should then examine the impact that this belief is having in creating your life, and decide whether you would prefer to create a different reality. Releasing Resistance and Letting Go In order to overcome these challenges, you need to understand exactly how and why the law is not working for you, and you will need to break each challenge down with reference to the law in question.

This will allow you to identify the specific blocks, barriers and conflicting beliefs and intentions that are preventing the law from working as intended. With a clear understanding of the exact nature of the problem, you can devise specific strategies to overcome the challenges, and following this there are a number of useful general techniques to release resistance and move into more positive intentions and expectations. These techniques will be effective in particular for addressing the exercises in individual laws, since the challenges in manifesting are usually due to lack of faith and intention, and are similar to the challenges in creating outer change.

4.1. Identifying Limiting Beliefs

This method is aimed at identifying the beliefs instead of delving deep into the whys and hows, which often makes it easy to argue that the belief is valid and ensure that the belief is stated at its most general and not with attached reasons. This can be done alone or with a partner on a belief-centric issue. It is often very useful to do throughout general situations as they occur in your life.

An isolated event that someone’s beliefs are based on is stored in the memory as a reference memory. A faulty one of these will affect a person’s worldview. A faulty reference memory is when we take an important message or generalization from an event that is actually factually incorrect. For example, if a child was told off in a classroom for a genuine mistake and was told to sit down, but he/she translated this as that they were bad and that when you are bad people don’t want to mentalize that he should be a good person to get what he wants. This would create the belief “I need to be good to get what I want”.

A good parameter for whether something is a belief or not is if it is generalized. A belief will be an over-generalization about something. For example, a person that believes that “everyone gets what they want through manipulation” has formed a belief that over-generalizes one possible way of achieving success. This belief will have originally been formed through evidence from an isolated experience and/or through someone else’s beliefs.

It is often hard to tell what is a belief and what isn’t. Your beliefs have dictated how you “view” the world around you so much that it just seems “normal”. For example, someone that has a belief that “people are not to be trusted” will garner much evidence throughout their life to support this belief and potentially create a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it originally started as a belief.

Several techniques exist to help you identify your unnecessarily negative beliefs. The Emotional Guidance Technique is an easy way of recognizing the issues that are affecting your behavior. Here we will focus on a simple method called “beliefs brainstorming”.

4.2. Releasing Resistance and Letting Go

From the point of view of the law of attraction, whenever you are faced with a persistent problem or challenge, you can be certain that you are still harboring a contradictory or limiting belief. Breaking down the words ‘resistance’ and ‘letting go’ will help illustrate the importance of shifting our consciousness to better align ourselves with our desires. Resistance is the action of fighting against something that is already happening, to try to stop it or change it.

The emphasis here is on the fact that it is already happening and fighting against it merely strengthens and perpetuates it in your experience. The law of attraction will give you more of whatever you are giving your attention, energy, and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted, so fighting against anything will simply attract more of it. This is because the universe only hears the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and it doesn’t understand negation.

i.e. it doesn’t understand that when you are thinking about not wanting something, you are actually offering a vibrational match to that exact thing. This is why the more you fight against something, the more it persists, and the more it persists, the more you fight against it… and so on. Letting go is the opposite of resistance. It is the cessation of the effort to change or stop the unwanted thing. It is a state of allowing. It is allowing the unwanted thing to be as it is and focusing upon creating something different instead.

4.3. Cultivating Patience and Trust

By applying the law of attraction, you can cultivate patience and trust. Once you begin to understand the language of your higher self, you will understand that your higher self is always working to seek your ultimate good. Your higher self will create inspired action and will coordinate events and conditions to bring about your desired result. If the timing is not right, learn to be patient and avoid forcing or attempting to control the outcome. This will likely only lead to a less satisfactory result and further delay. Remember, there is no such thing as a loss or failure, only a delayed victory. Your faith in the process and your ability to let go will ensure the full manifestation of your desire.

Patience is one of the basic principles of the law of attraction. All the universe has its own time. You must deeply believe that everything happens in divine timing; events and conditions are always under the law of the universe.

Without being able to see the bigger picture and surrender to divine timing, it is easy to become disillusioned when the life you want does not materialize. Developing patience can be hard when you are very motivated to achieve a certain result. The ego is very time-oriented; it sets up a rhythm in life based on past pain or pleasure to try and ensure the fulfillment of the needs associated with the pain or pleasure. The ego knows nothing of divine timing; it moves too fast or too slow and generally lacks faith in the universe. 


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Musa Hossain, A Modern Astrologer, Palmist, Occultist Scientist and Gemologist

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